"So, what did you do just now?"

Bai Xiao on the other end of the private message asked the topic she was most concerned about after seeing Yuye online, but she didn't wait for Yuye to reply, so she quickly sent another one.

"Okay, we don't care why your old man went, the most important thing is the bugs?"

"A live broadcast room that fends off bugs, and I haven't even seen a bug for a few hours!"

"Although your live broadcast room is limited, there are almost tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room watching online, basically all of them are old fans you have attracted before."

"There is very little retention of new fans, and there are hardly a few in sight."

"If it weren't for your old fans knowing that you always like to live and take an unusual path, I'm afraid that even the current people will run away from a big wave."

"But now, they're all waiting for you to kill insects live!"

After listening to it, Yuye was slightly surprised, since the arrival of the [Mother Nest], it has been many hours in the live broadcast room, and now the fans who can still insist in the live broadcast room, that is a true love fan!

To be honest, this kind of experience of being watched by tens of millions of people, Yuno really didn't feel anything. But I thought that because of a mistake of my own, fans who should have enjoyed watching the live broadcast enjoyed the beauty of the gate of their territory for hours....

Yu Ye still has "100 million points" in his heart that he can't go.

He quickly sent an apologetic expression, and replied to Bai Xiao in a private message: "I'm sorry, if you said [the mother nest], it is now like this." "

The [mother nest] who packed it as a trophy and returned to the city took a screenshot and sent it to Bai Xiao backhandedly.

Although this [mother nest] does not have the "will of the mother nest" to control, and there are not many supporting zerg buildings, Yuye will not easily let it enter the "sword thorn city wall".

After all, there are still millions of worm eggs that have not hatched!

Until they are completely destroyed, these unhatched eggs are always a hidden danger.

Moreover, these worm eggs do not have to hatch in some [nutrient solution], [differentiation transformation cabin] and other buildings in the Zerg territory.

In their natural state, they can also hatch slowly and successfully, but not as quickly as they hatch (explode) under the Zerg building.

If Yuye can successfully domesticate [Brain Worm], it is equivalent to indirectly mastering this first-order "Mother Nest Will", and this million-level reserve worm egg will immediately become Yuye's future extraordinary troop reserve.

I have to say that Yuye's abacus is very loud, just want to domesticate the "high-level zerg", but it is not so easy, everything depends on Mo Mingqi's progress on this new topic.

Yu Ye just forwarded the screenshot casually, but Bai Xiao, who was far away in Klein's plane, was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

Then, with a move in her mind, she quickly typed several names on the interface of the Dawning system, and soon jumped out of several corresponding live broadcast rooms.

As the only staff member of "Fauvist Studio", she made a lot of preparations before this live broadcast, among which, like Yuno, she paid attention to all of the anchors who were on the list of defense rounds in the last round.

Although Yuye and them do not have any intersection, from the perspective of live broadcast traffic, these homogeneous content output anchors are actually all potential opponents of Yuye!

And as the number one seed player in the studio, Bai Xiao naturally wants to find out the bottom.

"It's not over

..." "This is still fighting

..." "Hey, this dish is about to be abused by the blood of insects..." After

turning over several live broadcast rooms in a row, facing the 1st order [mother nest], most of the anchors on the list played back and forth, behaving decently, and the progress of their respective raids on the Zerg territory was different, Only a few were already in danger, and they were about to be pushed back by the Zerg.

Facts have proved that the Dawning System's assessment of the strength of each territory is still relatively scientific, and the opening of the challenge mode is also extremely precise.

The live broadcast rooms of the somewhat famous listed anchors have all turned over, but none of them have ended the battle and successfully won the Tier 1 [Mother Nest] in just a few hours!

In other words, this time Yuye is likely to be the first kill of the second round of defense among the Blue Star people!

Of course, this cannot simply assess the extraordinary territorial strength of each anchor. After all, those who are truly confident have already risen to the second level.

And the racial characteristics of the Zerg determine that this race has to "survive" in the early stage, no matter what kind of tactics are used to start, the Zerg pay attention to "dragging" to the late stage.

If the Terran faction wants to quickly solve the battle in the early stage, it must first find the other's extraordinary building.

If Yuno hadn't created a new extraordinary building with a blessed mind, he wouldn't have been able to end the battle so quickly.

Seeing this unique rich victory, Bai Xiao suddenly became excited, her vision really did not make a mistake, Yuye is indeed the potential of fire!

Although there was a mistake in this live broadcast, the hard power will not be falsified here, and it will definitely be able to attract a wave of "Muqiang fans"!

Moreover, who said that opening the empty window this time must be a bad thing?

As long as it is well designed, this "live broadcast accident" may be the biggest "gimmick"!

Public figures such as anchors, in addition to excellent content quality, usually need to go through a little marketing and publicity.

Before deciding on the best publicity plan, Bai Xiao still had to learn more about the key to Yuye's victory.

Later, she received a high-resolution image of a certain building that was said to be a "tower-like" building from Ukuno.




This interlacing is like a mountain, and she is a little difficult to evaluate.

Although Bai Xiao admitted that Yuye was very powerful at creating extraordinary buildings by herself, and she sincerely admired this matter, the moment she saw this picture, only one thought remained in her mind.

People cannot, at least not ... Design such a "genius" thing?!!

Kneel for a pair of eyes that have never seen this picture!

For himself, the boss who will fill up tomorrow and have negative aesthetic points, Bai Xiao is also heartbroken.

In order to avoid the anecdote that Ikuno, a free anchor, caused an instant "collapse" on the first day of broadcasting, Bai Xiao strictly forbade Yuye to make the extraordinary building appear on camera, and also said that this was to protect the patent of "Fauvist Studio" and avoid being copied and imitated by competitors, and finally made some hints to Yuye on the point of "aesthetics" extremely tactfully!

Boss, when we took the information to the Union Patent Office to register a patent later, we lost her white face!

She Bai Xiao even if it is the life of a P-class citizen, it is also fate!

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