Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 732: 1 fire on the mountain

Archimonde, who was spraying evil energy, suddenly felt something was wrong, and the breath of ashes suddenly disappeared! Immediately afterwards, the flame that had been colliding with his own evil energy also stopped, and the evil energy was unblocked, and it slammed into the place where the ashes stood before, and a violent explosion occurred!

After the smoke had dispersed, Archimonde fixed his eyes on the search, but did not find the body of the ash, not just the corpse, but the hair of the ash was not seen ...

Archimonde would n’t think it was because the ash was out of fuel, the flames were blown out, and it was blown into **** by his own evil energy ... this is impossible!

As a combination of warrior and warlock, Archimonde has the arrogance of warrior, but also the warlock's caution ...

Looking at the empty ground, Archimonde frowned and walked slowly towards the tattered arm bombed by his own evil energy ...

Anyway, let's restore your fighting power first! You can't fight this guy with bare hands!

Arriving in front of his right arm, Archimonde kicked his arm in anger, kicking this huge arm out of the chaotic branch that had been destroyed by fel, and then Stepping on the forearm with one foot, the empty left hand took out his warhammer from his right hand ...

Although I'm not used to fighting with my left hand, but ... I finally got the weapon back, and I don't have to fight empty-handed again!

Archimonde standing around looked around and found no figure of ashes, frowned and shouted loudly, "Come out! You coward! Are you afraid to fight me! You small reptile?" ! "

"You want me to come out? Okay!" Archimonde's voice just fell, and suddenly a playful voice came from Archimonde's feet! Frightened, Archimonde looked down hurriedly, and saw a demon corpse on the ground, suddenly shrouded in light, and then turned into ashes. At the next moment, the ashes holding the flame lance jumped up, and the spear was ruthless. Stabbing Archimonde's jaw fiercely!

Seeing this scene, Archimonde hurriedly backed away, and at the same time, the Warhammer hammer that had just been picked up in his hand was directed to the ash. The Warhammer and the lance again contacted. This time, the ash without the focus was hit by Archmond Go out ...

Looking at the ashes flying by himself, Archimonde laughed, and jokingly roared, "Crawler! Even a sneak attack, you can't hurt the great Archimonde again! But ... praise you Come on! You are the only one who can cut my arm so far! I will draw your soul as my souvenir! "

The flying ash hit the ground and raised a trace, and stopped hard ... After stopping, the ash slowly lowered his head, looked at the ring on his finger, and turned his head to look away. The arrogant Archimonde is full of joking killing in his eyes!

"The balance of victory fell to me from the beginning! Archimonde, you can't beat me, on the contrary, I will kill you, and then treat your soul like the guy who dealt with Tikdios. Take it out and torture your soul forever! "

Saying this, Ash raised the big sword of fire in his hand and roared to launch a new round of charge! Archimonde was not willing to be outdone, squeezed the warhammer in his hand with his left hand, and attacked the ashes ...

Ashes no longer use the chaotic branches, one has no time to lay out, and the other is that even if it is laid out, it will not necessarily work for the second time. After all, Archimonde although the body is huge, but the speed is not slow, and the chaotic branches It's impossible to work faster than him. With preparation, if Archimonde has learned from the past, if he can be caught again by the chaotic branches for a second time, he will have rolled off the second position of the Burning Legion!

The Warhammer and the Great Fire Sword collided on the head of the ashes, and made a sound of gold and iron intersecting. The great power made the ground beneath the feet of the two people. The trees were sorrowed ... Ignite ... The whole forest will soon be transformed into a sea of ​​fire in the chaotic flames and evil energy!

Looking at the burning fire, the Malfurion above the mountain couldn't help but be surprised. He quickly turned to look at Tyrande and said seriously, "Quick, we can't watch the battle here, we must contain this flame immediately. Spread! Never let the fire burn above Mount Hyjal, otherwise, we will still lose the world tree! "

Hearing Malfurion's words, Tyrande nodded heavily, riding one tiger and one deer ... and headed towards Mount Hyjal!

Thrall on the side also frowned and took a deep breath and said, "Elements are whining ... such power is enough to kill the elements here, and I am going to help!" Frostwolf Snow Song chased up!

Looking at the three people who had left, Jaina, who was standing on the spot, turned her head to look at the equally strange Medivh beside her, shrugged her face and said in surprise, "Do they not know that our magician will teleport, this distance?" , You can get under the world tree in just an instant ... "

Medivh shook his head helplessly and said, "Their respective roads are enough for them to study for a lifetime. It's reasonable to not understand the mage's ability, well ... let's help!"

Saying this, Medivh and Jaina waved their staffs in their hands, and then disappeared instantly to the foot of the world tree in Mount Hyjal ...

It was long overdue, and the three who drove on the horse finally reached the world tree ...

Looking at the blazing flames underneath the mountain, Thrall frowned deeply and said seriously, "This is too serious and must be extinguished immediately!"

Saying this, Thrall held up the Hammer of Destruction in his hand, and a thunder went straight from the hammer head to the sky. At the next moment, a dark cloud enveloped Mount Hyjal ... Then the heavy rain fell from the sky and spilled on these lit trees ...

The shaman used this method to his companions to extinguish the fire, which is a breeze compared to ...

But what happened was contrary to expectations. The Ganlin who was released by Thrall and brought healing failed to extinguish the fire. On the contrary, it was like gasoline, which made the flames burn more vigorously!

On the side, Jaina pouted her lips and said helplessly, "It seems ... your rain has no effect. Let me use my frost to contain the fire!"

I saw Jaina raised the staff in her hand, and the powerful frozen air began to spread from Jaina's feet and condensed into frost! Large icicles condensed the rain into hail, and under the pretence of Thrall's rain, a massive snowstorm came!

There is also no effect at all ... the hail is turned into water before it is approached by the flames, and then the water turns into steam again, making the entire Mount Hyjal like a large sauna ... burning.

Seeing this scene, Jaina couldn't help but be surprised, and asked the crowd in surprise, "This ... what kind of fire is this! Water or ice is not enough! How can this flame be extinguished!"

"This is the fire of chaos! It is the most violent fire of life, water and ice, or whatever, it is impossible to extinguish this flame!" Krana's voice suddenly came from the side.

The people turned their heads and saw that Krana appeared beside the people with a fireproof girl ...

"Ma'am, why are you here? Is there no need for help from Mr. Ash?" Thrall asked Curious when he saw Krana.

Krana looked at the two who were constantly fighting melee, and the Warhammer and the Long Sword clashed frantically, shrugging and saying, "No more, just leave the little things to Ashes ..."

Malfurion suddenly looked at Krana anxiously and asked anxiously, "Madam ... you just said that this is the fire of chaos, so ... Is there any way you can extinguish it?"

Krana turned her head, looked at the flames that were burning fast at her feet, and sighed softly and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, this kind of chaos fire, I have no choice but to wait for the little ashes to extinguish. It, or ... let him burn something that can be burnt before it goes out ... "

Tyrande glanced at the ashes that were still fighting one-armed Archimonde down the hill, whispering desperately, "So ... are we still unable to keep our world tree Nordrassil at the end?"

The breath of despair and decadence began to pervade under the tree of the world. Medivh suddenly turned around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Watching Tyrande seriously said, "Of course not, I said it ... the end I saw This is not the case, now ... you should pray, high priest! "

Hearing Medivh ’s words, Tyrande could n’t help but stunned, and then looked up to the horizon, when the full moon did n’t know when it was already hung high in the sky, and the moonlight was sprinkled on the ground through the dark clouds, as if watching all this same.

Tyrande hurriedly held his hands in front of his chest and knelt down reverently towards the moonlight, praying in a low voice. "The Moon God Elune ... Listen to your believers' prayers and bring us hope!"

With Tyrande's prayer, the moonlight fell from the sky and spilled on the flames, containing the upward trend of the flames ...

Seeing the flame still not extinguished, Jaina frowned and said in surprise, "Couldn't the moon **** also extinguish the flame of ashes?"

After a prayer, Tyrande slowly stood up, watching the people slowly saying, "Yes, even the Moon God, can't completely extinguish the fire of the life of creation! It can only be contained The flame is burning upward ... "

Medivh nodded gently, looked down at the foot of the mountain, and the ashes and Archimonde fighting each other in a sea of ​​fire, sighed slowly and said, "This is enough ... The cornerstone of victory, I believe it has been Mr. Ash is laying at his feet ... Soon, everything here will end ... "

Everyone followed Medivh's eyes and looked down at the fighting figure in the sea of ​​fire ... the flame that covered the sky and the sun could not stop them, especially the ash, and the ash at this moment stood in the blazing flames Among them, like a **** of war, the sword in his hand suppressed the giant who was hundreds of times his figure.

Archimonde can only resist the attack from the ashes and the chaotic fire that is constantly burning beside him ...

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