Mu Zhong quickly took someone to test it with [Sword Thorn], and when he returned, he brought Yuye an affirmative answer.

Whether it is ordinary orcs or fish people, after being pierced by [Sword Thorn], they all have obtained the corresponding skill perception!

Without exception, several skills can be acquired, including the [Pain Blockade] skill.

In fact, Yu Ye already has a faint answer to this point.

After all, comprehension [pain blockade] was not long after Yuye had just arrived in the other world.

Hamburg and himself belong to two different races, but the effect of [Sword Thorn] also works on both of them.

Since this [rule] of [Sword Thorn] has an effect on both the Terrans and the Dragon Race, which have huge differences in physique and strength, then perhaps the same is true for other races?

Now, the answer has been verified.

But this conclusion came out, and it also raised new questions.

Which race's crown will give its precious "crown rule" to the [Sword and Thorn Rule] that all races can apply, but does not add a racial use threshold?

The scope of the Void God Realm is so wide that almost all the planes can be climbed, and the [Sword and Thorn Rules] are not restricted, and all races can use the [Rules], isn't this sending benefits to all races?

Look at the situation where war breaks out anytime and anywhere. The small race is closed to the country, even if it shrinks under the plane barrier, it is only to seek a glimmer of life, and the slightly larger races also join forces with each other to warm up, in order to protect themselves under the fire of the peak race.

As for the peak race, the Terran is the one who was named this in the Dawning System version 2.0 [Infinity War: Rise of the Terrans], and it is also the youngest of all the peak races at present.

But when the Terrans joined this infinite war in modern times, the rest of the peak races had been fighting and dying for an unknown number of years!

Even the dragon clan in the impression or the elves blessed by the "World Tree" cannot escape the millstone of this war.

In this context, which generation in the past, which race's crown would be so "selfless" to open the [rules] of [sword and thorn] to all races, so that they can improve their strength?

That's in the enemy!

So, there seems to be only one possibility.

There was a lost time, perhaps between races, there was no war, but peaceful coexistence and a very harmonious passage of time.

It's just that it's too far away from now, and the races have forgotten that history.

However, why use this [rule] when there is no war, to help all races use the mechanism of the [Void God Realm] to improve their strength?

Or maybe they had a common enemy, an enemy that had to be united to defeat.


It's a logical closed loop, a logical closed loop of guesswork.

Yuno didn't know if his series of guesses was correct, even if he had successfully verified that the [Sword and Thorn Rule] was valid in multiple races, it was still not strong evidence.

After all, whether the [sword and thorn rule] is artificial or not is itself a question mark.

What if, the Boundless Plane was born with spiritual plants that specialized in comprehending skills for other races?

The connection between [Sword Thorn] and [Void God Realm] is just a small idea of Yuno.

But even if we know that there was an era of "great alliance of ten thousand races", what can be done?

The past has long since disappeared with the wind.

Today's boundless plane, [Infinity War] is the main theme!


Returning to the creative Ukuno, he picked up the [Book of Contracts] again.

He and Guy had discussed this issue many times.

Guy Elvis actually felt very satisfied when [Contract Stone Carving] was born, even if it has a small flaw that cannot use multiple BUFFs at the same time, but this flaw is not hidden, and it cannot deny the excellence of this extraordinary building itself.

As for what Ikuno thought, the idea of turning complete "star power circuits" into "words" and engraving them on the stone slab, Guy thought it was feasible in theory, but in reality it was not very optimistic.

The so-called [Book of Contracts], no matter how it is also an extraordinary building, can not really be as big as a book, the "book" here refers to the shape of the stone carving, its actual area is actually not small, it is a long, long stone carved wall?

The miniature that Yuye can do now, that is, a "character" occupies a small "wall", hundreds of "characters", then this stone-carved "book" is not called "book", simply called "long corridor".

Don't think that this "miniature" "word" is very large, compared with the star power circuit that originally covered an entire extraordinary building, this has been shrunk several times.

After all, what Ikuno miniaturized this time was all the circuits of complete buildings with perfect functions and complex mechanisms, not the small wood carvings that casually constructed the circuits in the past.

If it were so easy to achieve, it would not be Yuno's turn to try this improvement.

"So, since you call it a 'book,' why not just make it into the form of a book? One 'word' is enough for one page. Guy

offered a new perspective.

Yuye thought for a while, but still shook his head, "This can indeed solve this problem, and the area will not spread out so large." "

But it's still the problem [of the contract stone carving], if this architect is paged, how can it activate several star circuits that are not on the same page?"

"It takes time to turn the page, it takes time to excite, and even if this time is small, the effect is completely different."

"What I want to do is to completely smooth out this time difference! As long as the operator has that strength, even if hundreds of BUFFs are activated at the same time, there is no problem! "

Slate is the best way I thought of building to present it too." As long as the manipulator has enough star power and spirit, he can directly divert the power to each 'word' of a stone slab, and take effect at the same time! Hearing

this, Guy was also a little helpless, and at this time, he saw from Yuye's body the same stubbornness and perfectionism as his teacher Cole.

This kind of perfectionism is only for the perfectionism of the cause you love to pursue, otherwise Master Cole would not have felt that the 6 buff-type buildings were too cumbersome to play the characteristics of this genre because of the "little ghost art" that still had regrets before he died.

At the time of the birth of [Contract Stone Carving], teacher Cole's regret had actually been made up for 99%.

Yuye, however, wants to make up for the last 1%.

Guy said helplessly: "Although I can't help you much, if you really want to condense the macroscopic extraordinary building star power circuit into a microscopic one..." "

Then you might as well think from the perspective of [forgers], this profession also needs to construct rune groups, but they are the best at making a fuss about small-handled weapons!"

As soon as Guy finished speaking, Ikuno suddenly woke up like an empowerment.

That's right!

[Forger] and [Architect] are two niche and extraordinary professions in completely different directions, but they are inextricably linked!

Both deal with "rune groups", "bonding materials" and other aspects, but [architect] main macro, in order to express the complete construction mechanism requires a more complex star circuit architecture, [forger] main micro, weapons often only need to be strong in a certain aspect, so even if only one circuit is used throughout the body, it is not impossible!

[Sharp Edge] +14! This kind of minimalist star power circuit is not impossible in the hands of [Forger]!

In a way, the two professions can also make cameos to each other!

Speaking of which, the advanced skills of [microscopic carving] and [fine carving] are equally applicable to [forgers], and in some ways may be more applicable than [architects]!

Ikuno went around in circles for a long time, and now he finally found a solution to the problem that has been bothering him for a long time.

Now his miniature is the star power circuit structure of an entire extraordinary building, so he can't shrink to a certain extent.

There is a reason why Ikuno's skills have reached their limits, but this is not the main reason. The bigger reason is that the circuit expression of these "words" is too heavy, too cumbersome, and too redundant!

They are not designed as a circuit to an extraordinary building, but as part of a new building!

At that time, Yuye wanted to save trouble, and at the same time, he also felt that the design of the masters must have been very concise, so he directly used the rune groups of those masters' extraordinary buildings.

Now, he suddenly realized that such behavior was wrong. No matter how concise the design of the master star power circuit is, it will also spend a lot of unnecessary parts to consider various factors for the building itself, and these parts are put into the design of Yuno's [Book of Contracts], which will be all waste and garbage.

In this way, how can it be miniaturized to the extreme?

Since Ikuno's skills can no longer be improved, then simply overturn and redesign the circuit!

If you use the microscopic ideas and methods of [Forger] to redesign the circuit, so that these "words" maintain the original gain function and then reduce the burden and lose weight, then the "miniaturized" star power circuit will naturally meet the needs of Yuye!

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