Chapter 116: Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor: “Even the ants of the human race dare to call the Desolate Heaven Emperor in vain!”

“The realm of true immortals has been greatly consummated.”

“Next… My goal is to become Xuanxian Xingjun!”

Shi Hao adapted to his vast strength while pondering in his heart.

It’s time to leave the flower world and go to the high-end Honghuang World to tell “Daoist” Li Fang that he needs the Xuanxian realm’s exposition of the Immortal Dao Exercises…” I just don’t know, can this Xuanxian realm exposition Immortal Dao Exercises be easily obtained? Or is it conditional?”

Shi Hao groaned… Xuanxian!

This is no longer a low-level immortal.

Even in the high-end Honghuang world, the Xuanxian Xingjun of the Heavenly Court can also be called the “Great Immortal Family”, which is the high-end Honghuang world, the lord of the stars!

The stars of the high-end flood world are the middle thousand worlds… The Middle Thousand World is a world that can at least give birth to a True Immortal, a strong person at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

“Become the Xuanxian Xingjun of the high-end Honghuang world, then I will have a place in this high-end Honghuang world.”

Shi Hao thought.


Shi Hao did not rush to leave the flower world and step into the high-end flood world, to tell Li Fang about the exercises in the Immortal Dao Realm of Xuan Immortal Realm… Shi Hao promised Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world in the thousands of world chat groups, to see if Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, could help him change his image and let him speak.

If he went to the high-end Honghuang world, then Shi Hao would not dare to use the crossing function of the Thousands of Worlds chat group.

At this time, in this flower world just right.

Shi Hao is ready to go and show Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world… Shi Hao’s consciousness sank into thousands of world chat groups.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: “Six Three Three” Desolate Sky Emperor @ Thor God: “Thor, agree to my application for crossing.”

Thor: “Okay!

Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!

I agree!”

Hammer Thor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, this is to give me in another world, to see a doctor?”

Thor: “I’m not sick!”

Thor: “I just look weird and can’t talk like this.

My strength is still very strong!”

Hammer Thor: “…”

Ray Movie: “I hope Thor your illness can be cured.”

Ray Movie: “Otherwise, I feel like my name is a little weird.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Ray!



Thor, the god of thunder: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor will help me return to a normal god!”

Thor, the god of thunder: “I’m really fed up with this look and can’t speak!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hahaha!


Thor: “Akuya, what are you laughing at?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Nothing, nothing, it’s just that I picked up some money, I don’t know which fool dropped it.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “The first time I picked up money in the heavenly realm!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Then Akuya do you have any friends?” If you pick up money, you have to go to the online chat group to say it.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hmph, I have a lot of friends.”

However, the truth is that no god wants to make friends with the goddess of intellectual retardation… Desolate Sky Emperor: “Thor, Thor, I have come to your world.”

“Ten Cold” world, Shi Hao crossed here through the crossing function of thousands of world chat groups.

Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Ten Cold”, looks like a little yellow dog, holding Mjolnir in his hand and a small red cape behind his back.

It looks super cute… But this is Thor, the god of thunder!

It’s not a pet!

He is the son of the god King Odin in Norse mythology!

So this style is very wrong!

Shi Hao came to Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Ten Cold”.

Thor, the god of thunder, pressed two buttons on his body, and the recorder on his body played a complete sentence: “I am Thor, the god of thunder, for the glory of the gods of the north!”

Shi Hao said: “I know that you are Thor, the god of thunder, I said in the chat group, I am here.

I am the Emperor of the Desolate Sky.”

Thor, the little yellow dog-like Thor, showed some fine sweat on his face.

That’s nervous.

Because Thor, the god of thunder, looked at Shi Hao, and felt very unreliable… The reason is that under Shi Hao’s normality, he is the appearance of a three- or four-year-old human cub, and he is a handsome child.

What does this look like? Can it be reliable? Because the gap in strength is too large, Shi Hao can directly perceive Thor’s thoughts.

Shi Hao said: “Don’t worry, I am very reliable.”

Shi Hao grabbed the body of Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, and studied this little yellow dog-like thunder god.

“Hmm… Thor, the little yellow dog-like Thor, can’t speak yet, but this is the world, Thor’s true appearance!”

“I’ll see if the creation of divine powers can transform his body.”

Shi Hao experimented.

As a true immortal immortal in the realm of great perfection, Shi Hao urged the creation of the divine power “Source of Life”, which can directly transform a universe!

With the ability to transform a universe, to transform the body of Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Ten Cold”.

This made Shi Hao easily transform successfully.

At the request of Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Ten Cold”, Shi Hao transformed this Thor into the appearance of Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world.

Looks tall and mighty.

Shi Hao used the creation divine power to slightly transform Thor’s soul form, and determined that Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Ten Cold”, was completely transformed by him, so he stopped.

Shi Hao said: “Thor, you try to talk.”

Thor, the god of thunder, said, “I am Thor, the god of thunder!”

I’m Thor, the god of thunder!”

Thor, the god of thunder, is so excited that he can actually speak!!

Thor, the god of thunder, took out another large mirror and looked at his current appearance.


Very handsome!

Tall and mighty!

It’s what he looks like in another world!

Thor, the god of thunder, was very satisfied, and thanked him one after another: “Thank you Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor for helping me!”

Thor, the god of thunder, feels that the means of “Desolate Sky Emperor” is much stronger than plastic surgery!

It completely turned him into an ideal “image”!

Shi Hao said: “Since it is finished for you, then I will leave.”

Thor, the god of thunder, said, “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, do you want to come to my house as a guest?”

Shi Hao said: “You’re welcome, but I’ve been very busy recently, and I don’t have this time!” Let’s talk about it later!”

Shi Hao left the world of “Ten Cold” through thousands of world chat groups.

Shi Hao returned to the flower world.

Shi Hao, who had just returned to the flower world, heard a “ding” sound!” Bite!

The Heaven Abandonment Emperor joins the chat group.”

There are new group members joining the group!

But…… It is the Heaven Abandoning Emperor who joins the group!

Abandon the Heavenly Emperor, this is the founding demon emperor of the Xenomorph Demon World in “Thunderbolt Bag Show”, or the first martial god of the Heavenly Realm!

But this god thinks highly of himself, is insensitive and ruthless, hates human power struggle and cannibalism, and even does the act of bloodbathing the human beings in the world of “Thunderbolt Bag Show”!

“This guy from the Heaven Abandonment Emperor has joined the group!”

“It feels like it’s going to be a problem!”

Shi Hao frowned, and his consciousness sank into the thousands of world chat groups.

Chapter 116: The Body of a True Immortal of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

One slap down (2) thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: “Ding!

The Heaven Abandonment Emperor joins the chat group.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Thank you His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor for saving me!”

Thor, Thor: “I’m a normal god now!”


I went home, my Father, Odin, and I was stunned to see me!”

Thor: “Not good!

My father, Odin, doesn’t seem to recognize me as his son, and he hunts me down with the spear of eternity!”

Thor: “How can I explain that I became the way I am?”

Hammer Thor: “Don’t you have Mjolnir?”

Thor: “Thor’s hammer is a hammer!”

It’s just an artifact, how to prove it?”

Hammer Thor: “Your Hammer of Thor did not confess the Lord?”

Thor, the god of thunder: “But that’s just a hammer, and many main gods can pick it up… Forget it, if I say something from before, my father Odin will definitely recognize me!”

Ray Movie: “You two guys, chatted, didn’t you see a new person entering the group?”

Thunder Movie: “Welcome to the Emperor of Heaven.”

Ray Movie: “This name is so awe-inspiring!”

It’s no worse than the group name of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I just don’t know how strong the newcomer is?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “The leader of the group is there?” Do you know the information of new group members?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor… This is the creator of the Xenomorph Demon Realm, the first Martial God of the Heavenly Realm of his world.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “But he is very unfriendly to humans… I want to wash the blood of mankind.”

Heaven Abandon Emperor: “Thousands of world chat groups? This is a god’s chat group?”

Abandon the Heavenly Emperor: “I am the Heaven-Abandoning Emperor.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Abandoning Heaven Emperor: “Look at the chat record information, you will know after reading it.”

Heaven Abandon Emperor: “I’ve finished reading it.”

With the strength of the Heaven Abandoning Emperor, his consciousness is extremely strong, and after reading this chat record, he can be instantly.

Heaven Abandoning Emperor: “I didn’t expect… In this thousands of world chat groups, there are not only gods, but also many filthy human beings…”

Abandoning Heaven Emperor @ Group Master Li Daxian: “Even you, the group leader, are also filthy and weak human ants.”

Abandon the Heavenly Emperor: “What other Terran Heavenly Emperor Desolate Heavenly Emperor?”

Heaven Abandoning Emperor: “Ridiculous.”

Abandon the Heavenly Emperor: “Even human ants, dare to call the Desolate Heaven Emperor in vain?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Shocked.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ group leader Li Daxian: “Group master, this Heaven Abandoning Emperor, is his strength too strong, strong enough to be comparable to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, or is there a problem with his brain?”

Thunder Movie @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, the new group member abandons the Heavenly Emperor and is provoking you.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Dare to provoke His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?” If I hadn’t been hunted down by my Father, Odin, I would have sprayed you to death!”

Heaven Abandon Emperor: “O ignorant god… Why do the gods in the group support a human ant?”

Heaven-Abandoning Emperor: “Human beings, lowly, weak, and love to kill each other and fight for power.

Their only function is to defile the whole world!”

Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor @ Desolate Heavenly Emperor: “Heh, human ants, vainly called the Heavenly Emperor, can you dare to let me come to the world of Ru?”

Abandon the Heavenly Emperor: “I will come and bring it to purification.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Abandoning Heaven Emperor: “Are you a human who wants to bloodwash the Heavenly Emperor World?”

Heaven Abandoning Emperor: “The world is full of filth, and only by cleaning it can it be clean.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor @ Abandon Heaven Emperor: “Come and come, I’m also angry!”

I’ll go to your world!

Dare to agree to my crossing application!”

Shi Hao spoke!


Just now, this Heaven-Abandoning Emperor not only uttered wild words, but also applied to cross into the world where Shi Hao was!


The Heaven-Abandoning Emperor really looks down on human beings, thinks very highly of himself, and does not feel that among human beings, there are strong people who can rival him.

This is the conceit of the Heaven Abandoning Emperor, his conceit as the first martial god of the heavenly realm and the creator of the Xenomorph Demon Realm!

…… Or confidence!


The Heaven-Abandoning Emperor can be confident and conceited in the world of “Thunderbolt Bag Show”.

Play this in this thousands of world chat groups? Shi Hao just wanted to kill him!

Abandon the Heavenly Emperor: “Human beings, although Ru is called the Heavenly Emperor in vain, he is very courageous.

Dare to take the initiative to find death in my world?”

Heaven Abandon Emperor: “I agree.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “You are about to be wiped out.”

Heaven Abandon Emperor: “Joke.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ group leader Li Daxian: “Group master, you haven’t answered me yet, the strength of the Heaven Abandoning Emperor is compared to the Desolate Heaven Emperor… How?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “The light of the ants, how dare you compete with the sun and the moon?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Unfortunately, as an ant, it is the Heaven-Abandoning Emperor.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “But how can a small god in the Heavenly Realm dare to provoke the Eternal Desolate Heaven Emperor?” Is it really conceited to the bone, and does not care about the entire Terran at all?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “However, the Heaven Abandoning Emperor will soon have 3.6 self-inflicted evil consequences.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “… So, this Heaven-Abandoning Emperor has a pit in his brain, right?”

Athena looked at the chat log and modernized her speech.

Because this statement is straightforward and easy to understand.

Ray movie: “It was the conceit of being a god that harmed him.”

Ray movie: “Once during the Demon God War in my world, there were many Demon Gods who died under conceit.”

Hammer Thor: “I was also conceited before, until I joined this thousands of world chat groups, I didn’t anyway… I’m still weak.”

Thor, the thunder god of the “Marvel” world, has a feeling, he can’t even blow up the planet, it’s really too weak.

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wow!

There are new group members in this chat group, the Abandon Heaven Emperor provoking His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor? Isn’t this water in the brain? It’s like a god of my level provokes the gods of the heavenly realm.

Laughing to death.”

The world of “Thunderbolt Bag Show”.

The Heaven Abandoning Emperor didn’t pay attention to the chat content in the thousands of world chat groups.

Just because, he fell into a deep shock!

In the perception of the Heaven Abandoning Emperor, there was a vast and endless super strong man who appeared outside his world.

And the first thing this vast and endless super strong man said was: “I am the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

Abandon the Heaven Emperor, come, I will make you ashes!”

The Heaven Abandoning Emperor looked at the endless “Desolate Heaven Emperor” in his perception, and wanted to say, are you a human being? However.

Shi Hao used the magic power of the heaven and earth, and the body of the 100,000,000,000 trillion light-years true immortal that changed was already a slap and slapped above the heavenly realm where the Heaven Abandoning Emperor was located!!!


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