Chapter 112: His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor… Can I still resurrect my cousin Superman? Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wow, Supergirl!”

Ray Movie: “Akuya, do you still know Supergirl?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I know!”

Group leader Li Daxian @Supergirl Kara: “Let’s take a look at the chat history first!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “There are also many supermen, because there are many parallel worlds, and the one who joins the chat group may not be your cousin, but the superman of the parallel world.”

The world of “DC” is a multiverse world.

There is also Superman Clark Kent in the “DC” world, who is a supervillain!

So…… Not sure!

Supergirl Kara: “Chat history? I read it in an instant.”

Superman has the superpower of a super brain and can learn all the knowledge of the earth in a short period of time.

Although the chat records of thousands of world chat groups are a little much, they have not exceeded a million words, and it is normal for Supergirl Kara to read it in an instant.

Supergirl Kara: “It was indeed my cousin Clark Kent who joined this chat group.

He was killed not long ago by the Kryptonian monster Doom Day.

And the Day of Destruction was indeed killed by a man with a bald head and a cloak!”

Supergirl Kara: “But then the man with the bald head and cloak also died… His corpse is still being studied by the earth humans of my world.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Are you really the cousin of Clark Kent who joined the chat group before?” That, why didn’t Superman Clark, fight against Doom Day and was killed by Doom Day, he didn’t see you.”

Group leader Li Daisen: “In the end, it was the day of destruction that Saitama-sensei killed… And Saitama-sensei, who killed him?”

Supergirl Kara: “I don’t know.”

Supergirl Kara: “I wasn’t on Earth when my cousin Clark Kent was killed by Doomsday.”

Supergirl Kara: “Or 12… I joined forces with my cousin enough to kill Doom Day once.”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Supergirl Kara: “Saitama’s corpse was studied by humans in your earth world?” Can you find Saitama’s body and send it to me through the group red envelope function, and I can resurrect him.”

Saitama, is the savior of the world of “One Punch Man”.

In terms of personality, it’s also very good.

In the world of “One Punch Man”, there is only one human civilization, and there is no specific difference… Shi Hao thought and resurrected Saitama with his hand.

Anyway, as long as he can get Saitama’s body, Shi Hao still has the confidence to resurrect Saitama.

Supergirl Kara: “Uh.”

Supergirl Kara: “Your Majesty the Emperor of the Desolate Sky, I’m sorry, the body of that bald strong man Saitama… It has been studied piece by piece by the human beings of my world.”

Supergirl Kara: “I’m sad too, but humans on Earth in my world are like that… Their bottom line, that is, there is no bottom line.

Saitama killed Doomsday and saved them… But they, after Saitama’s death, just want to find out why Saitama is so powerful.”

Supergirl Kara: “Now Saitama-sensei… The part that is still intact, only one finger… Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, look, with only one finger left, can you still resurrect Saitama-sensei?”

Emperor Aragami: “Without a complete body, then I have to go to your world to resurrect Saitama.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “But I don’t want to go to your world, I have a hunch, if I go to your world, I will meet a great enemy.”

The world of DC is the world created by God in the Bible!

If Shi Hao travels to the world of DC, it is possible to encounter the God of the Bible!

Who knows how strong the God of the Bible is? Anyway, Shi Hao is not ready to try.

Death is not what it is done.

You know, the God of the Bible, creating a multiverse, also needs a thought… Group leader Li Daxian: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, a great enemy of your level?”…… By the way, the superhuman world was created by God in the Bible.

No wonder.”

Group leader Li wanted to know that it was only the three-year-old Shi Hao who joined the Thousands of World chat group, but because the later “Desolate Sky Emperor” became an immortal emperor, this three-year-old Shi Hao was also an immortal emperor under the immortal emperor’s eternal testimony… At least the group leader Li Xiang is so brain-filled.

And the Desolate Heaven Emperor, who has just become an immortal emperor, is compared to the God in the Bible… There is no way to compare.

Just fight and you know who is strong and who is weak.

But it’s clear.

“Desolate Sky Emperor”, unwilling to go to the “DC” world.

Supergirl Kara: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, although Saitama-sensei’s body only has one finger left… But my cousin Clark Kent’s body is still intact, but it was torn apart by the Day of Destruction, can you resurrect my cousin?”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “You can try.”

Superman Clark Kent, for humans, is also a savior-like being.

Superman Clark Kent, but for the sake of human civilization, he personally destroyed the hope of the rise of his home planet Krypton… Never mind Clark Kent, how much this behavior is… Racial adultery, but Clark Kent, is the “good friend” of human civilization.

If you can.

… Shi Hao is also willing to resurrect Clark Kent.

But what… the earth humans in the “DC” world, some of them, that is really… There is no bottom line.

Supergirl Kara: “Hateful!”

Supergirl Kara: “I just looked at Clark’s grave with clairvoyant eyes, and I found that his body after death was also stolen!”

Supergirl Kara: “I fly around the earth looking for… My cousin’s body is only one head left.”

Supergirl Kara: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, can you still be resurrected?”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “…”

Ray Movie: “Kara, are the humans in your world so terrifying?” I heard the group owner chatter and said that Superman is the hero of the human race in your world, right? Saved the world many times… That’s how humans in your world treat heroes?”

Ray movie: “And that Saitama-sensei is even worse…”

Supergirl Kara: “Only some of them are supervillains, and there is no bottom line.

Most human beings still have a bottom line and are kind.”

Supergirl Kara: “But I’m sad, I’m offline from the chat group.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Don’t substitute!”

The human civilization of my world is all united!

I also know the Entu newspaper!”

Liu Peiqiang: “But billions of people, it is inevitable that there will be some heartbroken people who have no bottom line.

But don’t despair for humanity because of this.

We ourselves hate people who are crazy.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Yes!

Oh, yes!

Most people in our world are friendly, kind, and civilized.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I am also human.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “But some people do go too far.”

Chapter 112 Gain more than 289 million skill points!!

(2) Thousands of world chat groups, chat interfaces: Zhang Sanfeng: “In the chat group, most of the group members are humans… In general, most people still have a bottom line morality.

But as soon as there are many people, it is inevitable that there will be scum, and the Wudang I created is inevitable.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Xiongba: “Xiongba, do you know?” Have a bottom line.”

The leader of the group, Li Xiang, knocked the hero.

Xiongba: “… I’m pretty good at the bottom line!”

Xiongba’s speech is a little weak-hearted, he has a fart bottom line.

Li Chungang: “That superhuman world… The hero’s bones are treated like this, it’s really chilling!”

Northern Liang Shizi: “It’s a pole.

If someone treats the corpse of my Northern Liang hero like this in my Northern Liang, it will be spurned by tens of millions of people.”

Ray movie: “The humans in my world are not bad, I am a god, they all respect me.

I also shelter their development.”

Shi Hao offline chat group.

Regarding “Superman Clark Kent” and “Saitama-sensei”, their corpses were treated like that after their deaths.

Shi Hao was a little touched.


It’s just a little touched.


With Shi Hao’s strength, as long as he goes to the world of “DC”, he can easily resurrect Saitama and Superman.

He has the strength to rewrite “tragedy”.


Strength is the most important!

“Without strength, tragedy is just tragedy.”

“Only with more powerful strength, then, if I am not satisfied with anything, I can rewrite everything!”

Shi Hao muttered to himself.

He was lying on a huge neon flower and looking at the scenery in the distance.

I have to say that this flower world is really suitable for leisure.

After staying in the flower world for a few days, Shi Hao’s heart slowly calmed down a lot.

Seems less impatient anymore.


The next day came.

Shi Hao’s share of beast milk today has arrived!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tip: group member Thor sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Araga!”

(Group tip: Group member Harry Potter sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Dagu sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members, sends a red envelope to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group leader Li Daxian sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Today, I collected more than five billion pounds of animal milk.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, there will be more beast milk that can be provided to you tomorrow, my god is taking over the whole world.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Good!”

Shi Hao is also happy!

But Athena, today provides more than five billion pounds of animal milk!

Plus the animal milk provided by other group members? Thor, the god of thunder: “I am Thor, the god of thunder, His Majesty the Emperor of the Desolate Sky, I have provided you with ten billion pounds of beast milk, and there are many divine beast milks!”

This is the animal milk that I can get with all my strength.”

Thor: “Oooooh, for this, many gods scold me as a little milk dog, saying that I am so old, not only do I look like a dog, but also drink animal milk, collect so much animal milk, I don’t know if there are any quirks.”

Desolate Sky Emperor @Thor: “I’ll help you.”

Thor: “Looking forward to it!”

Ray Movie: “Hey, hey.

Speaking of Thor, can you start a live broadcast? I’m curious about what you look like.”

Thor: “Can’t!

Get out!”

Ray Movie: “Don’t be angry.”

Ray Films: “I’m not malicious.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “This is the tone of the teasing dog, right?” When I see a mortal teasing a dog, 433 waits, I will tell the dog, don’t be angry, I have no malice, let me touch the dog’s head.”

Ray Movie: “…”

Ray Movie: “I didn’t mean it!

Athena you talk nonsense!”

Thor: “Neither of you are good people!”

Look down on me!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Thor, the god of thunder: “Don’t be too sensitive, oh, how about I give you the artifact that can change the shape of the body and let the animal speak?”

Thor @ Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Thank you!

You are such a good god!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wow, this is also changing face too quickly!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, my side still provides 800 million pounds of beast milk every day.”

Dagu: “Two billion jin.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “Mr. Liu Peiqiang, I have 2.4 billion pounds of animal milk here today.

Aunt Boomer said that it was the caravan that transported animal milk early this morning, and it was attacked and lost a lot.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Got it.”

Ray Movie: “I can only provide more than 30 million pounds of animal milk, this is the limit, no more, my Inazuma….. There really aren’t that many cattle and sheep pastures.”

Harry Potter: “In the future, I will probably be able to provide five million pounds of beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor every day… Our family and Headmaster Dumbledore have no money.”

Liu Peiqiang @ Harry Potter: “No money, I will provide it to you, buy animal milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Liu Peiqiang is in the group, that is really Shi Hao’s strong supporter.

Shi Hao received today’s animal milk and went offline to chat groups.

Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, is very powerful!

Today, I provided a full ten billion pounds of animal milk!

Moreover, part of it is the beast milk of the divine beast!

Athena is also good, today provides more than five billion pounds of animal milk, and tomorrow will provide more… Here is more than 15 billion pounds of animal milk!

And some of them are high-quality divine beast milk and fierce beast milk!


2 billion jin of beast milk provided by Dagu, 800 million jin of beast milk provided by group owner Li Daxian and 2.4 billion jin of beast milk provided by Sun Gohan… There are other group members who provide animal milk scatteredly.

It all adds up.

“Today’s portion of animal milk, just the quantity, has reached 21 billion catties!!

There’s also a small amount of high-quality animal milk!”

Shi Hao two down!

Eat all these more than 20 billion pounds of animal milk!


Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 289,554,220) A total of more than 289 million skill points!


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