Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 989: Weapon Awakens

Rafi didn't have much to say, but Xinghai frowned even harder after hearing the news.

He didn't know who sent the news of becoming a god, and whether the news was true or not. He only knew one thing, that is, as long as such a thing was said, it would immediately attract everyone's attention.

Godhood has always been an unavoidable topic in this universe. All people want to become Gods, but not many people can really become Gods.

The gods may have a very powerful deterrent for ordinary people, but for people like them, although gods are something out of reach, they are not that out of reach.

The news about the killing of gods has never been broken in this universe, but most of the gods that were killed were of the weaker gods. If a stronger **** was killed, then in this one There will probably be other gods behind things.

It is precisely because of this reason that the gap between the gods and ordinary existence is not so large.

Perhaps a long time ago, ordinary beings still had a great fear of gods, but as the strength of these ordinary beings gradually improved, after they discovered that the gods were not incapable of dealing with them, their ambitions naturally rose.

At first the gods tried to suppress this kind of thing, but later this group of gods discovered that it was impossible to suppress this kind of thing. All they could do was to prevent these ordinary people from doing anything shocking. The matter of crying ghosts, to put it simply, is—the gods allow ordinary people to chase the gods, but in the process, they are absolutely not allowed to do anything that disturbs the laws of the universe.

After all, there was a man who tried to become a **** once again, not only did he not become a god, but he almost dragged them all into the water.

At that time, these gods finally saw what a universe after anger was like.

Because of that incident, most of the forces in the God Realm were all shuffled. Only some extremely special gods survived, and these surviving gods unanimously buried the matter in their hearts, only through certain literature words. Only a few words can get news about that incident.

If it's just such a thing, then Xinghai won't care about it. After all, such a thing has nothing to do with him, but it is different now. Now he has been completely involved in this matter. He knows exactly how crazy the people who crazily desire to become gods are.

But now that the news has all been spread out, and there is still such a stir, even if a **** pulls those people to say that this matter is false, it is estimated that they will not believe it.

If he could, Xinghai didn’t want to deal with those madmen at all, but now it seems that even if he doesn’t want to come into contact with those madmen, it’s impossible. After all, even the gods have come here. It’s impossible for those madmen not to come. Now I just hope that the arrival of these guys is just an accident and not the guy's plan.

Looking at all the well-preserved weapons in front of him, the person who had changed his face showed a satisfied smile.

There are a total of more than 3,000 weapons left by him. Among them, about 800 weapons have been completely destroyed or have lost their combat capabilities, so they have been abandoned by him.

Although there are only more than two thousand weapons left, they are enough.

You know, each of these weapons has the power of a false god. With so many false gods gathered together, even the gods will feel scared. Of course, the gods here only refer to the relatively weak gods. As long as the gods are close to the middle, they will not be too afraid of these mass-produced false gods.

Of course, not afraid to return, so many false gods, even middle-ranked gods, will have a headache for a long time, especially when these false gods are not afraid of death. He knew that there was a middle-ranked **** around that person, and it was impossible for him to recruit an existence that could deal with that middle-ranked god.

So at the very beginning, he set up a strategy, wanting to directly wipe the middle **** from the guy's side.

It's just that his unfavorable plan has failed. Obviously, this strategy that had been effective in all the weeks before has failed, and it has not only failed, but even had a counterproductive effect. This made him very puzzled.

But something like that had already happened, so he couldn't change it, and it was just a middle-ranked god, not too troublesome.

Maybe he is not an opponent in a head-on collision, but why does he have to head-on with that god? He only needs to contain the god, then he will have ample opportunity to kill that guy. After all, besides the god, there is no more noteworthy opponent beside that guy.

Thinking of this, he put all these weapons into a special space container, and then left directly here.

The moment he appeared in the palace, the person who changed the sky felt that he had several eyes fixed on him, and they were all unfamiliar eyes. There were also a few very dangerous eyes mixed in, so this made him suddenly vigilant. stand up.

He walked out of the palace slowly, then looked at the completely different existence surrounding his palace and said coldly.

"I don't know what it means for you all to gather here. I don't think I have any holidays with you?"

Having said this, he had some doubts in his heart. He clearly saw greed in the eyes of these people. It was his very familiar gaze, and he was certain that the gaze of those people appeared after seeing him. of.

But it is precisely because of this that he feels puzzled. These people are obviously uninvited, but why are there so many people here, and they all show such gazes? Could it be that these people know some of his treasures?

No, it’s not right. Even if the news about the treasures on him leaks out, it shouldn’t be this group of talents who came here first. The original owners of those treasures should be more concerned about this, but until now, He did not see the original owner of any treasure on his body.

In other words, the information about the treasures on his body has not been leaked out, but since this is the case, why do these people look at him so greedily, as if there are any treasures on his body.

At this moment, a person suddenly stood up, and when he saw this person, there was a commotion in the crowd, and his eyes gradually became dignified after seeing the person coming.

After a few steps, the man left his mouth.

"Boy, since you have a way to become a god, why don't you show it and let everyone help you study it together?"

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