Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 37 Nayuki Subaru's Servant Life (Continued)

Nayuki Subaru was very dissatisfied when he looked at the booklet that was completely incomprehensible in front of him.

"What, how can such behavior become a maid. It has been targeting me, refusing to give me food, and now making me memorize this completely incomprehensible thing, how can such behavior be called a qualified maid! If it wasn't for Emilia Carbon's sake, I would have left here long ago. Maybe I've already met a friend-type NPC who can change my current situation. What's the use of being bullied by you here..." Look Nayuki Subaru couldn't help muttering while looking at the booklet in front of him.

However, Subaru Nayuki didn't even think about it, if it wasn't for Emilia's sake, how could Roswaal take in him, a person who was completely useless and extremely arrogant for no reason?

"Ha~~~" With a yawn, Subaru Nayuki felt a little sleepy, so he threw down the booklet and ran to the bed beside him to sleep. Subaru Nayuki had long forgotten about Ram's words about checking his studies in the morning.

"Ah~~~ I'm so hungry, that abominable maid, let her be a maid for the rest of her life, and she will never be able to come out..." Feeling the hunger in his stomach, Subaru Nayuki scolded Ram for a while.

The next morning, Subaru Nayuki was awakened by Ram's fist.

"Ah!!! Who is it!!! Don't you know that my uncle didn't eat last night? Don't you let me sleep well now! It's still not dawn!!!" Looking out the window, he just showed his head The sun, Subaru Natsuki shouted loudly, covering the place where Ram's fist hit with his hand.

"Balus, Ram thinks you can skip meals this morning, too." Holding the pamphlet he gave to Subaru Nayuki last night, Ram could see that Subaru Nayuki didn't study hard at all.

"No!!! Lord Ram, I can explain it! Please listen to my explanation!" Subaru Nayuki panicked after hearing Ram said that he would also be unable to eat this morning.

"Okay, Ballus, explain it. Ram will listen carefully. But..." Having said this, Ram's face sank, "If Ballus, you can't explain why you didn't study hard, Ram M promises, Ballus, you won't have anything to eat at noon today."

"That...this..." However, looking at Ram in front of him, Nayuki Subaru didn't know what to say. Suddenly, Nayuki Subaru thought of a very good reason. "That... Mr. Ram, the little one doesn't know these words at all. How can you tell me to learn." After speaking, Subaru Nayuki couldn't help but feel that he was really too smart. With this reason, it can be explained. The reason for not studying. "You can eat now." Subaru Caiyue thought.

However, after hearing Subaru Nayuki's reason, the sneer on Ram's face became even more severe.

"Oh? Is that so? Ballus, it's really a good reason. Ram can't refute it at all. If that's the case, then, Ballus, you don't have any lunch for today." Proud of Subaru Nayuki, Ram announces the sentence against Subaru Nayuki.

"Why! You clearly said my reasons and you can't refute it, why don't you let me eat!" After hearing Ram's words, Subaru Nayuki got angry and shouted at Ram.

"Humph!" With a snort at Subaru Nayuki, Ram continued: "Balus, your reason is really good."

"Then let me eat!" Subaru Nayuki shouted after hearing Ram's words.

"But!" Looking at Subaru Nayuki with a sneer, Ram continued: "But, Balus, this is more proof that you didn't read this booklet last night."

"Why... why?" Subaru Nayuki asked.

"If you read this booklet carefully, Balus, you will see these pictures." Opening the booklet in his hand, Ram showed the picture above to Subaru Natsuki.

Strangely enough, although I don't know the words of this world,

However, when Subaru Nayuki saw these pictures, a voice sounded in his heart, it was the Roswaal family rules!

"How is it? Ballus, do you understand now?" Closing the booklet in his hand, Ram looked at Subaru Nayuki with a sneer, "This is for the training servants of our Roswaal family. Lord Beatrice has applied spiritual magic, and even an illiterate person can understand the content. How about it? Ballus, what else do you have to say!" Ram said sharply.

"No... I have nothing to say." Being stared at by Ram with the eyes of a prisoner, Subaru Nayuki softened.

"That's good, remember, Ballus, you don't have any lunch for today. Now, go out and trim the garden immediately!" work, after which Ram turned and left.

"Damn!!!" Subaru Nayuki shouted as he watched Ram's retreating back.

Coming to the garden, Subaru Nayuki found that although it was still early, Emilia and Li Xing had already appeared in the garden.

"Emilia Carbon! Good morning!" When she came to Emilia, Subaru Nayuki deliberately ignored Li Xing's existence and said to Emilia.

"Ah? Subaru, good morning, we have to work hard. I have something to do with Li Jun, so let's go first." When Nayue Subaru interrupted the conversation between her and Li Xing, Emilia was a little dissatisfied, but she reached out her hand. The person who didn't smile, after hearing Subaru Nayuki's words, Emilia replied indifferently, and then she took Li Xing's arm and prepared to leave.

"Hey! You bastard, hurry up and stay away from Emilia Tan!" However, after seeing this scene, Subaru Nayuki was jealous again and shouted at Li Xing.

"The clown can be a clown honestly on the side, why do you always jump out to find a sense of existence?" Looking at Subaru Nayuki, Li Xing said contemptuously.

"Who are you talking about! It's obviously an unknown person who came out of nowhere, how dare you entangle my Emilia Carbon like this!" Looking at Li Xing, Subaru Nayuki shouted loudly.

Hearing Nayuki Subaru's words, Li Xing was angry. The clown in front of him dared to say to himself that Emilia belonged to him, did he really think he was not angry?

"Humph!" With Li Xing's light hum, a huge coercion enveloped the Roswaal mansion. Nayuki Subaru, who was at the core of the coercion, naturally endured the greatest pressure and was pressed tightly to the ground. Not only that, Nayuki Subaru only felt that his body was about to explode. Along with Nayuki Subaru's cracked skin, the place where Nayuki Subaru lay on his stomach has been dyed red with his own blood.

"Remember, I promised Emilia that I would let you go once. Now, you have lost this opportunity. The next time you provoke me, I will crush you into powder as soon as possible." In front of Caiyue Subaru, Li Xing said to Caiyue Subaru, who was already bleeding from seven orifices. After that, Li Xing took Emilia's hand and left the garden.

Seeing Li Xing leave with Emilia's hand like this, Subaru Nayuki finally fainted after spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

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