Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 722: 3 groups

Since Jaina sent the people to the orc camp with teleport magic, the leaders of the three tribes met and greeted each other, and then officially started the meeting to now ... It has been a full minute.

No one spoke first, Ash did n’t know what happened, but I thought this group of people was really inexplicable ... Since you do n’t speak, then I ’ll be fine ~

Slightly shrugged, Ash slowly stepped forward, watching the three leaders who turned around and looking at themselves, Ash coughed softly, and slowly said, "The three ... all know each other ~ I believe everyone also Everyone knows me, then ... I ’m welcome to be the host of this meeting ~ Let ’s not be silent here, let ’s start the meeting! "

The three are you again, look at me, I look at you, and Ash sighs helplessly, looking at Malfurion helplessly and asks, "Lao Ma, you say first! Tell your thoughts ~ Do n’t be shy! I know that you have been autistic for 10,000 years, but it ’s not necessary ~ there ’s nothing to say ... "

"Lao Ma? Am I?" Malfurion pointed at him in surprise, then sighed helplessly and turned his head to watch Thrall and Jaina slowly stand up and said, "Okay ... then start with me Well, first of all, I would like to welcome the orcs and humans to Kalimdor on behalf of the night elves who have lived here for a long time. Although you are not invited, it is okay. Kalimdor is a land of inclusiveness. Here, I am home, I believe that under our unity and cooperation, Kalimdor will become better! "

Pappappap ... Thrall and Jaina couldn't help but clap their hands, and the ashes beside them rolled their eyes and said helplessly, "It's not an opening speech, can you go directly to the theme?"

Malfurion nodded embarrassedly at the ashes, then coughed again, and said to Thrall and Jaina, "Things, I believe the two are already clear. The Burning Legion invaded again, and this time it was even more Coming with an army of undead named Undead Scourge, we night elves, or humans and orcs, no matter who they are, it is difficult to compete with them alone, so ... I hope that the two can be ignored. Let go of the hatred and contradiction towards each other, unite together, and fight against the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge together! "

Ember nodded with satisfaction, then turned her head to look at Sarnu and said, "Next you speak, Xiao Sa ~ talk about your opinion!"

Thrall ignored the strange name of Ash, then nodded at Jaina and Malfurion and said, "The hatred of the orcs and humans is built on the control of the Burning Legion. We ... could have been in their respective worlds, A peaceful life, all of this, is a conspiracy to burn the Legion! We have lost our own home once, do not want to see you, and like us, lose our own home, so ... Orcs have no opinions, we should unite together! "

"How about you ~ Ninja?"

"Xia ... Ninja? How many times have I told you, my one is stealth, it's a spell, not the messy ninjutsu you said, I haven't heard of any ninjutsu ..." After nonsense, Jaina sighed and said helplessly, "We and the orc have established a certain cooperative relationship. This is a fact. I also saw it with my own eyes. The orc ... not my father and other humans. The killing and brutality in the mouth, as well as the night elves, let alone, no problem, I think this tribal union is feasible! "

After watching the three leaders finish their speeches, Ember nodded softly and said, "Very well, since everyone has finished speaking, then ... Who will agree with this tribal union? Who will oppose it?"

There is no objection. At this time, no one will jump out and say that I am against it, and then be slapped by the ashes ... After all, the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge have been killed at the door.

Seeing that the joint has been determined, the next specific matter does not need to intervene by yourself. Ash also nodded in satisfaction, and left the meeting room with the fire girl and Krana, let them discuss it by themselves ...

As soon as he left the tent, the ashes turned to look at a crow parked on an open field not far away and slowly said, "Okay ~ you are satisfied, the tribal union has already been completed. In this way, burning Legion or something, should n’t be a problem ~ "

The crow transformed, and Medivh stood quietly in front of the ash, staring at those thick brows and looking at the ash with a serious and sincere slight bow, and said, "Thank you again, Mr. Ash, for the peace of Azeroth, as An indelible contribution ... "

Ashes waved their hands indifferently, and said with a chuckle, "It's nothing, just ... I'll ask you again, are you sure, after that, can I get what I want?"

Seeing Ash as he was before questioning himself, Medivh sighed softly and said, "Yes, Mr. Ash, your wish is reasonable, it should be realized and will be realized. This is beyond doubt. I can be clear Tells you that your friend is now safe and sound, right in the world behind the dark door, and soon ... it's time you saw him! "

Ember nodded gently, took the Fire Girl and Krana and left on her own ... Looking at the ashes away, Medivh sighed deeply. This person, Ember, is really unpredictable. It ’s not that he can hold the proper talk to him and understand the good and evil views of this person a little bit. Otherwise, the world may have fallen into a bigger disaster.

Thinking of this, Medivh gently shook his head, and then looked at the meeting room where the meeting was taking place, with a rare smile in his mouth ...

Soon, the meeting was over, and no one knew what was discussed specifically. Only these three talents knew ... The three of them had to go back and arrange each according to the content of the meeting. At this time, Medivh suddenly stood up , Came to Malfurion who just wanted to turn into a raven and fly away, "Please wait a moment, Grand Druid!"

Malfurion looked at the human mage standing in front of him, frowned lightly and said, "Mage ... you have a demon smell on your body, and ... a familiar demon!"

Medivh interrupted Malfurion's words and sighed softly. "I know, because ... this is the taste of Sargeras, he introduced the orcs into Azeroth, and caused them to harm each other. The one who hates each other is me, the one who is controlled by Sargeras, but now I have gotten rid of his control and confess and make up for what I did ... "

Hearing Medivh's words, Malfurion looked at Thrall and Jaina a little bit vigilantly. The two nodded at the same time, indicating that they also knew about it.

Malfurion felt relieved, then stared at Medivh and said, "So ... Master, what are you doing with me?"

Medivh looked at Malfurion, then at the direction of Nordrassil, the towering world tree in the distance, and slowly said "Great Druid ... There is something you need to know, this The war will be won because of your union! But the three tribes will pay a heavy price! After all, we are facing the Burning Legion, but ... among them, you night elves, you will lose more! I hope ... by then Do n’t blame him, after all, this is much better than the original situation! "

Malfurion looked at the world tree and nodded heavily. "Yes ... I see, you are a prophet. You saw it. I made that decision, didn't I?"

Medivh nodded gently, and then said helplessly, "That's right ... but the result may not be the same as you think. This, please be prepared for the big druid!"

Malfurion nodded gently, his face turned into a crow, and he flew up into the sky ...

With a big eyebrow, Medivh looked at Malfurion in the sky and sighed deeply. "Hope ... he can really understand what I said!"


Back to Malfurion under the world tree, he looked at the anxious Fandral Deer Helmet and slowly asked, "What happened, Deer Helm ..."

Fandral Deer Helm saw Malfurion coming back, as if he had found the backbone of the Lord, and said anxiously, "Malfurion, something went wrong. I saw Tyrande heading towards the prison with the sisters of Elune. Illidan's Watchmen Dungeon has passed! They are very likely ... "

Malfurion frowned as he heard the words, and said with a sigh, "My love, you still ..."

After a moment of silence, Malfurion raised his head and looked at the deer helmet and said solemnly, "Let's hurry up and see, I am a little worried!"

Tyrande, who was taking Illidan out of the dungeon, and the druids who were taking him, met Malfurion who came here unexpectedly ...

Looking at Illidan next to Tyrande, Malfurion frowned deeply, and asked seriously, "You are still released, Illidan ..."

Illidan sneered and said disdainfully, "I was imprisoned for ten thousand years, my brother, I was in the dark, and I felt the painful eternity!"

"That's what you deserve! Illidan, nothing else!"

Hearing Malfurion's words, Illidan was agitated and shouted angrily, "Why do you judge me! Who do you think you are? Are you worthy! We are fighting against demons together! You have no right to judge me!"

Looking at the two brothers who are about to quarrel again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tyrande sighed deeply and said, "Enough! You two! This is already the case, my love ... Illidan did something wrong though Thing, but he was still a hero in that war! With his help, we can expel demons again and save our beloved land! "

Malfurion looked at Tyrande and gently shook his head to indicate that he did not understand, and then slowly said, "Have you considered the consequences after this? The help of this traitor is probably before the Legion Kill us! I have found a more reliable ally, we do n’t need ... "

Before Malfurion had finished speaking, Illidan sneered and said to Malfurion jokingly, "Those sad humans and orcs? Are you allies in your mouth? Malfurion ... You really make people feel Ridiculous! I will hunt the devil anyway, if you do n’t trust me, I ’ll do it myself! "

The Dimensional Journey of Fireman

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