For the discussion of "super virtue" in the outside world, Yuye did not see it, but even if he knew, he might not care too much.

In Yuno's opinion, "Transcendent Virtue" is already a thing of the past, and he wants to create other transcendent genres and prepare to attack the 3rd order.

And the first thing he has to do is to fill all the attribute values of the second order, which is not difficult for Yuye, who has [Building Empowerment (S)], he just needs to continue to expand the types of extraordinary buildings in his territory.

The best thing about the upgrade of Talent [Building Empowerment] from Tier A to Tier S is the removal of the harsh ratio of the Extraordinary Building Empowerment Lucky Value attribute (10:1), that is, 10 different Extraordinary Buildings can only add 1 Lucky Point.

But this matter is still not simple, after all, Yuye's lucky attribute is a mystery, after breaking through to the 2nd level, his lucky attribute has only increased by 1 point, from 20 points to 21 points.

Well, it's a qualitative leap

to want a 2nd order lucky attribute full value, and if you exchange an extraordinary building for 1 attribute value, he needs 39 different extraordinary buildings!

It's definitely a tiring rhythm!

Even if Yuye can go to Dawning Mall to buy some finished buildings, he still has to rely on luck to brush it! Ikuno now only has the Dawn permission of LV5, and the number of times he can retrieve and refresh the store every day is not much, not to mention that he now brushes the finished building scrolls, many of which are already available in the Ukuno territory.

Regarding this matter, Ikuno also cheekily asked Guy if he had some small inventory in the thousands of years that his cheap teacher had.

No matter what genre of extraordinary architecture is fine! He doesn't pick!

"Of course..." Looking

at Yuno's expectant eyes, Guy deliberately lengthened the tail note for three or four seconds, and finally refused: "No!" "


Yuye saw through the true face of this old fox at a glance, and said no, but in fact, there are definitely a lot of good things!

Hmph, since that's the case....

Yu Ye suddenly asked without mentioning which pot, "Teacher, how about you mobilize resources to help me with the Talent Advancement Scroll?" My talent [Architectural Mutation] can't wait to get up!

"After so long, it should be on the road now, right?"

Hearing this, Guy Elvis's old face with a bad smile suddenly froze, and Haikou, which he said and boasted at that time, finally "created" himself.

Finally, he glanced at Yu Ye helplessly and said, "I really think that buying this talent promotion scroll is like buying cabbage in which vegetable market?"

"How could it be so easy! The master who can make this kind of scroll, I don't know how many years the order will be in line! "

If this thing is really that easy to obtain, would you still be willing to exchange it with the quartermaster of the Red Blood Empire in response to the [Red Blood Conscription Order]?"

"I also gave up this old face, only to get a roll from the hands of the person at the front of the queue, and when the queue is made and the delivery time is added, it will take almost half a month!"

Guy scolded with a smile and knocked on Yuno's head, "Your teacher is so rich, even if I used to be proud, I haven't worked for three or five hundred years, and I don't love business like Wood Stanley, and now I am basically eating old books, do you still worry about this little treasury?"

"The condition of your talent is obviously the best to achieve, and you don't know it!" Have you forgotten what your profession is? "

You [an architect] can make a building like the 'Chaosheng De 9 Core', can't you even build a garbage building?"

"Your talent does not stipulate what type of extraordinary buildings are needed in the territory. Your general-purpose buildings such as street lamps and floors are included, so can't you just make some 'unique' garbage buildings?

"Don't talk about dozens of attribute values, you can create more attribute points!"

Can you still play like this?!

Yuno was stunned, he was really too young.


All build garbage buildings, you can pile up attribute points?

If you don't pay attention to the efficacy of the building, as long as Ikuno creates a good embryo, and even does not use the singularity scattering method to mentally sort out the building materials, the building collapses and collapses, anyway, the meaning of the birth of these buildings itself is to act as garbage, and then the many star circuit fragments are simply arranged and combined, Yuye makes more than fifty garbage buildings a day is not too much, right?

With 39 attribute points, watch him pile up lucky attribute points to the peak of the 2nd order in one day!

Ikuno is a man of action, and he really practices when he has ideas!

On the periphery of the territory, when Qihaha and Qi Humph were inspecting their orc territory, they accidentally saw Yuye humming a small song, happily holding a pile of materials and walking towards the river.

The two orcs glanced at each other and chose to follow quietly.

Speaking of which, they have lived relatively comfortably these days, they have not looked like "slaves" at all, neither whipping nor urging by overseers, everything is very free and open.

This made them completely unaware of the difference between the status of "slave" and the status of "lord", and they slept well these days, and ate all the spirit rice produced by the Yuye Territory, and they hummed shamefully to find that they had even gained weight.

As a slave, you can also grow meat...

This is simply beyond Qi Humph's imagination!

The plane of orc survival is often rich in water and grass at the beginning, and the resources are abundant, but if you do not know how to operate and do not exercise moderation, then no matter how many resources will be destroyed by the orcs, especially if they are still a race that likes to create people, pay attention to the inheritance of bloodlines, there is no sustainable development idea, even if there is no oracle of the "beast god", a large number of people will force them to constantly wander, to pursue new resource planes, and establish new orc territory.

Qi hummed that the ancestors were also broad, but the reality was so miserable, life was not like words, if their tribe knew how to operate, they would not have fallen to this point.

In just a few days, Qi Humph has shaken his heart more than once, because not only him, but also the people under him feel that they are doing well in the Yuye Territory, and the one-eyed werewolf who was taught by Qi Humph last time can now eat three bowls of Ling Rice at a time, and the only price is to complete the production tasks assigned by the Yuye Territory.

How nourishing this life is! It was completely unimaginable before Qi Humph.

Blah blah! This is all a conspiracy of the Terrans, used to spoil their own Dao heart!

Qi hummed and raised his eyes, his eyes showed determination, and he made up his mind again. He was destined to surpass the ancestor [Mochizuki Silver Wolf]'s Qi hum!

How can you let the noble wolf's head under your little delicacy?

"What do you think?! Hurry up and keep up!

Qi Haha kicked Qi and snorted, "Aren't you curious about what this human lord wants to do?" Let's know a little more, it may be helpful for us to escape in the future! He

said so, but he couldn't even lie to himself.

Let's not talk about the most troublesome [branding] problem.

Even if you escape? Where can they escape?

Their territory has been moved to this unknown plane by the coordinates of the Void Realm, and the only way is to borrow the [City of a Thousand Stars].

Even if they have the ability to replace Yuye and open the [Teleportation Hall] for teleportation, their orc's identity in the plane hub wonder of [City of a Thousand Stars] will be instantly recognized by humans, and then ruthlessly killed, there is no second possibility!

Not all humans are like Ikuno!

Therefore, from the moment Yuye refused to negotiate the redemption, they actually couldn't go back.

But Qihaha is unwilling, and it is this unwillingness that drives Qihaha to want to see what kind of skills this human lord has!

As a shrewd and flexible dog-headed man, he does not dislike the Terrans, and of course does not have much affection, he can lose or follow the human lord, but he must be convinced and must be able to see the future future!

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