Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 1 First Entry From 0

Pro-Dragon Kingdom Lugnica, the royal capital.

In recent days, the commoners living in the royal capital of Lugnica, the pro-dragon kingdom, have noticed that something big has happened. The knights of the royal guards, who rarely appear on weekdays, not only frequently appear on the streets of the royal capital. On the other hand, people with suspicious behavior will be interrogated. Once it is found that the purpose of their coming to the capital is unknown, they will be taken away and called as an euphemism: isolation and interrogation.

Although the commoners living in the capital are not interested in what happened in this country - after all, there is the existence of the Shenlong Porkeny - as long as the problem is handed over to the Shenlong-sama, it will be fine, but the atmosphere in the capital has changed recently. , Or let the civilians know that something big must have happened in this country.

In a remote alley in the capital, three figures appeared with a flash of light. Because of the remote location, no one saw this magical scene.

"Darling, is this the new world you're talking about? Does it feel backward?" After the light dissipated, a beautiful girl in a red and black gothic loli dress walked up to the only man among the three said.

"That's right, Kusan, this world is a new world, probably equivalent to the medieval background. Let's start our plan from this world, after all, it's only a fourth-level world, except for a few special people, and There's nothing worthy of our attention. I've been busy for so long, and now I think it's a vacation." The people who suddenly appeared in this remote alley were the three Li Xings who came here from the world of dating wars. After hearing Kurumi Tokisaki's question, Li Xing briefly explained the situation in this world.

"My dear, it's not very convincing to say this from your mouth. You know, in order to unify that world, Icarus and I were too busy to die, dear, you just stay at home and cultivate. What kind of face can you have to say the word 'busy', dear~love~" After hearing Li Xing say that he was "busy" a while ago, Tokisaki Kurumi walked over to Li Xing In front of him, he held Li Xing's face with his own hands and said with resentment.

"Uh... That's not you too capable, I believe you..." Feeling the resentment of Shizaki Kusan, Li Xing's rebuttal voice became smaller and smaller, "Okay, it's hard for you. Kusan, this is For a while, you and Icarus will follow me and relax in this world."

"Dear, what should I say about you." Looking at Li Xing who was looking at him with flattering eyes, Tokisaki Kurumi finally softened his heart and said to Li Xing, "Dear, since you said so. Well, then you have to take care of my sister Icarus and I~~~"

"No problem, Kurumi, Icarus. You've been working hard these days, and you can relax in this world." Looking at Tokizaki Kurumi and Icarus, who followed him to this world, Li Xing said softly. .

"Okay, dear, it's time to get down to business. What kind of world is this world?" Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Li Xing and asked seriously.

"This world? How should I put it, the background of this world is the same as the background of the middle world of your world, but in this world, there is magic." After thinking for a while, Li Xing turned to Tokisaki Kuangsan Say what you know.

"Dear, do you mean that there is magic in this world?" Tokisaki Kurumi, who had never been in contact with magic, asked excitedly.

"Kang San, although there is magic in this world, there is a more powerful force called 'Blessing'." Seeing Tokisaki Kurumi's excited look, Li Xing said.

"Protection?" Hearing another unfamiliar term, Tokisaki Kurumi was a little puzzled.

"Yes, it is blessing. This blessing is a gift that this world gives to its beloved creatures, in various forms. For example, the blessing of a phoenix can bring people back to life,

There is also the protection of sword skills, and so on. "Looking at the doubtful Tokisaki Kurumi, Li Xing explained the existence of protection to him.

"Doesn't that mean that those who have the protection are very powerful?" Hearing Li Xing's explanation for the protection, Tokisaki Kurumi said.

"It's not like this. Although some blessings are very strong, most of them are useless. For example, no matter what, it will make the food unpalatable, or something." Knowing that his previous explanation was not comprehensive, let him Tokisaki Kurumi caused a misunderstanding, and Li Xing continued to explain.

"And this kind of protection? It's useless at all." Hearing Li Xing's next explanation, Tokisaki Kurumi launched a spit attack on this completely useless protection.

"So, in this world, there are only a few people who can play a role in our follow-up plan." Seeing that Tokisaki Kusan had some understanding of the world, Li Xing said.

"So who exactly can help our plan?" Tokisaki Kurumi asked.

"There are eight witches in this world. Although six are dead, one is sealed, and the whereabouts of one is unknown, they can be said to be the origin of this world. There is also the sword saint of this world. It can be said that Shang is the real son of the world. Not only is he powerful in force, but he has a noble character, and he can have all the protection he wants. As for the other people, I am afraid that it will not have much effect. If you encounter it, let’s talk about it.” When it came to Tokisaki Kurumi's question, Li Xing gave his answer.

"Dear, do the six dead witches still need attention?" Hearing Li Xing saying that there are six dead witches who need attention, Tokizaki Kurumi is a little puzzled, can the dead people appear again?

"Kangsan, although the six witches were swallowed up by the envy witch Satila, they can still manifest in the world in some special ways. Oh, yes, the jealous witch Satila can manipulate the timeline of the world. , although it won't affect us, it's better to pay attention." Li Xing added when he thought of the fact that the jealous witch Satila could manipulate the timeline of the world.

"Oh? Can you manipulate time? I really want to see what she is capable of." Tokisaki Kurumi said with great interest after hearing that the jealous witch Satira could manipulate time. After all, is Tokizaki Kuangsan the elf of time, or a powerful elf with the strength of seven stars, thinking that the strength of Satila's four stars will not have any effect on Tokizaki Kuangsan.

"Kansan, according to our plan, we will definitely have a conflict with the jealous witch, Satila. By then, you should be able to see it." Thinking of his plan, Li Xing said to Tokisaki Kusan.

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