Faced with Guy Elvis' teleportation request, Ikuno's first reaction was to refuse.

Letting a mysterious into one's transcendent territory is an extremely risky act.

Even if this Aoyi is very old, his strength has entered a period of regression, and he does not have long to live.

But the meaning is the meaning, which is a fourth realm that spans the star mark, the moon and the corona (1~9 order).

From this realm, it is necessary to start subtracting a large number of skills learned in the past and condense them into a more concise but majestic "mysterious" power, which is also to prepare for the next step of condensing the Holy Domain.

In other words, each "mystery" is a combination of a large number of simple skills, but this is not just a simple addition of skills, but a preliminary grasp of a trace of "rule power".

If you forcibly combine the skills of two different occupations, although there is still a small chance of success, but it is more likely that the star disorder will directly explode and die.

Depending on the skills learned by each transcendent being, the level of proficiency, and the degree of understanding of the skill, the mysteries of condensation will also present a completely different state.

The heritage of extraordinary professions and genres with inheritance is presented here, and on the basis of their predecessors, they have explored a series of mysterious "synthetic formulas", which can condense the mysteries relatively stably and greatly reduce the difficulty of breaking through this bottleneck.

For example: Mage Aoyi: [Icy Breath] + [Ice Arrow] + [Freeze Ray] +... (Omitted) = [Frostfall

] Hunter Aoyi: [Precision Shooting] + [Split Arrow] + [Tracking Technique] + ... (Omitted) = [Tennoya]

The existence of these "synthesis formulas" makes it much more difficult for these profound extraordinary classes to advance to the "Upanic Level", but only if the extraordinary person collects these skills and increases to a higher level of proficiency.

But in any case, if an extraordinary class has more low-level skills, then there will be more possibilities for this extraordinary class to try in the mysterious stage, which is a very simple permutation and combination problem.

The transcendent of these popular professions will be troubled by what kind of [mysteries] to choose.

After all, many skills are popular options, and after being used as raw materials to synthesize a certain meaning, there is no second to synthesize another meaning.

From here, everyone has to embark on a separate and transcendent path.

Fish and bear's paw cannot have both, and they are universal in any world.

[Architects] don't have such troubles! After all, the number of skills available for them to choose from is too small, and when it comes to the mysterious stage, there are only a few synthetic formulas back and forth.

But even if the number of mysteries of a transcendent person is small, it is also mysteries!

Even if [the architect] is not an extraordinary profession that is good at fighting, Guy Elvis alone is enough to casually destroy the entire extraordinary territory of Yuye several times.

Yu Ye asked Bai Xiao to recruit Mo Mingqi before, because he felt that the strength level of a college graduate was not high, and he couldn't turn over the sky when he reached his own territory.

This is fundamentally different from Guy's teleportation.

Especially at this stall, Yuye has just suffered a net explosion from the Klein plane, and he maintains a very high vigilance against the humans of the boundless plane, and he can't let people in at will.

Although Ikuno had learned from the Dawning System how this person contributed to the Alliance, he had been dedicated all his life and did not seem to be a bad person.

But does Ikuno dare to bet?

And after Guy comes, he always has to go! If Guy wants to teleport back again, Ikuno will have to hand over the space-time coordinates of his plane and connect to the Wonder [City of a Thousand Stars] to do it.

Isn't handing over your space-time coordinates equivalent to giving your entire life to the Human Alliance?

This is one of the reasons why after the previous 14.0.1 version was updated and [Plane Investment] was officially opened, Yuye did not have more contact.

Because of accepting a large amount of investment from others, out of the needs of "material delivery", "personnel management" and so on, the plane coordinates naturally have to be shared with investors.

Therefore, this question seems to be a multiple-choice question, but in fact, there seems to be only one answer from beginning to end, that is,


Just when Yuye was about to click the button to [reject the application], the reply from the extraordinary academic forum was finally belated.

Looking at the dozens of pages of replies, Yuye's hand rejecting the application paused, and after carefully reading the entire content, his mood was mixed and very complicated.

This not only explains the importance of "spiritual combing" to building materials, but also comes with a highly valuable spiritual method - [singularity scattering method].

If the former is the obligation fulfilled by the other party that Ikuno exchanges his privileges for answers, then the latter [Singularity Scattering Method] is a real "added value", and there is no need for Guy Elvis to attach the content of this chapter.

There are also some praise and encouragement for Ikuno's self-created extraordinary architecture between the lines, and the sincere words of praise overflow with words, which makes Ikuno's original heart of firmly pressing "refusal" a little loose.

This was the second native human he had received since he came to the Boundless Plane to express kindness to him.

The last one, in order to protect his rights and interests, confronted his boss on the "sword and thorn problem", and was resigned helplessly by Bai Xiao who wore small shoes.

After thinking about it for not knowing how long, a window popped up again on Yuno's virtual interface, with only a few simple lines on it.

[I really want to be your teacher, and after I analyzed the work you sent me, I think you are very talented [architect], and you should be better guided instead of wasting your talent.] [

I know that you Blue Star people may have concerns about space-time coordinates, and I can promise you that after I teleport over this time, I don't plan to leave. Get ready to spend the last days of your life in your territory. ]

Yuye didn't expect that letting a professor who served in the Xin Esari School of Architecture teleport over with such fanfare was actually to accept himself as a student!

Moreover, Guy's words are to the point, and this is what Ikuno is most worried about.

Assuming this information is true.

Then the choice in front of Yuye is an extremely important one.

With a good mentor, what will he gain?

Spiritual guidance, good resources, excellent contacts...

As long as Guy Elvis wants to, he doesn't have to be there, just convenes at the forum, at the Alumni Association of Sin Elsali, and he can do much, much more.

Not to mention this, Guy Elvis's mysterious strength itself is a big backer, if he is really willing to stay in the plane of Yuno, then the security of the territory is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

These are all visible benefits.

But the risks are also enormous.

Because what guarantee does Ikuno take to ensure that Guy Elvis is not lying and coaxing himself?

This is in fact a question about human nature.

Are you ready to continue to develop completely closed and steady, or will you seize the opportunity to catch the fast lane and soar into the sky?

Fish and bear's paw have never been compatible, and this is also a life decision that Ikuno must make.

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