Earth Source Dragon Realm, Rognus Underground Palace.

Leia switched the plane store back and forth to check, but kept chanting something to himself: "I must grab it today!" You must grab it! "

It's like chanting a mantra from eternity, ancient and religious.

And the space-time dragon Basarrod, who was sitting on the side tasting the "Tears of Amber", was a little curious, came forward, and burped a full belch full of alcohol: "What do you mean by this?"

"What? Besides 'Tears of Amber', what else are you going to grab this time?

Leia glanced at Bassarold without a trace of expression, he did not forget that some time ago, Basarod used space magic to "steal" all his remaining wine.

At that time, Leia finally found the opportunity to promote himself to legend from "Tears of Amber", and as a result, the wine was gone, and he was almost not angry by Bassarrod.

Although pure-blooded dragons can basically get good results as long as they are not rotten in the "ancient dragon trial", God knows, for the long-lived jade dragon, an immortal dragon in the immortal species, how many years will it take to survive to the "legend" based solely on qualifications?

Fortunately, after less than half a month, the disappeared plane shop opened again, which is good news, which not only means that His Highness should still be alive, but also means that Leia can spend a huge amount of money to buy the daily "Amber Tears".

The only trouble is that more people know the value of "Amber Tears", and its price is naturally rising, and now even he can't take it steadily!

This time, he learned his lesson.

Hide the "Tears of Amber" in a safe place, brew it well, and enjoy it when the time comes!

"Wait a minute? Where did you get this wine?

After realizing it, Leia suddenly looked at the wine in Bassarod's hand, which was faintly familiar.

He suddenly had some kind of bad premonition in his heart: "Where did you get this wine?" I don't believe that the ones you went along with before can persist until now!

Basarode smiled drunkenly, "Huh? When I was passing by just now, I saw that someone had thrown a can of wine in a gap in the space of the underground palace, and I felt that it was a pity to waste it, so I took it out and drank it. "


" "This wine..." "

It's really fucking delicious!"

Leia's forehead was bruised, and he clenched his fists, although he did not take strength as his strength, but at the moment he wanted to punch this Laipi dragon's head, but thinking of the encounter of the past two days, and asking this dragon for help later, he finally suppressed the fiery temper in his heart.

Compared with the wine to be grabbed next, "Amber Tears" is not a rare item!

Thinking of the colorless liquor mixed with the starry silver light spots, Leia suddenly felt dry in his mouth.

To be honest, when the plane store with unknown space-time coordinates announced in advance that it would sell a new wine, Gaia was a little unimpressed.

In his opinion, "Tears of Amber", a wine that can make him see [Bushy Dragon Topio] when he is drunk, is already a treasure in the world, and no matter how powerful the new wine is, it is impossible to surpass it, right?

No matter how strong it is, can it be stronger than "Amber Tears"?

But on that day, on the first day that the wine called "Broken Star Residual Dream" was on the shelves, Leia did not have time to shock its appearance, and the only glass of "Broken Star Residual Dream" was bought at a sky-high price!

Different from the bidding mode of "Amber Tears", "Broken Star Residual Dream" adopts a second auction system, and the auction is completed within 3 seconds, and the highest price wins!

In such a tight auction, there is not much time to give buyers the opportunity to modify the price, so if you want to auction, you can only quote a higher price!

On the first day of the auction, Leia did not participate, but it does not mean that others did not participate!

3 seconds of auction, but nearly 10,000 people participated!

Obviously, after more than two months of daily auctions in the past, many planes with a little strength nearby have all noticed this special "plane store", as well as the wine that looks unusual!

Even if many people do not know the role of this wine, so many people bid every day, and the price is higher and higher every time, those who claim to be not bad money, of course, are interested in mixing a kick.

And after buying, the buyer who tastes the benefits will not let go next time.

This has led to the scene of 10,000 people bidding in these 3 seconds!

In the end, the bidder in the first auction simply sold a main architectural drawing of the spectacle [Sacred Anthem Heavenly Pool] this time!

Although the spectacle is unique, and there are countless copies, pirated copies, and incomplete drawings related to [Hymn Heavenly Pool] that have been explored, the main building is absolutely extraordinary and rarely flows out!

There are thirty-six main pools of various sizes and one hundred and eight dividing pools. Each main pool has extraordinary effects, such as rebirth, rebirth, healing, detoxification, etc., all of which are among its many effects!

And this main architectural drawing is one of the thirty-six main pools. Although this part of the effect alone will not be as amazing as the spectacle effect, it is definitely not an ordinary building!

To be honest, Leia didn't know why he had to buy high-value items such as architectural drawings or other extraordinary knowledge this time, and only barter, not gold.

But this is a typical seller's market, no matter how harsh the conditions are, there are people bidding!

In the next few days, as long as [Broken Star Remnant Dream] is on the shelves, in just 3 seconds of bidding time, the outrageous price will soar one by one!

Leia's eyes were also hot, and he shot several times in succession, but they were all feather back.

Unlike the obscurity of "Amber Tears", from the moment "Broken Star Residual Dream" appeared in the plane store, many people and creatures sensed that this wine had an effect on themselves like Leia.

The inspiration for high-personality creatures is still very accurate.

But as for what effect it will have, it has not been drunk, no one knows.

Boundless planes, thousands of living beings.

After advancing to the Uyi, every step is extremely difficult, and a glass of wine can cause a huge shock in their hearts.

How could they not be moved?

That's why there is such a crazy bidding scene.

Compared with the robbery of "broken star residual dreams", Barcelona's theft of alcohol seems irrelevant... Anyway, Leia will deduct from his reward for Bassarrod later!

"It's about to start!"

Leia suddenly stared, looking at the plane store with unknown space-time coordinates unconsciously on a new glass of wine, the stars of broken silver in the seemingly empty liquor, he quickly opened the quotation interface, but did not fill in the price submission, but turned around and shouted: "Basarrod!" Basarod

, who was originally paralyzed on the side full of drunkenness, instantly sobered his eyes, the golden light flashed in his hand, and the invisible ripples spread rapidly, as if forming an enchantment.

Due to the wanton release of dragon power, Basarode's humanoid state was a little faintly unsupportable, the scales on his cheeks loomed, a pair of golden dragon pupils trembled slightly, and he almost gritted his teeth and said: "You... Hurry up! "

Lying down... Depend on! I'm not the only one... With the power of the time system... Over here...... Cheat! In

the last second of these 3 seconds, everything around him seemed to be slowed down, except Leia, who looked at the constantly beating highest offer, and gradually counted in his heart.

2.7 seconds....

2.81 seconds....

2.93 seconds....

2.999 seconds....

Stuck in the last moment of nearly 3 seconds, Leia placed enough objects to crush all the offer.

The golden light dispersed.

Basarrod collapsed on the soft collapse, panting: "Damn, I simply lost money on this deal!"

"At least 3 time-controlling legends are grabbing it! When did the time department turn into rotten cabbage and run all over the street? "


"What the hell are you snapping up?"

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