Chapter 121 Becoming a Third-Order Xuan Immortal!!

The strength has skyrocketed a hundredfold!

The world of mountains and seas and stars is the world of Zhongqian.

Among them, there are Terrans living in Beijing.

A trillion equals a trillion.

10,000 trillion equals one capital.

In the world of mountains and seas, there are more than 6,000 Terrans.

More than 6,000 jing is more than 60 trillion yuan…” “In the world of mountains and seas and stars, there are also demon tribes.”

“The demon clan is very annoying!

It’s a pity you can’t extinguish it.”

“There is a heavenly rule in the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court Star Monarch cannot destroy the creatures in the star world controlled by him on a large scale for no reason.”

Shi Hao really didn’t want to see the demon race who had a blood feud with the human race.

Because he has a very positive ass and knows that he is human.


The sect has always discriminated against fairies from the demon clan.” Forget it.”

“I’m here to see how much beast milk I can catch in this world of mountains, seas and stars.”

“The matter of the demon clan… Don’t think about it for a while.”

“This world of mountains, seas and stars is an ancient background, but fortunately, there are many people!”

“There are more than 6,000 Jingren, and there are not a few pastures.”

“According to my analysis, it should be able to provide me with hundreds of billions of pounds of animal milk in one day, right? This is still less of an analytical situation.”

Shi Hao felt satisfied.

After all.

In addition to the world of mountains and seas, it can provide him with animal milk.

Shi Hao also has a thousands of world chat groups, and many group members in the chat group can provide him with animal milk every day.

“The inspection is complete.

So I went back to the Xingjun Mansion and asked my few true immortals to collect the beast milk of this mountain, sea, and star world for me.”

Shi Hao, as the Heavenly Court Mountain Sea Star Monarch, is not alone, and there are subordinates.


Shi Hao would not personally collect the beast milk in the world of mountains and seas, it would be too troublesome.

Return to Shanhaixingjun Mansion.

Shi Hao issued an order to let his seven human race true immortals go to him, in the world of mountains and seas, collect a large amount of beast milk, and must provide him with at least 100 billion jin of beast milk every day.

In the world of mountains and seas, there are more than 6,000 Jing tribes, and more than 1,000 Jing demon tribes.

It’s a very easy thing to scrape together hundreds of billions of pounds of animal milk.

And Shi Hao’s seven true immortals, although they were puzzled by Shi Hao’s order, they still obediently collected beast milk.

Xuan Immortal, and True Immortal, the gap in strength is too big!


Shi Hao is still a Xuan Immortal of the Interpretation Sect.

There is no room for a few true immortals under him, in such a small matter, to say “no”.

A day passes.

By the next day.

Shi Hao stayed in the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch’s Mansion, and the seven true immortals under his hands handed over hundreds of billions of beast milk to him.

But everyone looked tired.

One of the true immortals who looked like an old man, called Huang Weng, said: “Lord Xingjun, there are seven of us, to collect hundreds of billions of pounds of beast milk in this mountain and sea star world, it is too difficult, you need to find it one country at a time, and collect it from one country at a time, although those mortal countries living in the mountain and sea star world, know that it is good and evil, do not dare to resist, and obediently hand over the animal milk, but we run around, only the seven of us, it is really a bit busy!”

A woman dressed as a swordsman, named Yan Qingshu, said: “Lord Xingjun, collecting this beast milk for you is really consuming our time, we also need to practice, I wonder if we can recruit some immortal history, let those immortal shi do it for us?”

Shi Hao agreed: “Yes.”

Huang Weng said: “Then there will be nothing to do, Lord Xingjun, you are busy, we will retreat.”

Yan Qingshu said: “Wait, Huang Weng Daoyou, we haven’t asked Lord Xingjun yet, how many immortal shi can we recruit?”

Shi Hao was too lazy to bother with this little thing, anyway, he issued an order that these subordinates could give him more than 100 billion pounds of animal milk in the Mountains and Seas Star World one day.

Shi Hao said: “Mountain and Sea Star Monarch Mansion, the standard equipment is no more than 10,000 immortal history, the seven of you… I’ll give each of you a place to develop a thousand immortal history.”

Huang Wengxi said, “Then thank you, Lord Xingjun.”

Yan Qingshu said, “Thank you, Lord Xingjun!”

The other five True Immortals also thanked them.

Shi Hao didn’t have the idea of intersecting with them much, and said, “If you have nothing to do, you can retreat!”

Remember, every day in the future, at least provide me with 100 billion pounds of animal milk, don’t ask why.”


The subordinates of the seven true immortals bowed and retreated.

And Shi Hao began to drink the hundreds of billions of pounds of beast milk collected for him by these seven true immortals.

“This 100 billion pounds of beast milk, drink it, I don’t know how many skill points can be provided to me?”

Shi Hao thought in his heart.


Shi Hao took a sip.

Hundreds of billions of pounds of animal milk were swallowed into Shi Hao’s stomach.

(Animal milk system), these hundreds of billions of pounds of animal milk are converted into skill points.

Shi Hao nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction with this.


His seven subordinates, True Immortals, did not use the beast milk transformed by mana to fool him.

These hundreds of billions of pounds of beast milk are all solid and collected from various mortal countries in the world of mountains and seas and stars.

Shi Hao’s (animal milk system) also only recognizes the animal milk produced by living beings, and can convert the animal milk born by living beings into skill point data.

The animal milk changed with mana, even if it looks, tastes, and has the same effect as the animal milk born by living beings.

But it will not be converted into skill points (by the veterinary milk system).

“These seven subordinates, on my first order, carried out well and were honest.”

“As long as you provide me with hundreds of billions of pounds of beast milk every day in the future, it will be up to them in the world of mountains and seas and stars, greedy for some cultivation resources or something.

I don’t care about those cultivation resources.”

“But even if you make friends with them, I don’t know how long I can be a mountain and sea star-kun.

Maybe in a few days, I will become a Taiyi Immortal Monarch above Xuanxian Xingjun.”

Shi Hao thought in his heart.

The so-called dragon does not intersect with snakes, and Shi Hao’s seven true immortal subordinates are all ordinary true immortals with no background, and their qualifications are also ordinary.

Shi Hao intersected with them a lot, which was useless.

“Look at the skill points…”

As soon as Shi Hao ate 100 billion pounds of beast milk, he looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 1,557,927,224) This 100 billion jin of beast milk probably provides Shi Hao with 1.3 billion skill points, which belongs to the animal milk of mortal beast milk and has good quality.

On Shi Hao’s previous system panel, there were more than 240 million skill points left.


“The Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method can be improved again!”

Shi Hao looked at the system panel and found that the skill points were enough, and the “Jade Pure Halal Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Practice Method” could already be improved!

But at this time, in thousands of world chat groups, many group members sent him red envelopes!

That’s today’s beast milk in thousands of world chat groups, and it has also arrived!

Chapter 121 Becoming a Third-Order Xuan Immortal!!

The strength has skyrocketed a hundredfold!


Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tips: group member hammer Thor sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Thor, a member of the group, sends a red envelope to the group member Emperor of the Desolate Sky.)

(Group tip: Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members, sends a red envelope to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Araga!”

(Group tip: Group member Dagu sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group leader Li Daxian sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Hammer Thunder God @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, today I will provide you with 20 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Hammer Thor: “Some of our children in Asgard also drink animal milk, so that’s all.

Tomorrow, I’ll see if I can get you some animal milk from other countries.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “I still provide you with 50 billion pounds of beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “However, collecting beast milk is very difficult, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources, and there are many gods in our northern god system who are dissatisfied with my behavior.”

Hammer Thor @Thor: “If you are dissatisfied, overturn them!”

Hammer Thor @Thor: “Brother, your Mjolnir is so useful!”

Yesterday I took your Mjolnir and returned to Asgard, and my father Odin still wanted to take action against me, wanted to continue to seal my divine power, but I knocked it down with one hammer.”

Hammer Thor: “Startled me, fortunately, it’s okay, my father Odin is really strong.”

Hammer Thor: “But this Thor’s hammer is really useful!”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Hammer Thor, you are so filial!”

Hammer Thor: “Accident, accident, how did I know that my father Odin would be knocked down by my hammer, I just want to prove my strength with him.”

Thor: “How’s it going?”

Hammer Thor: “My father is very relieved to be able to put Asgard into my hands and make me a god king…”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Good fellow, hammer Thor, you guy, this is usurping the throne?”

Goddess of wisdom Athena @ hammer Thor: “How long will you be a god king?”

Hammer Thor: “…”

Hammer Thor: “My father Odin was going to give me the throne of the god-king, what usurpation?” Am I the kind of vile god? It’s about the same as Loki.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “So it is.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “But well, how can a king of the gods pass down his god throne?”

Hammer Thor: “Probably my father Odin is old?”

Goddess of wisdom Athena @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, what I provide you today is eight billion pounds of beast milk.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “Mr. Liu Peiqiang, what I provided today is 3.5 billion pounds of animal milk.”

Dagu: “I provided two billion pounds of animal milk.”

Daigu @Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “But Son Gohan… In my world, alien monsters have appeared again, can you help?”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Shocked!

It’s only been a few days since your world? Alien monsters again?”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I still have to go to school!”

I’m afraid I don’t have time.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan @ Daigu: “There are many gods in the group!”

Let them help you!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “First of all, I won’t fight monsters, I can’t fight monsters, don’t come to me.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Even if Dagu is looking for me, he will not look for Akuya, you goddess of mental retardation, right?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hmph.”

Dagu @ Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Can you help me?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I can only use the crossing opportunity once a month, and I want to keep my crossing opportunity.

Dagu you can find Thor, the god of thunder, I see he is very enthusiastic.”

Thor: “Yes, fight monsters or something, I can help.”

Dagu: “Can you fight?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Dagu, don’t underestimate the Lord God.

The ordinary monster of your world, this Thor, the god of thunder, can kill one by one.”

Dagu @Thor: “Thank you.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I still provide 800 million jin of beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today.”

Supergirl Kara @ Liu Peiqiang: “Today is 2.2 billion pounds of animal milk.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Okay.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “Compared with you, my hundreds of thousands of pounds of beast milk seem to be unable to take it at all.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I need beast milk.”

Emperor Desolate: “Yes, it is good.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “Don’t think that if you don’t give it to me, you won’t give it to me.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “There is something big to find me, I am offline from the chat group.”

4.5 Shi Hao said a bubble, and then received all the animal milk today.

After that, Shi Hao went offline to chat groups.

“Today’s animal milk provided to me by a member of the chat group…”

“Two Thor, the two Thunder Gods, combined, provide seven billion pounds of beast milk!

It’s amazing.”

“Athena provided 8 billion jin of beast milk, Sun Gohan there is 3.5 billion jin, the group owner is still 800 million jin, Supergirl Kara provided 2.2 billion jin, Dagu 2 billion jin, plus other group members provided animal milk.”

“In total, the members of today’s chat group have provided me with a total of about 86.9 billion pounds of animal milk.”

“Among them, there are a small part of the divine beast milk and the fierce beast milk.”

Shi Hao thinks it’s good!

86.9 billion pounds of beast milk, of which there is also a part of the divine beast milk and fierce beast milk, this is all drunk, can be transformed into a billion skill points by the (beast milk system), right? Shi Hao did not hesitate.

He drank all these 86.9 billion pounds of animal milk into his stomach in one gulp.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 2,597,200,725) Sure enough.

These 86.9 billion pounds of beast milk, all drunk, probably provided Shi Hao with more than one billion skill points.


Shi Hao, who has more than two billion skill points, immediately moved his mind and raised the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method First Stage (can be improved))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Second Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Third Order (not upgradeable)).

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