Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 1037: How many?

"Wait!" Ash suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Freya's words, and then slowly turned his head, looking at Freya and asked lightly, "What did you just say ...?"

Freya glanced at the ashes strangely, and then repeated lightly, "I said, we have to find another way."

"Not this sentence, the previous sentence!"

Frowning slightly, Freya looked at the ashes and repeated again, "I said ... dispelling the mist is equivalent to destroying the entire Neilforheim."

Ember nodded gently, and then he smiled and said, "This method is not very good ~ It is convenient and quick, why do you have to find another way? Ok ~ That's it, we will destroy the entire Neilforheim!"

Looking at the ashes with a cheerful face, arms out of the sleeves and no idea what to do, Freya hurriedly reached out and stopped the ashes and asked, "What the **** are you going to do? I didn't say that, this is very difficult. , Even if Odin wanted to disperse this thick fog, it was almost impossible! "

Ember rolled his eyes uncomfortably, and then sneered and said, "I found out now, it's really miserable when you are the **** king here ~ Every day you have to be pulled out as a unit of measurement or standard, what is Odin I can't stand the severe cold here ~ Even Odin doesn't want to stay here for a second ~ Now even Odin can't disperse this thick fog ... "

Freya looked at the ashes in a daze, then shook her head gently and said, "It sounds like it is indeed miserable, but this is the truth!"

Putting his lips away, Ash put out his fingers and pointed at himself, looking at Freya playfully and asked, "Then I'm going to ask you, do you think I can't do anything that Odin can't do?" Do you think ... I have a few o'clock? "


"I mean ... how many Odin do you think I can?"

Take Odin as a unit of measurement! Freya sighed softly and then said "I think ... about two Olympics? No, 1.5 Olympics!"

Ashes made a mysterious sneer, and stretched out their fingers to shake gently in front of Freya, then said jokingly, "Trust me, Freya, this number is far from what you can imagine, I can do Things to come ... very many! "

Saying this, the ashes slowly raised their hands, and a dazzling light was held in the palm of the hand by the ashes ...

Freya has not seen the ashes of fire ashes, but when she saw the ashes held in her hands this time, she was stunned ...

What kind of flame is this, bright, dazzling, warm ... When the light is focused on the fire, Freya feels that her eyes can no longer be removed from the burning fire ...

This is a fatal temptation! Freya felt like a moth, with an urge to blaze at the flames and ignite herself ...

Who is she Freya, the queen of Warner, the queen of her predecessor! It can be said that it is the most powerful magician in the world, even one of the most powerful existences, especially since she has recovered her wings ...

But even so, she still can't completely exempt the temptation brought by this flame. Imagine if an ordinary mortal would see what it would look like after seeing this flame ...

After swallowing, Freya struggled to look away from the fire, turned her head to look at the ashes, and pursed her lips and asked, "Ashes ... what is this?"

"Fire ~"

"I know, I mean ..."

Looking at Freya who didn't know how to describe it, Ash gave a small smile, put the flame in his hand in front of him, and quietly looked at the flame and said faintly, "It's very simple, this is the source of my strength, My foundation is my essence! "

Hearing this, Freya suddenly felt from the heart that the words and deeds that Ash has been defying the gods may not be because he was persecuted by the gods, but because he despised the gods from the heart, after all, his essence ... It is so noble!

Suppressing this guess in his heart, Freya took a deep breath and looked at the ashes and asked softly, "So ... what are you going to do now?"

Ash turned his head and smiled at Freya, then shook his palm violently, and the dazzling light burst out of the palm of the ashes. The blazing fire lit everything around, whether it was grass or earth ... Even the mist of water in the air was ignited by this flame!

The flames began to spread, and in a blink of an eye, Freya was clear in front of her. In addition to their location and the Temple of Tyre behind them, everything around them disappeared! Nothing ... nothing, the place where the flame skipped was empty, leaving only a bare ground!

If you did n’t know that it was Neilforheim, Freya would even begin to wonder if she accidentally went wrong and entered Mossberheim ...

"This ... how is this possible! How could this happen?" As he spoke, Freya slowly lowered her body and reached out slowly to the red ground under her feet ...

"Don't do that if you don't want to catch fire!" Freya hurriedly withdrew her hand when she heard the ashes, and looked at the burning land, although there was no open flame in front of her, and took a breath ...

She is in charge of part of the authority of death, although not all, but Freya can feel that the ashes are killing the world, he is killing Neilforheim! Neilforheim ... dying under the blaze of flames!

Just when Freya didn't know what to do next, whether or not to stop the ash, the ash suddenly opened her eyes and suddenly turned her head to look in a certain direction!

"Let me find it! I thought you could go to the end of the world!" Ash's mouth slightly raised, then turned to smile at Freya and said, "I found a mysterious guy! Go, help me Identify it! See if the guy I found is the one we are looking for! "

After speaking, Ash put out his hand and pressed it on Freya's shoulder. A blue light flashed, and Ash disappeared with Freya ...

By the time Freya had eased over, they had come to a place that was also a red ground ... The only difference was that a huge fireball was burning not far away ...

Looking at the blazing flames, the ashes flicked his lips softly, and said in a playful whisper, "Is this ... a stubborn resistance? You can't escape! Get out of me!"

Saying this, Ash slowly raised her hand and slammed towards the blazing flames!

Freya finally saw clearly that the flame was burning, what a skull ball wrapped around it!

Yes ... skeleton ball ~ one bone after another seems to stick together, and the ball becomes a ball ~ and this ball shrinks little by little under the burning of flame ...

The bones wrapped in the outer layer were ignited in the flames, and quickly turned yellow and black, and then turned into dust and fluttered with the wind ...

"Don't come out yet? It's uncomfortable inside! You should know ... you can't escape! You can't escape from me, just come out obediently!"

As if I heard the words of ashes, and as if I had understood my fate that there was nowhere to escape, the skull ball began to collapse, revealing the guy hiding inside, it was a woman ... a woman curled up on the ground with her back to them ~

Looking at the woman lying on the ground, Ash turned her head, looked at Freya beside her, and asked indifferently, "How is it, is she?"

Freya glanced deeply at the ashes, then turned her head to look at the woman who was curled up in the sea of ​​fire not far away, the body trembling slightly ...

After pondering for a moment, Freya nodded gently and said, "Yes, it is her, and the power of death rests on her."

Ash broke his mouth and grinned, "That's great! I didn't expect it to be so fast, I thought I had to burn the entire Neilforge to find you!"

While talking, ashes pulled out his own sword of fire transfer and walked step by step towards this mysterious woman not far away!

Looking at the woman's ashes carrying the big sword, Freya could not help but open her mouth and said with some surprise, "Ashes, you ... don't worry, first ask the words clearly! Can you ..."

"What's there to ask ~ This guy has troubled me twice! By default, she is an enemy. I'm not waiting to kill her. What are you waiting for ~"

Kung fu of speaking, the ashes have come behind the woman who fell to the ground, and the big sword of fire in his hand has also been raised high. Seeing that the woman ’s head will be cut off ...

Just as Ash was ready to raise the sword, the woman turned her head hurriedly, shouting in the direction of Freya, "Save me, Freya! Goddess! I ... I am your ally!"

The big sword in Ash's hand stopped, not because of the woman's cry for help, but because of the face of this guy who was shocked!

She used to look from behind, and she kept her head down. She could only see half of her face and found no problems.

But now ... after she turned her head and saw the other half of her face ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ashes was shocked!

This woman ... the half of the face that appeared before was no problem, but the other half of the face was terrible!

Festering and unbearable, like a corpse that has been rotting for a long time, it makes people shudder!

This is definitely not the fire that she burnt into her like this. If it is her own fire, her half of her face must have disappeared. It cannot be in this state!

In other words ... she was like this! This half of her face is this look!

Ember frowned with some disgust, raised the sword in his hand on the woman's neck, and looked at the woman with an uncomfortable expression, "You ... what the **** are you!"

The woman turned her head to look at the ashes holding a long sword in her hands, suddenly opened her mouth suddenly, spit out a thick smoke, and threw it at the position where the ashes were!


The list of chapters of the dimensional journey of the high-speed text hand-to-hand fire fighter

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