Colorful brilliance fell from the air, and little by little all disappeared into Yuno's body.

"This is the blessing of the 'Plane Will'?"

Although Yuye didn't know that the blessing in front of him was the famous [Gaia Blessing] in the boundless plane, he also quickly realized that this was not something that anyone who broke through the 2nd order could get!

Because when the colored light point fell, he had just finished advancing to the end of the three attributes of [strength], [spirit], and [physique], which had risen by more than a dozen attribute points, and almost instantly rose again by a small margin, and according to this growth rate, Yu Ye would soon be able to break through the 40 mark.

This is already a very amazing value for the second order where the upper limit of the attribute value has only reached 60 points!

Through those points of light, Yuye understood that this was the first reward of this blessing, the attribute value reward!

And how much can be rewarded depends on the depth of the breakthrough. Ikuno's advanced task is to directly submit the 9 core buildings of an entire genre, and most of them are new buildings designed, conceived and created by Ikuno himself, which is more than the "benchmark mission goal", I don't know how many times more than the "benchmark mission goal" to build a Tier 1 extraordinary building from scratch!

Practice is the same as [architects] building the foundation of a building, only the more solid the bottom, the higher the ground!

Therefore, although Ikuno's breakthrough is amazing, it is understandable and acceptable.

In addition to the three attributes that are obviously growing, the growth rate of [agility] and [charm] is slightly slower, and [lucky] does not want to move at all.

In general, it seems that this is consistent with the growth of Yuno's attributes when he broke through at that time.

What's the rule in this?

Yuno only thought about it a little, and then he had a guess.

This may be the reason why Ikuno advanced to the "super virtue" genre created, the characteristics of the druid profession are known for their star power, high spirit, high physique is its very normal professional characteristics, if it is a deformed druid like the bear school druid high strength is also reasonable.

Perhaps this is the process of each class, different development trends, such as summoners must be highly charismatic types, thieves are highly agile, of course, this still depends on the specific genre of extraordinary classes.

It didn't take long for the attribute value to stop.

But this is not the end of this blessing, but the official beginning, the huge star power began to pour in from all directions, Ikuno felt like a doll that was constantly filled with gas, the star power in the body has expanded to an extreme, and then continue to inflate inside, about to explode!

Yu Ye's face changed immediately, his pre-advancement foundation was too deep, resulting in the magnificence of this star power vortex not at all like a second-order transcendent can absorb, in exchange for any second-order transcendent will be instantly filled!

This kind of blessing is inevitably too difficult to dissipate, but fortunately, the nine small constellations hanging in the "night sky" in their bodies suddenly emit light in unison at this moment, emitting a suction force, absorbing all the star power that poured in.

What happened just now made Yuye break out in a cold sweat, if he really exploded when receiving the blessing, and the meridians broke and died, it would be really too miserable.

Fortunately, Yuye did not expect that these architectural constellations could also play the role of storing star power! He roughly estimated that in each constellation there was at least one Tier 2 Transcendent with all the star power! Yuye can be mobilized at any time to make up for the consumption of his star power, and they will also absorb and replenish at any time!

Yuye does not have the talent and skills in terms of star power increase, and he does not attach much importance to this aspect, his star power has always been the level of an ordinary transcendent (spiritual attribute * 100 points) before this, but at this moment, Yuye's star power reserve is ten times equivalent to the same level!

And this is the second level of [Gaia Blessing] -

skill rewards!

Based on the "Super Virtue" genre created by Ikuno, Gaia specially grants two advanced skills related to druids, and gives these two skills "super strengthening"!

You know, in general, different extraordinary professions cannot be learned across professions, and the vast majority of the reasons are that different star power systems will conflict with each other in the body, and finally make the extraordinary go crazy.

Yuno is different, he is directly "given" and does not need to study, he has already mastered.

Among them, the first skill granted solves the problem of Ukuno Star Power Absorption - Druid Advanced Skill [Star Spring Surge]!

Normal [Star Spring Surge] can make the star power in a druid reach 3~6 times of the same order, and how many times it is multiplied, it depends on the cultivator's physique, genre and other factors.

And Yuye, which was super strengthened by Gaia, is directly solidified to 10 times the same order!

The creator of this skill is named [Star Fountain Stephanie], and it is Wood Stanley who found a partner for the "Super Virtue" genre of Ikuno.

It has to be said that this is a coincidence.

In the era when Stephanie was active, the small druid school she was in was known for its star power in her body to consume enemies, and it can be said that [Star Spring Surge] is one of the most core skills and a skill that countless people envy.

Unfortunately, the acquisition of this skill must have a corresponding channel, and in the past years, only the extraordinary path of Stephanie's genre could be obtained, which made many druids at that time extinguish the desire to acquire this skill.

Because, other aspects of this genre are decent, even a little weak, if you want to fight a war of attrition, you are afraid that others will not give you a chance at all, and directly push it flat, which puts the genre in an embarrassing situation.

If there were no problems with this transcendent genre, it would not have been replaced by other druid schools later, and eventually slowly disappeared into the long river of history.

With the end of the genre, the opportunities that [Star Spring Surge] can get are becoming less and less, and it can be said that Yuno can get such a high skill, which can be said to be a surprise.

And at this time, the second skill rewarded by Gaia, the Druid High [Life Connection], arrived!

It is not surprising that Gaia rewards such a skill based on Yuno's "Super Virtue". Because, when Mo Mingqi experimented with [Mother Nest] and transformed it into [Tree Worm Nest], he also used this advanced skill [Life Connection].

This skill is also derived from a druid legend - [Tree of Life High Heaven], which is a legendary existence of tree people, the skill itself is to connect the tree people with life with each other, form a forest to share the enemy's high damage, it can be said that it is a life-saving defense divine skill in war.

After the [Life Connection] strengthened by Gaia, this skill is even more extraordinary.

This skill allows users to designate a life form for lifelong life connection, as long as both parties do not die at the same time, then the other party's injuries will be distributed to the other party's body even if they are separated by infinite time and space, which belongs to the kind that can be shared by real life and death, and even future lifespans!

However, after strengthening this skill, Ikuno can only release it once in this life, and after connecting with another life form, it will be difficult to cut off the connection between the two unless he voluntarily gives up. And even if Ikuno cuts off the connection in the future, he can't use the skill again.

Although the effects of the two advanced skills [Star Spring Surge] and [Life Connection] are excellent, this time [Gaia Blessing] is still not over!

The third stage - the reward of creating a law!

Ikuno will be given the opportunity to create a skill for his extraordinary career!

This skill can realize Ukino's whimsy, but there is [energy level limit], and the initial level cannot exceed 1 level, such as what you want to do [reverse time and space], etc., it is absolutely impossible to achieve.

The skill level of the first level stipulates that this skill cannot be exaggerated too much, but in the future, the skill level can be brushed up to obtain an increase in the skill power level.

The biggest difference between skills and talents is that skills can be learned and taught to others! Therefore, every skill is a treasure for a transcendent class! Every opportunity to create a law is an opportunity for extraordinary career sublimation!

Even if Ikuno obtains [Gaia Blessing] at Tier 1, he only has the opportunity to create a skill! As the founder, his proficiency in this skill will be directly MAX, which is also a small benefit.

However, Yuno is a little difficult at the moment, what kind of skills does he want to leave for the [architect] profession?

Skills to assist in building extraordinary building types?

At present, the five vocational skills on the Dawning System's vocational skill panel are all of this type, and Yuye feels that they are all very useful when he uses them on weekdays, and he has no need to create something else.

Or...... A quick skill to master Star Force Circuit fragments?

This is a very practical creative direction, and many first-order architect apprentices will like it.

After all, the manufacture of extraordinary buildings can be simply divided into two parts - the combing and shaping of building materials, the construction and fitting of rune groups, most of the current skills are more inclined to the former, the latter's [architect] skills are not absent, but most of these skills are master-apprentice inheritance and self-cherishing, and none of them can be widely transmitted.

If Ikuno really creates this kind of skill and chooses to make it public, it will definitely become a boon for many architects!

However, Yuye himself is already very talented in the rune group, and if he chooses this aspect to create a method, it is actually not very high for him, because he can master most of the star power circuit fragments on his own, and it is fast and good, which makes Guy praise it more than once.

If you choose to create the law in this way, wouldn't it be of little use to yourself?

Isn't there a creative direction that adds significantly to [the architect's] entire extraordinary profession and is also very helpful to himself?

Yuno began to think about the flaws of his strength, and unexpectedly found that if he could call it a shortcoming, it might be combat effectiveness!

He came to the boundless plane for two months, he didn't fight many times in total, most of the time was spent on scientific research, and he could only bully and bully others with the advantage of high attributes... But compared with the real warriors, Ikuno is a war scumbag.

This is normal, after all, a production class extraordinary profession, it is still very difficult to fight back and forth with the war workers....

No, it's not like that!

The [Yan Ling Master] in the niche profession is an extraordinary class that is strong in production and combat!

If [the Spirit Master] can do it, why can't [the architect] do it?

Yu Ye's eyes lit up, and he felt that his creative direction had been found!

He's going to create a skill that will allow [architects] to go into battle and fight enemies head-on!

Now that he had made the idea, Ikuno no longer hesitated, he stretched out his hand and probed the countless colorful points of light that fell in mid-air, inside were all kinds of mysterious, dreamy, and miraculous points of light, and various incredible rules were intertwined and collided inside, giving Yuno the illusion that he could do everything!

Creation begins!

What kind of combat skills should be in line with the [architect's] temperament?

Yuno fell into deep thought, he only has one chance to create a law at present, and he wants to let the [architect] who can't fight instantly have powerful combat power, which must not be an ordinary skill like [Ice Arrow], [Arcane Arrow], but a high-level skill!

[Architects'] biggest reliance is on their own extraordinary buildings, and what they are familiar with is also their extraordinary buildings!

If there is a skill that directly transforms an extraordinary building into a loaded "weapon" and blesses [the architect]'s body, wouldn't it allow the [architect] to instantly have powerful combat power? This idea is a bit like the "mecha flow" of the [mechanic] profession, [mechanic] has a weak physical body, but after putting on the mecha, I can't wait to fight the battlefield!

Moreover, if there is such a skill, the development curve of this skill is also well planned, and as the skill proficiency increases, the number of extraordinary buildings that [the architect] can load at the same time can also increase, and the strength will be stronger!

This is the higher skill that belongs to [architects] - [building armament]!

Yuno's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his fingers flashed back and forth in the neon spots, [deformation], [loading], [solidification]...

One by one, fragments of star power circuits emitting different colors were combined at Yuno's fingertips.

It didn't take long for a high-level skill called [Building Armament] to come out, and the requirement to learn this skill was - [Architect]!

This is an epoch-making event for [architects]!

Since then, [the architect] has possessed the first extremely popular offensive skill!

At this point, [Gaia Blessing] is finally over.

Ikuno opened his properties panel and began to appreciate his results after working so long.


[Name]: Ikuno

[Race]: Human (Otherworldly)

[Class]: Architect [Rank]: 2nd Order

[Status]: Normal [Health]: 7100/7100

[Star Power]: 4500



]: 40 [Spirit]: 45 [Agility]: 32


]: 43

[Charm]: 30

[Lucky]: 21

[Talent] :(1) [Building Mutation (A)]: This talent can randomly transform buildings into new functions, and the higher the building, the lower the probability of success.

(2) [Building Empowerment (S)]: For each different type of extraordinary building on the extraordinary territory, you will get 1~2 free attribute points according to the rank of different extraordinary buildings and distribute them until you reach the upper limit of the attribute value of that level. The talent is currently S and is currently only valid for Tier 2 and below.

(3) [Architectural Growth (C)]: You can give extraordinary buildings a new quality - [Architectural Growth]. After placing an extraordinary building with [Building Growth], you will automatically receive [XP] entries, which will automatically increase by 1 point per day, and as long as the Extraordinary Building is not destroyed, it can continue to grow to the limit of its "quality".


General Skills]: [Direct Piercing LV7], [Jumping Lv5

], [Pain Blocking LV1] (Passive) [Expandable, 21 General Skills Omitted

] [Advanced Skills

]: (1) [Star Spring Surge (10 times

)] (2) [Life Connection (1 time)

] [Occupational Skill Tree]:

[Extraordinary Resonance LV5], [Building Material Shaping LV8], [Aono Hand LV8], [Module Assembly LV5], [Worker Force LV3], [Space Expansion LV1][

Building Armament LV. MAX]


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