Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 810 Laura’s plan

"Traveler between Dimensions ()"

In any case, for Li Xing, his family is more important after all. Compared with this, those demon gods are really nothing. Not to mention, the words of those demon gods will not only not recognize the loyal subordinates in their family, but will also bring a lot of trouble to their family. Under such circumstances, Li Xing would not even think about it and worry too much about the existence of those demon gods.

Of course, the current Kanzaki Kaori definitely doesn't know about these things. In fact, Kanzaki Kaori really doesn't know why he was summoned back by Lola, the greatest bishop, this time.

Therefore, after arriving in front of Laura, Kanzaki Kaori had no choice but to sit quietly in front of Laura, waiting for Laura to arrange the next task for her. After all, no matter how you say it, judging from her saint's strength, there should be no tasks that can really stump her. Therefore, from the heart, Kanzaki Kaori is very optimistic about her next step. As for the mission, there really is nothing to worry about.

"Kanzaki, I remember that the relationship between you and the 'Catalogue of Forbidden Books' is still very good, right?" After seeing Kanzaki Kaori coming to him, he didn't say a word, just quietly After sitting in front of her, Laura asked Kanzaki Kaori.

After all, this time, she planned to send Kanzaki Kaori to Li Xing in Academy City under the guise of letting Kanzaki Kaori guard the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books". So, something like this As for the opening remarks, they are actually indispensable. At the very least, this would not make Kanzaki Kaori feel that the task he was undertaking this time was too abrupt.

However, for Kanzaki Kaori, Laura's words obviously did not bring her a good experience. Even after hearing Laura's words , Kanzaki Kaori's heart really "suddenly" thought of Index.

From Kanzaki Kaori's point of view, the reason why Laura brought up the relationship between her and Index was undoubtedly because of this mission, which actually involved Index, the "Forbidden Index" Ah, then, under such a situation, it is really enough to show that this time, Index may really face a lot of dangers, otherwise, Laura will not I would like to let myself, a saint, participate in this mission.

After all, Laura would never mention her relationship with Index to her without any reason. Moreover, the more important point is that this time, when Laura mentioned Index to her, she used the very formal title "Catalogue of Forbidden Books". So, there is no doubt that this Once again, Index would definitely participate in this seemingly dangerous mission.

In this regard, it really can't be considered good news for Kanzaki Kaori. After all, no matter how you put it, Kanzaki Kaori and Index have a very good relationship after all. So, looking at it from Kanzaki Kaori's perspective, she naturally doesn't want Index to Si will fall into any environment that may threaten her.

Not to mention, Kanzaki Kaori is very clear about the importance that Index, the "Forbidden Book Index", has for magic. It can be said that Index, the "Forbidden Book Index", has , but it can really cause internal disputes on the magic side. In fact, if something is not careful, a war between the two forces may be triggered just because of Index's existence. This point is really extremely realistic.

Regarding this point, Kanzaki Kaori,

Naturally, it couldn’t be more clear. However, this time, according to Laura's words, it is obvious that Index will participate in the next task this time, and more importantly, this A mission actually required the participation of a saint like her. This really showed how dangerous this mission was.

It can be said that just because of this, Kanzaki Kaori didn't want Index, a girl he valued very much, to fall into such a dangerous situation. However, Kanzaki Kaori's mind is still very clear after all. She knows very well that since Laura chose this way to talk to her this time, it really means that Laura's words , has already made a decision, and will not change her decision because of her own thoughts and opinions.

So, under such circumstances, if she has any disagreement with Laura directly because of this incident, it will make Laura think that she is not suitable to participate in this mission, and thus decide , remove yourself from this task and replace it with another person.

And the person who replaced him might really not care about Index as much as he does. So, in that case, the possibility of Index encountering danger will still be greater. Therefore, from this point of view, Kanzaki Kaori feels that she must participate in this mission, otherwise, if Index encounters any danger, she will really I feel powerless.

In fact, it was entirely possible that Index would encounter some kind of life-threatening situation without her even knowing about it. Kanzaki Kaori's heart is quite rejecting such a thing. Therefore, in this short moment, Kanzaki Kaori thought of many things. Of course, at the last moment, Kanzaki Kaori finally decided that this time, she must not miss this mission, otherwise, she might really regret it for the rest of her life.

However, what Kanzaki Kaori didn't know was that her idea was exactly what Laura wanted her to have. For Laura, the thing she is most worried about is that Kanzaki Kaori will choose not to participate in this mission. In that case, all her plans will be It's going to be in vain. It can be said that the information Kanzaki Kaori made up on his own can really be regarded as sending himself directly into the trap arranged by Laura.

Of course, strictly speaking, this kind of thing can't really be regarded as a trap. After all, no matter how she said it, Laura really did not choose to force Kanzaki Kaori. Even what happened next after Kanzaki Kaori went to Li Xing's side, Laura just wanted to provide a little guidance, and did not intend to put any pressure on Kanzaki Kaori.

After all, no matter what, if Kanzaki Kaori really had a bad impression on her during this process, and even went one step further and made Kanzaki Kaori directly hostile to her, Then she was really at a loss. Therefore, Laura tried her best to avoid such a thing.

Of course, a very important reason may also be that Laura is very confident in Li Xing's "ability". After all, in the past few years, Laura had really seen it with her own eyes too many times. Li Xing "abducted" the girl he liked into his home.

There is no doubt that Kanzaki Kaori meets Li Xing's standards. Therefore, in this matter, what Laura actually needs to do is to use a reasonable reason. Just send Kanzaki Kaori to Li Xing. As for the rest of the things, whether it is Li Xing, Tokisaki Kurumi, or even Shokuhou Misaki, they can actually understand that she What is the meaning behind this practice?

Of course, even after knowing her thoughts, no one would choose to tell Kanzaki Kaori about her plan. After all, if that were the case, it could really be regarded as offending her Laura to death.

Although Laura's strength and even status in this family cannot actually be considered to be top-notch, but no matter what, if her opinions are really ignored, That is undoubtedly a very unwise thing. After thinking about it, no one in this family would do such a stupid thing. Laura is still very aware of this in her heart.

"That's true. Grand Bishop, I still have a very good relationship with Index's child. However, I don't quite understand. Did you call me over, Grand Bishop, to ask me this kind of question? ? I really don’t understand very well. Could it be that my next mission is related to Index?" After making the decision in just a moment, Kanzaki Kaori continued to face Laura. said.

No matter how you put it, Kanzaki Kaori's identity is still that there are less than twenty saints in this world. Therefore, when facing Laura, his immediate boss, Kanzaki Kaori is actually quite capable. Face Laura with an almost equal attitude. Of course, in this answer, Kanzaki Kaori really expressed the close relationship between himself and Index.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that when answering Laura's question, Kanzaki Kaori used the title "Index" instead of the formal title "Catalogue of Forbidden Books". The meaning is actually very obvious. There is no doubt that Kanzaki Kaori is using this method to remind Laura that she does not want Index to be involved in this mission.

In other words, even if it involves Index, she does not hope that this time the plan will involve Index's identity as the "Prohibited Books Index". After all, if that were the case, it would really mean a lot of danger. As for Kanzaki Kaori, she really does not hope that Index will encounter any danger.

"In this regard, Kanzaki, you are really right. Your next mission is to follow the 'Catalogue of Forbidden Books', protect the 'Catalogue of Forbidden Books', go to Academy City, and arrive at I have already contacted the person I have contacted and handed over the 'Catalogue of Prohibited Books' to that person to take care of it.

Of course, after that, Kanzaki, you will stay there and continue to protect the 'Catalogue of Forbidden Books'. After all, no matter how you say it, you know very well, Kanzaki, that Academy City is still the stronghold of the science side after all. If there is not a strong protector around the 'Catalogue of Forbidden Books', there may really be one. Something troublesome. "

After hearing what Kanzaki Kaori said, although Laura also understood the meaning of Kanzaki Kaori's words, there was no other way. In order to achieve her goal, she had to adopt this method. Otherwise, where would she find a suitable reason to send Kanzaki Kaori, a strategic killer on the magic side, to Academy City, which is the center of the science side?

In that case, there will really be greater trouble. Therefore, after comparing them with each other, Laura naturally chose this method, which would bring her a lot of benefits. Anyway, after sending the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books" to Li Xing, Laura really doesn't need to worry about the dangers of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books", nor does she need to worry about the demons in the head of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books". The contents of the guide book will be stolen by Aleister.

What's more, if her script develops, if the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books" stays in Academy City, it will become the trigger of the conflict between the magic side and the science side. This is for her next plan. But it also has a sense of advancement. It can be said that for her, such an approach is completely beneficial to her. What else is worth hesitating about?

Why didn't she do it? However, for Kanzaki Kaori, this matter may not be so friendly. After all, Kanzaki Kaori really doesn't know the inside information, and he also doesn't know what Laura's inner plan is.

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