Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 730: Flash off, i'm going to pretend

Compared to the humans who had escaped from Lordaeron, the power of the tribe is obviously superior! The addition of trolls and tauren greatly enhanced the fighting power of the tribe, and the goblins also put their best equipment into battle!

And the most crucial thing is the fighting spirit and anger of the orcs! The kind of anger used by the Burning Legion and destroyed by the Burning Legion at this moment is burning in the heart of every orc!

Now ... with the death of Mannoroth, the curse has turned into a bubble, and the orcs finally have the freedom they deserve! Now ... it's time to avenge the Burning Legion!

Compared to the human alliance, which is almost composed of warriors and mages, the tribe has a variety of ... The strong tauren warriors can fight against the demon of the burning legion with their own bodies! Resist damage to comrades beside you.

The orc warriors waved the weapons in their hands, snarled, roared, and attacked the demons crazy, even several times to push the front out!

The hunters of the trolls are hiding in the dark under the pretext of the ashes of Ashenvale, the life of the reaper demon!

The most interesting ... it's the goblins ~ This group of little brothers Blin, who has little fighting power, has created countless explosives with his own wisdom, and crazyly bombarded the rear positions of the Burning Legion!

And their leader was watching one bomb after another being thrown out, and while crying, he ordered to refill ...

Of course, not because of the touch, but because of these bombs ... no one will pay him anymore ~

Groups of soldiers fell, and more soldiers rushed up. From the perspective of the orcs, the soldier's fate is the most glorious sacrifice. The heroic resistance of the Horde caused a huge blow to the Burning Legion, and the defense line could not be attacked for a long time!

This time, the Frost Dragon is probably useless ... deeply frowned, Archimonde decided to come down in person!

Pushing away the doom guards around him, Archimonde raised his eyes to the Horde's defense line, slowly raised his arms, and began to read the spell.

In an instant, countless green meteors with tail flames turned down from the sky and smashed into the camp of the tribe!

It's not over yet, flame meteors ... even stood up one by one, turned into a huge **** fire, and began to wreak havoc in the orc camp!

Thrall frowned slightly, raised the destruction hammer in his hand, and a flash of lightning exploded from the destruction hammer, breaking through these hellfire bodies! The shaman priests next to Thrall also began to cast spells, which soon wiped out the invading hellfire ...

Seeing that his first spell did not work, Archimonde raised an eyebrow with interest, then slowly walked to the forefront of the front line, grabbed the neck of a tauren who rushed in front of him, put this The tall Tauren who only reached his calf lifted up ... said jokingly, "Look at you ... how weak, how dare you resist the legion?"

With that said, Archimonde crushed the tauren's bull head, then stretched out his fingers to the tribe warriors who were fighting in the blood!

The red electric light was shot from Archimonde's fingers, the tribe warriors hit, and even some demons of the burning legion, all fell to the ground, completely lost their vitality ...

Archimonde looked at the dead enemies and laughed amusedly. He laughed loudly at Thrall deep in the campsite. "You orcs can't be beaten! I'm really wondering why Mannoroth would Because of your death, and Kil'jaeden, why do you think you have value to use ~ "

Thrall looked at Archimonde not far away and sternly said, "Because our soul is stronger than you think, demon! If we have to sacrifice, then we will never flinch! And now, we are free! "

After speaking, Thrall's hammer of destruction was shot at Archimonde again, and then the guard next to Thrall tore apart the Jaina who had sent them back to the city scroll before returning to Mount Hyjal Of the mountain ...

The second line of defense in Mount Hyjal was officially broken!

Archimonde scratched where he was struck by lightning and jokingly said, "It's too simple ~ If I knew that the resistance of these mortals was so fragile, I had destroyed Ai a few years ago. Zelas! "

After speaking, Archimonde took the soldiers under his head to the summit of Mount Hyjal!

Thrall, who returned to the seamount, looked at Malfurion, who had stopped, and asked seriously, "Druid, are everything ready?"

Malfurion nodded softly, looked at the scary and scary figure of Archimonde at the foot of the mountain, and gently nodded and said, "Yes ... everything is ready, Archimonde" The victory here made him arrogant, when he found out that we had prepared the trap for him! It was too late! Now ... our victory has been determined! "

The third line of defense in Mount Hyjal ... The line of defense arranged by the night elves, compared to the line of defense of humans and tribes, the night elf's defense can be said to be very perfunctory, only some tree people resist Archimonde who personally leads the team ~

But Thrall and Jaina had no complaints, because they already knew that Malfurion's plan also understood the importance of the night elves to what will be sacrificed in this war ...

Looking at the trees that were easily destroyed in front of him, Archimonde laughed wildly again. "Ha ha ha ha, these little cubs really disappointed me! Is there nothing in this world that can stop the attack of the legion? Yeah, of course not! Hahahaha! "

A glance of excitement and sarcasm flashed in Archimonde's eyes as he looked at Nordrassil, the tree of the world close by ...

The excitement is that the world that made them mortal 10,000 years ago was finally captured in front of his mighty power. The irony is his brother Kil'jaeden, the fear of this world ... such a weak defense, What's so scary! Let yourself take the soldiers with a rash, and it will not be over ~

Saying this, Archimonde reached out and prepared to start climbing the tall world tree, while at the top of Mount Hyjal, Thrall, Jaina, and Tyrande all watched the station quietly. Malfurion at the front of the crowd ...

Looking at Archimonde who seemed to have succeeded, Malfurion above the mountain, with a heavy heart, moved his mouth to the horn of Cenarius in his hand, ready to sound, this symbolized victory 'S horn!

At this moment, a golden javelin suddenly cut through the sky from the foot of Mount Hyjal. Under everyone's attention, it hit Archimonde who had just started climbing trees ...

The hit Archimonde opened his hand and rolled down from Mount Hyjal!

Jaina and Thrall froze ... Tyrande also froze ... Even Malfurion, who was about to sound like it, froze ~

what's going on? Who is pretending to be! And it's so dazzling!

Tyrande turned his head for the first time, looking at the foot of Mount Hyjal. The foot of the mountain previously occupied by demons was now covered with demon corpses, and at the very top of the demon corpses, there was an intention Unexpected figure!

"Yes ... Lord Ashes? How could he come here! Didn't he say he would not fight for us?"

Everyone was also awakened by Tyrande's words, and turned their heads to look at the ashes standing above the demon's body and still holding the throwing position ...

A crow suddenly flew over and landed beside everyone, turning into a deep-browed Medivh ...

Medivh glanced helplessly at Archimonde's ashes, and then slowly said to the crowd, "Yes ... I said so with him, but ... He is participating in this battle now, not to save the world , Not to fight for you, purely ... for personal reasons ~ "

Cenarius put down the horn in his hand and looked at the Medivh next to him, asking with surprise, "Personal reason? Is there any private enmity between Master Ash and Archimonde?"

Medivh shrugged and said helplessly, "This ... actually, Archimonde sent his fear dreadlord to kidnap the two next to the ashes, Fire Girl and Ms. Krana before the battle began ..."

Hearing Medivh ’s words, Thrall could n’t help but recall the previous meeting with the ashes. It ’s no wonder that there had always been a pair of ashes like salted fish, which would suddenly fly away angrily. This is what happened!

"Which ... did they succeed?" Thrall asked worriedly. Jaina on the side patted Thrall's shoulder and said with a smile, "There should be none, you see ~"

The crowd looked again, and saw that in the woods behind the ashes, the fire girl and Krana also slowly came out.

On the side, Medivh suddenly said strangely, "Of course it is impossible to succeed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let alone the ashes, that is, Mrs. Krana, who has always been called the big teacher by him, can completely wipe out one by one. The whole demon army! A fear demon is like kidnapping these two people ... To be honest, I take it for granted ... "


Under Mount Hyjal, the ashes watched the Archimonde roll down from the top of the mountain and fell down near him. He could not help but frown. The tentative attack just now used his strongest remote miracle, the Sunlight Gun. !

If the general enemy is just a gun of sunlight, it is enough to kill him! But the monster Archimonde turned out to be just some skin trauma!

Archimonde got up from the ground and instantly saw the ashes standing on a pile of demon corpses, frowned and shouted, "Is that you? That ashes that were scared by my men! You appear here, It means that the waste of Tikdios failed! "

Ash gave a chuckle and took out Tikdios' soul that was tormented by the fire of chaos all the time, and said jokingly, "Yeah ~ he failed, the price is ... there is no chance to see you master again!"

Archimonde couldn't help but see the soul of Ash Palm! But ... it's worthy of being the giant of the Burning Legion, and soon Archimonde regained his composure, looked down at the high ashes only at his ankles, and jokingly said, "You killed that waste completely? Isn't that good ~" Anyway, that guy is also the person under Kil'jaeden, I don't care ~ But ... you killed the abyss lord under my hand, just attacked me and made me ugly! Now ... you should pay for it! "

Saying this, Archimonde raised his finger and pointed to the ashes below. Another red lightning shot from Archimonde's fingers and hit the ashes under his feet.

"Ah ah ah!"

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