Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 992: Explorers Association

Seeing these beings glaring at him one by one, the one who changed his mind suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said with a calm tone.

"I know you have some doubts about what happened just now, but you have to believe that I have absolutely no malice."

Although he said such words, the explanation seemed too pale, so these people didn't feel anything about his words. After all, for those who have been deceived once, they are making them believe in someone who has deceived themselves. People are a very difficult thing.

Seeing that these people didn't believe him at all, the one who changed heaven said again

"I know you are very skeptical of what happened just now, but I didn’t mean to tell you that this is the world of the Seagod alone, just because I didn’t have time to say it just now, and that person spoke directly in front of me. That’s why everyone has such a misunderstanding."

Having said that, he paused for a while before continuing.

"Actually, I have organized an army to attack this world for a long time, but now Poseidon hasn't had any reaction yet, can't this prove anything?"

The words of those who changed the sky made some people ponder. Indeed, just as the ones who changed the sky said, if this world truly belongs to the world of Poseidon, then so many of them gathered here, Poseidon should have already reacted. Since Poseidon still didn't respond, it proved that this world might be really not that important to Poseidon.

If this is the case, they might still have a chance.

Thinking of this, some people suddenly started to move around.

And seeing this, the people who changed the sky breathed a sigh of relief. This group of people is really cheating. With just a few words, this group of people began to shake. The next thing he needs to do is to focus on the shaken hearts of these people. Set a nail to firm up their ideas.

He was about to speak, but this time someone spoke in front of him.

"The Poseidon really has no reaction to this world, because the Poseidon is in this world, and this guy has deceived several Meteorites, making these Meteorites become the Seagod's nourishment."

This sentence is like dropping a blockbuster among this group of people, and not only that, but also several spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared in the void, but the fluctuations quickly disappeared, as if they had never existed.

If at first these people heard the words of the Seagod’s exclusive world, they just had a retreat, but now they immediately want to leave this place. After all, if what the person said just now is true, then this is the place. There is a battle between the gods.

They all want to be gods, so they also understand one thing very well, that is, they are not yet gods, so they don’t want to have anything to do with any gods. After all, such things are likely to represent A battle between two gods.

And this kind of battle is not something that mortals like them can participate in.

Although some people still have some doubts in their hearts, such things are very easy to prove, so most of that person did not lie, which means that this time the incident was mostly a war of gods.

At this moment, someone threw a blockbuster.

"The kingdom of Poseidon is approaching here, and it is estimated that it will be here soon."

If the words just now were a bomb, then it is now a nuclear bomb.

The kingdom of Poseidon is near here, what's the joke?

You must know that the kingdom of a **** is generally not easy to move, but now and the kingdom of this **** actually moved, and the purpose is still here, then it proves that something big is going to happen, which further confirms theirs. Guess, so now these people are starting to panic.

They are afraid, afraid that if they are not fast enough, they may be involved in a war between gods. At that time, it is not the time for them to withdraw if they want to withdraw.

Because of this kind of thing, some timid people left here and ran away, but the distortion on the face of the changer who saw this scene finally couldn't bear to hide it. And seeing the twisted look on his face, these people were more sure of their guesses, so more people ran away.

It's just that those people didn't run very far before being driven back. Just as the others were wondering, an army gradually emerged not far from them.

"As for the Explorers Association, please stay away from all irrelevant personnel."

While everyone was still in doubt, several pseudo-god-level existences appeared directly around the changer, and all routes were sealed.

Seeing the faces of those false gods, the others' hearts were shocked.

Although they are all pseudo-gods, they are pseudo-gods that they are very familiar with, or they are not familiar with them. After all, those are the top combat powers of the Explorers Association, except for the dragons that do not see the end and the end. He is the president of the God Explorers Association, and almost all other high-level combat powers are here.

And this kind of battle has not appeared several times in the history of the Explorers Association, and each time, all represents a earth-shattering event.

Now, they saw such a thing again, which was far beyond their imagination.

Many people’s brains went down in an instant, and they don’t know what’s happening now.

It's just that the people in the Explorers Association didn't care about these ordinary people. They just drove the ordinary people away. It didn't take long for the site to be cleared out.

Looking at the menacing false gods around, the face of the changer completely sank.

He looked around a few false gods around, then said coldly

"It seems that you really treat me as a piece of fat..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a false god.

"If you change the sky, you will catch it, you have made such a big mistake, you must accept the punishment!"

The eyes of the person who changed the sky turned to cast his gaze on the pseudo-god who shouted, and the moment the person who changed the sky saw the pseudo-god, he immediately felt a sense of terror, but this feeling only lasted for a moment and disappeared. , But the eyes of this pseudo-god looking at the changer are already different.

"Originally I was going to show those things in front of that guy, but now that you are so anxious to die, don't blame me for being cruel."

Hearing the words of the changers, these false gods still had some doubts, and in the next second, they immediately understood the meaning of the words of the changers.

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