Is the effect of [Spring Rhythm ・ One String: Earth Rejuvenation] strong?

Of course strong!

Four buff effects, "absorbing natural star power speed" and "reproduction desire" two aspects to gain explosive speed, used when fighting against the downwind, can directly accelerate the crushing opposite.

"Restore health speed increased by 200%" and "Restore star speed 200%" two aspects of the gain recovery ability, can be used when fighting against headwinds, can also strengthen the ability to resist enemies.

Advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended.

This is indeed a core building that is very in line with the "Chao Shengde" style.

But while the effect is powerful, the consumption it brings is also amazing.

This was also the first time that Yuye felt the feeling that all the star power in his entire body had been extracted.

This was even more tired than he had stayed up for days and nights, his limbs were sore and he couldn't stand up straight, his legs were shaking like sieve chaff like a weak scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam but was seduced by the goblins along the road to squeeze out the blood of the essence.

For a day or two, he didn't want to use [Spring Rhythm] easily. It's good to say that the star power recovery is that this feeling of being squeezed dry is really uncomfortable!

And with such a large consumption, the continuous effect of this extraordinary building is only as long as 3 pieces.

Moreover, this building is exclusive to the profession, and only those who have natural star power can manipulate [Spring Rhythm], and Ikuno can simulate the natural star power of the druid with [Extraordinary Resonance] to obtain the permission to manipulate.

Well, there is also a Mominge 2nd order druid in Yuno's territory that can be controlled and controlled.

Wait a minute....

Yuye suddenly thought of an idea that burst out of his mind, that "goblin" with different postures, but all over their bodies exuding the power of nature!

Aren't they the best individuals to operate on their behalf?!

One of the core buildings of Arcane Law [Anagi Scatterer], can quickly spit out [Arcane Arrows], suppress it with real firepower, and hit the enemy so that he can't raise his head.

This point alone relied on the Mage Lord's own star power, which obviously did not constitute a deterrent.

The credit for this is also due to the arcane method - the extraordinary classes represented by [Arcane Deformity], [Arcane Floating Dragon] and so on.

Their individual numbers are not as explosive as the Zerg, but they are much more useful than individual bugs.

Especially the [Arcane Floating Dragon], as a first-order high-level arcane class, is an arcane product created by arcane mages imitating "dragons" from the laboratory, and each one is not to be underestimated.

And the Tier 1 high-level [Arcane Floating Dragon] can manipulate the [Ao-Energy Scattering Machine], and it makes no sense that the Tier 1 goblins in the Yuye Territory can't operate it!

In addition to speeding up the cultivation of spiritual plants and casting some natural spells, the goblin class has also been developed.

That is instead of manipulation - [Spring Rhythm]!

The greater the number of goblins in the Transcendent Territory, the more times they can replace manipulation, and the more times [Spring Rhythm] can be used in a battle.

The majestic natural star power awakened from the earth, and the entire territory of Yuye was affected by the [Spring Rhythm].

[Iron Tree Seedlings] collectively jumped upwards for a small step, and they grew up in this rich natural environment, some of them became tall, some were lucky enough to obtain permanent bonuses for attribute points, and some simply gained a skill from the ancient tree man inheritance, from the "whiteboard" tree man to the "elite" tree man.

For [Iron Tree Seedlings], the other increases of [Spring Rhythm] are surprisingly good, only "400% increase in reproductive desire" is the least effective, tree people are long-lived species, every tree person will only carry out a large number of reproduction in the adult state, in the stage of [Iron Tree Seedlings] is they have this desire...

Ahem, there are no tools for crime!

[Natural star worms] are the opposite of [Iron Tree Seedlings], and when a large amount of natural star power is poured into the [Tree Worm Nest] without money, a large number of [Natural Star Worms] begin to reproduce and mate.

The bugs born in this environment are already a little different from the original species, not only a little bigger, but also have some strange branches, but they are not obvious, and they have not been able to stabilize the inheritance of excellent genes.

At the beginning, after these zergs were transformed into [natural star worms], they lost most of the zerg's natural abilities, including [gene tree], the most critical talent of the zerg.

Today's [Natural Star Worm] has a feeling that it is going to be born with a completely different talent from the Zerg, and the past Zerg paid attention to killing and plundering, and paid attention to everything in order to evolve points, and there was no grass in the past.

Today's [Nature Star Worm] pays attention to growth, continuation, integration with nature, sustainable development, and strengthens oneself without destroying nature, and even gives back to nature!

Just like the two flowers on the Tilian, although the root system of [Natural Star Worm] is in the same vein as the Zerg, it is necessary to officially open up a completely new talent branch, a Zerg based on "Natural Star Power"!

This change is what makes Yuye feel the most surprised!


The night is thick.

The outermost 9th ring area of the Ukuno Territory.

(4) No. 4 raised the long whip in his hand with a livid face and swung it down fiercely, the long whip carried barbs, and each swing would draw the one-eyed werewolf kneeling at the table, and the screams were endless.

But No. 4 did not look relieved at all, but because of the one-eyed werewolf's harsh cry, it became even more intense!

His herd of cattle, horses and sheep that is a whole territory!

Just one afternoon's effort, that's enough to lose seventy percent!

And the culprit is this fool who does not listen to the dissuasion of (10) and exceeds the warning line when grazing!

If it weren't for the fact that this thing still has such a blood relationship with himself, according to the temper of No. 4, he would have already peeled off his skin.

His scarlet eyes came to the one-eyed werewolf and asked coldly, "You tell me all the things you saw this afternoon."

"A word, all, not allowed, fall!"

(4) The number was word-by-word, and the tone was not waves, but it made the bloody one-eyed werewolf couldn't help but raise a chill, he repeatedly said yes, and then described in detail the scene he saw in the afternoon.

"Ahem, those bugs appeared suddenly!"

"By the time Alu and I found out, it was too late. Even if we tried our best to get back the cows and horses, we were far from catching up with those little bugs. "

Aru, are several werewolf shepherds along with the one-eyed werewolf, they are all native lords of (4), and are the heirs of the Mochizuki Silver Wolf.

Unfortunately, Aru and the rest of the werewolf shepherds tried to snatch more cattle and sheep from the group of bugs, and all died in the mouths of the bugs, but the one-eyed werewolf was the first to take the lead in escaping and survived safely.

Talking about the scene at that time, the one-eyed werewolf was trembling, unable to tell whether it was because of the severe pain in his body or because he was afraid of recalling the scene.

"Those bugs, unlike all the zergs we've seen before, are small, each one is weak, and much weaker than [red beetles]! Aru fought in the sea of insects for a long time, and there were countless small insects that he trampled to death..."

"But he was quickly drowned by the sea of insects."

Saying this, the one-eyed werewolf swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty: "Once you fall into it, you can't escape at all!"

"I saw those cows and horses, one by one, covered with those little bugs, and finally wrapped into one earth-like object after another, thinking about rolling into the depths of the grassland."

"Boss, let's run! We don't want the treasures here! "

The ruins here are terrible! I even think it's scarier than the Zerg! I don't want to be here..."

The one-eyed werewolf said that the word order was already confused, the meaning was unclear, and no one but himself could understand what he was saying, and he looked like he was having too much mental impact.

(4) No. put down the leather whip in his hand, waved his hand to the sides in disgust, left and right, two tall werewolves quickly entered the golden tent, dragging the one-eyed werewolf like a dead dog down.

He paced back and forth twice in the account before suddenly turning his head to ask (10).

"I don't know, what are you going to do now?"

(10) yawned a little bored, as a descendant of a giant guy, his financial resources are not a small tribal branch that is so lonely that [atavistic] orcs can imagine, in his opinion, this bit of cattle and horses are lost when they are lost, and they can buy a batch when they go back, there is nothing to care about.

Even when he was called up this time, he did not carry even one-tenth of his original territory.

(10) This is to prepare for the worst early, if you can't go back, you can also give the rest of your property to your wife.

What's more, the incident itself could have been avoided, purely because the one-eyed werewolf looked down on himself and did not heed his own admonitions.

Therefore, (10) has no mercy for him.

But one thing, he agrees, is that this "ruin" is no longer suitable to stay.

Who knows what else will happen here?

At least you can't be stationed here defenseless, in case those bugs reappear?

Is there any way to deal with (4)?

(10) even felt that (4) had not thought about this at all!

Werewolves claim to be nobler than dog-headed people, and dog-headed people laugh at werewolves for being stupid! There is a little cleverness to steal and play, but there is no overall view, and he is often blinded by the fly head Xiaoli.

(10) can guess with his eyes closed, how can No. (4) at this moment plan to go into the depths of the ruins to bring back those cattle and sheep!

After all, those bugs, wrapped up these cattle and sheep, did not intend to kill them on the spot, and were obviously prepared to be used as reserve food.

If (4) goes to the rescue now, maybe some can be rescued.

And what can he think of? Don't you have to ask for it in the end?

(10) No. 10's heart turned a thousand times, and he had already thought about how to refuse the other party later, and a pair of black and white dog eyes were full of wisdom.

Sure enough, as expected by (10), No. 4 hesitantly opened the wolf's mouth and was about to open his mouth for help, when a piercing and sharp chirp sounded one after another.

First from the southwest, then to the west and east, and finally, even to the north!

The orcs' facial features are sensitive, and it is not difficult for them to listen to the position at all.

"What is this sound?"

(4) No. was confused and did not react at all.

On the contrary, No. 10's face changed wildly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and in the face of No. 4's dazed look, he could not maintain the moderation that he usually called brothers and brothers, and cursed: "That's the [air totem] installed by Lao Tzu!"

"You still dare to fight a life and death duel!" I don't even know this basic common sense!

(10) was so angry that he finally understood why there was a saying in the dog-headed man, "Never be teammates with the boar man!" "

He cooperated with a werewolf, and he was almost half dead with anger, let alone a more stupid boar man!

Tier 1 [Air Totem]: Placed around the perimeter of the extraordinary territory, an air barrier will be formed between every two [air totem], and when an enemy unit touches the barrier, it will emit a shrill chirping sound (passive)

The extraordinary building is from human hands, is a small component in [Totem Sa], can not be regarded as a core building, at most an auxiliary building, not to mention anything else, used as a warning effect is excellent.

Its chirping sound was very harsh, as long as it was not deaf, then the people of the entire transcendent territory could hear it.

Orcs, as a race that can use the totem, involuntarily copied it after discovering the utility of the totem.

Ikono can imitate the Zerg, so of course there will be geniuses of other races to borrow from the excellent architecture of humans.

The difficulty of making [Air Totem] is not difficult, coupled with the assistance of "human traitors", the production materials were quickly obtained by the orcs.

But when this thing reaches the hands of orcs, it is not an ordinary color of rotten streets, and no orcs will show the knowledge they bought with money to others at will. This led to the fact that the orcs who had no knowledge and had not fought with Totemsa really couldn't recognize it!

Due to the existence of rule (7), so (10) could not use the better guard building of his territory, in desperation, he finally had to rummage through the bottom of the box to find the [Air Totem] production materials, and found a [Orc Totem Master] to make a batch in case of emergency.

It's just that (10) never expected that this batch of things that had been produced in a hurry for less than two days would be used immediately.

And judging by the ear-piercing screams coming from all directions, the situation is not optimistic!

Most likely, they have been surrounded by the enemy!

And he doesn't even know now whether the enemy is from the human camp or the bug in the one-eyed wolf's population!

A drop of cold sweat couldn't help but pass through No. 10's forehead, and he wanted to search for a plan that best matched the current situation, but every time he deduced a few steps, it was all dead.

If the enemy is a bug, then there is a glimmer of life in the fight to the death now.

If the enemy is a human camp, look at the forces that have developed to the point of encircling the extraordinary territory of the two of them.

This chess game has long been out of play!

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