Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 1035: Buried Badr

Looking at Freya who gritted her teeth, Ash opened her mouth gently, and she really couldn't understand the situation now. Why did Odin back again? You said Odin cut off your wings and hid, you It's justifiable to scold him, but now that the wings are back, why would he scold him? And it's still in an endless state ~

"What the **** happened? This is the wings you want, then why are you so angry? Can you explain to me what is going on now?"

Freya took a deep breath, looked at the rune representing the wings in her hand, held it firmly in her hand and said seriously, "This is the wings, it is my wings ... It is also the wings of Frey, the wings of my brother ! "

"What what? What does it mean? This is your wing, and also Frey's wing? Isn't it ... Do you two use a pair of wings?"

Freya shook her head gently, and said solemnly to the ashes, "It's Odin! It was he who did all this, it was he who merged my wings with Fred's wings, the pair of wings ... that is It ’s my wings, and Frey ’s wings too! You brought these wings back to me, which means Frey ... cut off his own wings! "

Hearing this, Ash quickly spread out and shook his hand and said, "No, no, I do n’t, you do n’t talk nonsense, I did n’t hurt anyone, I just told him about the situation here, and he took The wings gave me, I ... I do n’t know! I really do n’t know at all! "

"I know ..." Freya sighed softly, looked at the wings rune in her hand, and sighed deeply. "If it wasn't for Frey to give you this, you wouldn't get it. , This is Frey ’s own meaning ... Frey himself gave me these wings. "

Ember nodded softly, then looked at Freya and asked a little uncomfortably, "That is ... this is all Odin's strategy? He knows that you will want to find his wings someday, so ... Doing this kind of thing makes you make a dilemma, either give up your wings, or ... hurt your brother, that's what it means! "

Freya lowered her head in pain, took a deep breath and said, "Yes ... this is all made by Odin! He forced me ... to make this choice, even if he has made me lose all this, he still Will not let me go, let my brother go! "

The expression of ashes shook his head uncomfortably, Odin in this world ... how did it get so annoying! His wife wants him to die, and his son wants to usurp his position. Will anyone really like this guy all over the world?

This is completely different from the elders who have seen the father and son filial piety! Such a deity ... really interesting?

Sighed slightly, and Ash slowly lowered his head, watching Freyja smiled bitterly and said, "So what now? What if I want to go back and give the wings back to your brother? After all ..."

"No!" Freya shook her head and looked firmly at the ashes. "Since he has cut off his wings, he won't take it back, and I ... I won't let him down, I don't Will let down my loved ones again, let down my people! "

Saying this, Freya stood up suddenly, holding the rune in her hand, and the golden light was released! After the light dissipated, the rune in Freya's hand had disappeared, and a pair of golden wings appeared behind Freya!

"Wow ~" Ash as she clapped her hands while looking at the wings behind Freya with sigh ...

How to say, it is no wonder that Freya is called the real king of the Valkyrie ~ this pair of wings is very different from other Valkyries!

Powerful and domineering, extremely sacred! Seeing that there is the majesty of the gods ~ and the plain clothes on Freya's body have also become a golden armor!

The ashes looked up and down like Freya, and coughed softly and said, "Is it all right now? Can we go?"

Freya adjusted to her golden wings, moved her hands and feet, and then nodded gently and said, "Yes, it's okay, now ... follow me to Warnerheim again! I'm mentioning Your temple is waiting for you! "

After speaking, Freya turned around and picked up Bader's body, flapping the wings behind him and flew into the sky, disappearing into the ashes of the eyes.

Ash looked at Freya, who left directly, and sighed helplessly and whispered to "Wait for me at your speed ~ Pull it down!" After the speech, Ash also disappeared in a teleportation to the place. The temple of Tyre ...

Freya's speed was very fast, and it took a few minutes for Ash to reach the Temple of Tyre. Freya took Bader here. Seeing the ashes standing in front of the temple, Freya couldn't help but sigh. A breath said, "Yeah ... your speed is much faster than mine, let you wait for a long time, let's go!"

Ashes nodded gently, and opened the door of the temple while saying lightly, "Speaking ... Your brother is waiting for you, and I don't know if this will be there. Let's talk about it in the past!"

Freya said nothing, staring straight at the temple in front of her, and took a deep breath and said seriously, "I know ... I know, let's go!"

Looking at Freya, which continued a little, Ash shrugged gently, walked into the interior of the hungry shrine, started the Rainbow Bridge again, and took him and Freya to her hometown!

The shrine started to run, and the ashes could be felt. Although Freya was shocked, her soul was full of anxiety. The wanderer who has not returned home once again stepped into the homeland, which is really unsettling, especially Freya does not know if her people still welcome her ...

The teleportation was over, and Freya sighed and whispered to her standing next to him, "Okay, let's go, all come, you can't just wait here!"

Freya nodded her head gently and took a step towards the gate! Looking at Freya's back, Ember shook her head helplessly, took her steps and followed up ...

The gate of the Temple of Tyre was pulled open by the ashes, and Frei was standing quietly in front of the door, waiting for their arrival!

Looking at the ashes and Freya behind him, Frey could not help but chuckled slowly, and slowly walked down from the crotch of the boar, step by step toward Freya, smiling while walking "Welcome home, my sister, I miss you all the time. It's so gratifying to see how you are now ..."

Freya took a deep breath, handed Badr in her arms to Ash, and walked towards her brother step by step ...

The two hugged tightly together, Freya whispered in a trembling voice, "Brother, I'm back, I'm sorry if I knew this earlier, I won't let Ashes take back their wings, I hurt again My family members…"

Looking at the excited Freya, Frey patted her back gently and comforted softly, "It doesn't matter, my sister, all this should be, no matter what you want to do, just do it, just Just remember to come back ... Warnerheim will always be your home, and you are always welcome here! "

"Yes, brother, I will not forget, I will definitely come back, now ... let me bury my son, I still have a lot of things to do!"

After speaking, Freya released Frey and slowly turned her head to look at the ashes ...

Saw that the two had ended a brief greeting, and Ash looked at Badr, who was holding him in his hands, and he slightly tilted his head and asked, "Buried there? Do you have any place in the ancestral grave?"

Freya looked at Badr held by Ash and shook her head deeply and said, "No, Ash, just bury him here!"

Ashes looked at the surrounding environment, and asked with some doubt, "Is this here? This place does not look like a good place to bury bones ~"

Freya shook her head gently, looked at the ashes and said lightly, "My son ... Badell, he did a lot of wrong things, he also hurt the people here, just bury him here ... Now. "

Ember nodded gently, then put Badr at his feet, found a good place, and pulled out a broad sword with his backhand, thrust it on the ground, and pushed a deep hole into it. Come out ...

"Okay, since you said that is the case, hurry up and hurry up!"

Freya glanced at the ashes, then sighed and said, "You must have no children or heirs ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You don't understand how painful this is at all."

Ember nodded gently and said indifferently, "You are right, I have no children and no heirs ... No, I will tell you what to do with this! And even if I have children, I cannot let He died in front of me, hurry and bury it! "

Freya shook her head helplessly, picked up Badr who was put on the ground by the ash, and slowly put it into the big pit dug by the ash ...

Looking at Badr lying in the land of Warnerheim, Freya gently wiped the corners of her eyes, gently waved her hand, and the ground squirmed, slowly burying Bader ...

Badr was buried, followed by being buried together, and the final tenderness of Freya in the heart of the Asa Protoss ...

Looking at the land that was flattened little by little, Freya's eyes became firmer little by little, turning slowly, looking at the ashes and saying, "This is enough Ok, ashes, thank you for your help, now according to the agreement, it ’s my turn to help you! Let ’s go ... "

"Excellent, since that's the case, let's go! I can't wait, the next goal, Neilforheim!"

Freya nodded gently, turned her head and looked at Frey and said, "I'm going out, brother, when everything is over, I will come back, I will come back again! I promise!"

"Of course, I believe you, anyway, please remember, here is always your home, and you are always welcome here ... Even if others are not welcome, I will always be waiting for you!"

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