In the previous three days, Yuye has been trying to find the secret of [reproduction], and wants to use complex star power circuits to point to the meaning of life of three completely different races, which is an analysis of the essence of life and an extremely high-level power, and Yuye has encountered difficulties in the process of study, so that he has no way to start, which is normal.

But in fact, everything is too complicated and profound for Yuno to think.

He drilled a bull's horn.

Although Mo Mingqi's idea is not reliable, he is not wrong about one thing.

Yuno does not need to express the star power circuit of [reproduction], as long as he can finally reflect the effect of "reproduction".

Estrus-inducing pheromones can do this indirectly, but there is no other way?

The result that Ikuno painstakingly sought to pursue actually had the answer as early as when he designed the blueprint.

[Spring Rhythm] - A building called "Spring".

Spring has come, and the reproduction of all things is itself a kind of [law].

Ikuno only needs to use [Spring Rhythm] to simulate the environment and breath of a "spring", can't he let these troops actively mate, grow, and reproduce by themselves?

Although the effect of this form is certainly not as direct as the expression of the [reproduction] star force circuit, it is still very sufficient.

This kind of "spring" field breath is obviously suitable with druid techniques!

As the saying goes, inspiration is like a urinary collapse, and you can't stop it. Yu Ye had just stayed up for three days of the night, and he should have been the most exhausted, but after coming out of the tip of the bull's horn, his eyes suddenly brightened and his whole body was refreshed.

He hurriedly picked up a few steamed buns made from spirit rice from the table, took a hasty bite, and without looking at Guy and Mo Mingqi, who were still arguing on the side, pushed open the door of his [lord's cabin], and began his "retreat" again.

Guy looked at Yuye's state of learning a little crazy, a little shadow of himself back then, and suddenly smashed his mouth, "This strength is right, this time it is probably there." "

Mominch: ???

"What? Who is pregnant?! The

corner of Guy's mouth twitched, and he gave the back of Mo Mingqi's head again.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the virtual panel of the dawning system, found Wood Stanley again, and sent a message again without hurry.

"How are the candidates chosen?"

"The new genre has roughly taken shape."


Turquoise Sea, Zhudao Academy.

A turquoise body of water, with golden grains of sand spreading along the shore, shaped by the waves to look the way it wants.

Wood stood beside a sun umbrella in good manners, looking at his nose and nose, not daring to trespass in the slightest.

On a beach lounger in front of him, a graceful figure was lying leisurely on it, and the big burgundy wavy curls casually brushed over his fair shoulders, sliding down to the majestic giant barely supported by suspenders, obscuring the infinite scenery.

The red hair spread out on the smooth back, like a blooming red anchovy flower, frivolous and enchanting, but also with a trace of inaccessible majesty.

The girl was lying on the recliner and was flipping through a swimsuit magazine, staring intently at the handsome, fit, or sunny male models on it, sipping saliva from time to time, and her little face was yellow.

Wood instantly felt that the timing of his visit seemed a little wrong.

"Am I that scary?"

Sensing the palpitations of the people next to her, the girl flipped over nonchalantly, first rubbed her chest that was somewhat deformed, and then supported her chin with one hand, looked Wood up and down, and said with a slight disgust: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in smart 'extreme' people."

Wood touched his already thinning hairline with some embarrassment, which was actually a harbinger before he awakened as a transcendent.

But after so many years, those two hairs are still those two hairs, and not one more has been the result of his best maintenance.

Perhaps, his [extraordinary resonance] druid profession was in this consideration.

But even if he wanted to grow with the druid star power, which was known as star power and full of vitality, he could not get what he wanted.

It's as if hair loss is also some kind of [rule] recognized by the "boundless plane."

Hair loss is also a thing, but he has not reached the point of "absolute peak"....

Moreover, how presumptuous it is to point this out in front of others!

Wood, however, did not dare to point out the unreasonable behavior of the other side, because the girl in front of him who looked like an eighteen-year-old was a legendary druid.

[Star Springs Stephanie]!

Her best name is the strong trait of star power, which is also the source of her title, she opened a star spring in her own field when she was in the Holy Domain, and since then Stephanie has hardly lost in the war of attrition of the same rank, simply taking the characteristics of the druid's star power "thick" to the extreme.

Well, don't look at the current [Star Fountain Stephanie] is a girly figure, but in fact, this is her third "recovery", and she is currently going through the weak period of recovery in [Blue Sea].

Her exact age is unknown, but on a timescale, she spanned at least five thousand years, and there is evidence that she was active several versions ago.

And under such a long period of time, this also means that there are very few legends about her in the world today.

No one knows if she will be able to return after she passes away this time.

After all, the rabbit has three caves, and the reason why many legends are keen to explore outward is to leave legends outside the unexplored plane and use it as their future self.

Does the devil know what triggered their own fall? If an enemy deliberately erases the traces of the fallen in this world and completely destroys a piece of "legend", it is likely to lead to the failure of the legendary recovery method.

At this time, the legend of the unexplored plane became a lifesaver.

"Say, what's the matter with you coming to me in private?"

"Let me think, it should not be for the order of the Zhudao Academy."

"Wouldn't it be because I asked you to build a high-quality [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] that would be too difficult for you? Or do you think the price I gave you is not enough and want to raise the chips?

In the end, the expression on the smiling Stephanie's face gradually faded, as if Wood really disturbed her vacation time with this kind of thing, and she would definitely make a violent buckle to let Wood see the majesty of the legend.

Wood gritted his teeth before finally leaning over and whispering his meaning.

He had hesitated many times in his own house before, and now that he had plucked up the courage to walk in front of Stephanie, there was naturally no reason to retreat.

It's just that the matter is big, and although Woodming knows that there is a legendary caretaker in front of him, and no one dares to come and peep, he still chooses to whisper.

For a moment, after listening, Stephanie's beautiful eyes turned, and the burgundy hair tails seemed to sense the excitement of the owner's mood, floating up against gravity, and the color became bright like a living creature, as if these hair strands were spiritual plants.

Stephanie didn't know why she sneakily lowered her voice, but her tone was irrepressibly excited: "What you said is true?!"

She looked at Wood's gaze, and also changed from disgust at the beginning to faint eagerness!

In fact, this was her first business with Wood Stanley, and the last time she was revived, the [Lingzhen Incubator] hadn't even been created.

Previously, she had heard some druid friends say that this person was smooth and not small.

But she never thought that what was originally just an ordinary transaction would bring her such a big gift!

"That master personally came to the door, naturally there can be no fake."

Wood bowed his head slightly and relayed Guy Elvis' original words to Stephanie.

Stephanie's eyes wavered, all kinds of thoughts flowed, after the excitement just now, she quickly calmed down, her voice returned to calm, it was a character who had lived for thousands of years, and she could see at a glance that Wood had something to say.

"As far as I know, there are at least fifty or sixty druid legends currently active in the league, not counting those like me who are in bad shape, ready to be resurrected, incognito, or out to explore."

"So, why did you choose me?"

"And what do you want from me?"

In the end, Stephanie suddenly smiled, swayed her posture, nodded Wood's side with a bare toe dragonfly, and boldly stepped forward and hinted: "I suddenly feel that there is nothing wrong with extremely intelligent people!" "

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