Chapter 125 Becoming a Sixth-Order Xuan Immortal!

The strength has skyrocketed a thousand times!!

Wild Pikachu, unable to provide Shi Hao with animal milk, is not strong.” It’s a group mascot, right?”

Shi Hao thinks so.

The next day came.

Shi Hao is in the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch’s Mansion.

His subordinate True Immortal Huang Weng sent him a share of the animal milk collected from the world of mountains and seas and stars.

Huang Weng held the storage immortal vessel, and in the storage immortal vessel, there was animal milk, and he reported: “Lord Xingjun, a total of more than 130 billion pounds of animal milk has been collected today.

More will be collected tomorrow.

Because I and the other six colleagues have already recruited hundreds of Heavenly Immortal History.”

Shi Hao said: “Give me the beast milk and recruit the immortal history, you can get it yourself.

You just have to follow the rules, I won’t do anything to you~.”

Huang Weng said respectfully: “Lord Xingjun has a huge heart, this beast milk collected from the various mortal countries of the Mountain, Sea and Star World today will be handed over to you—.”

Huang Weng sent a storage immortal vessel containing more than 130 billion pounds of beast milk to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao took it, then waved his hand and signaled Huang Weng to retreat.

Shi Hao was not interested in chatting with Huang Wengduo.

Huang Weng gave a salute and retreated.

In Huang Weng’s opinion, Shi Hao, the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch, is very good!

Give them these men, a lot of freedom!

As for the trivial matter of providing some animal milk to “Shanhai Xingjun” every day, Huang Weng didn’t care.

Because it was really a trivial matter, his subordinate Tianxian Immortal Shi could easily complete this matter.


After Huang Weng left.

Shi Hao took this storage immortal artifact, opened his mouth, and drank more than 130 billion pounds of beast milk in this storage immortal artifact in one gulp!

Storage fairy utensils are not such precious things.

Usually, even the scattered immortals at the bottom will have storage immortals on their bodies.

Shi Hao casually threw the storage immortal weapon aside, and then looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 2,167,927,110)


It’s this number.”

“It seems that today, those subordinates of mine also obediently went to collect animal milk for me in the world of mountains and seas and stars.

There was no deception.”

Shi Hao was satisfied.

The last time I added points to upgrade the first to third levels of the “Jade Qing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, it consumed about two billion skill points of Shi Hao.

After adding points to the third level of the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” last time, Shi Hao still had more than 500 million skill points left.

I just drank more than 130 billion pounds of beast milk, and (the animal milk system) converted those beast milk into skill points, plus the remaining skill points before… Combined.

More than 2.16 billion skill points, that’s about that number.” With more than 2.16 billion skill points, you can already cultivate me and raise me to the second rank, right?”

“But no hurry.”

“Today, I haven’t received the beast milk red envelope in the chat group.”

Shi Hao’s consciousness sank into thousands of world chat groups.

The members of each group in the thousands of world chat groups have already sent today’s animal milk to him with the group red envelope function.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tips: group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Supergirl Kara sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Thor, a group member, sends a group red envelope to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members, sends a red envelope to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Hammer Thor sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group leader Li Daxian sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Group leader Li Daxian: “Today it is still 800 million pounds of animal milk.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I also want to provide His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor with more beast milk.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “But other countries are not willing to sell animal milk to the people of our dragon country.

It seems to have noticed something different.

You can’t buy it for a lot of money.”

Yesterday, the “Desolate Sky Emperor” saved the world of the group leader Li Xiang, but this matter is only clear to the group members in the chat group and Li Xiang and his own dragon country.

Li Xiang originally wanted to provide more animal milk today to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, however, helplessly, he really couldn’t buy it.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ group leader Li Daxian: “Need help?” I can help you destroy the rest of your world.

In this way, you can provide more beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, right?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I still provide more than eight billion pounds of beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “But a lot of ranches have been built.

It is estimated that in a year or two, the beast milk I can provide to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor will be multiplied several times.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Scared!

Athena, you don’t have to meddle in the affairs of my world.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “We want to establish the Earth Federation in a peaceful way.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I don’t want too much bloodshed.

After all, no matter what, all of my people in this world are human beings.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Yes, they are all human beings living on the earth, and they are originally a community of destiny.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Hey, I’m busy reading outside of class these days, and I want to take the exam for the first place in the whole grade.

There’s no time to speak in the chat group.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “Mr. Liu Peiqiang, today I provided His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor with 3.6 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Supergirl Kara @ Liu Peiqiang: “My side is 1.3 billion jin!”

Supergirl Kara: “There are a few villains making trouble… Destroy half of the beast milk that I want to provide to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today!”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Supergirl Kara: “Kara, are you alright?”

Supergirl Kara: “Thank you Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor for your concern, I’m fine.”

Supergirl Kara: “Those troublesome villains… I killed them too.”

Supergirl Kara: “I won’t be as merciful as my cousin Clark.

Some people, who really have no bottom line, kill them and make the world a better place.”

Dagu: “Well, let’s talk about humanitarianism!”

How can you kill if you want… Kara, you can subdue the criminals and hand them over to the law enforcers!”

Supergirl Kara: “Naive.

I’m too lazy to say.

The situation in my world, Dagu, you can just ask the group master.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Ahem, cough, Kara’s world, there is not much difference between handing over criminals to law enforcers and directly releasing criminals.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I haven’t seen a famous criminal, and after being handed over to law enforcers, he has been locked up… They all came out after a while and continued to do evil.”

Chapter 125 Becoming a Sixth-Order Xuan Immortal!

The strength has skyrocketed a thousand times!


Thousands of World Chat Group: Chat Group Interface: Dagu: “How so?”

The earth where the ancient world lived, in addition to monsters, other events such as public security are very good!

Group leader Li Daxian: “This is the characteristic of the earth where Kara is located.”

Kara’s “DC” world Earth, there are many supervillains and superheroes.

It’s normal to be a little chaotic.

Especially there is a “Gotham City”, “the people are simple”!

Dagu: “This way… It seems that every world is different.

I can’t apply the situation in my world to other worlds.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “It’s good if you can understand.”

Supergirl Kara: “Since the death of my cousin, there has been another group of supervillains, ready to move.

Those evil criminals, I have to go and destroy them.”

Supergirl Kara: “For the time being, the offline chat group is offline.”

Dagu: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I still provide two billion pounds of beast milk today.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Got it.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Today I will provide 55 billion pounds of beast milk to Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “After my appearance has become like this, and I can still speak, my prestige has been greatly enhanced!”

Hammer Thor: “Poof.”

Hammer Thor: “Thor, the god of thunder in another world, you this…”

Thor: “Are you trying to laugh at me?” I’ve lent you Mjolnir, you’re not kind!”

Hammer Thor: “No, I’m asking you to cheer!”

Hammer Thunder God @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I provided 26 billion pounds of beast milk today.”

Hammer Thor: “Among them, there are billions of pounds of animal milk, which I imported and traded from other countries.”

Hammer Thor: “It’s good to have strength!”

Hammer Thor @Thor: “With you, the hammer of Thor that can smash the planet with one hammer, after I showed my strength, because my father Odin was old, the rebellion set off by the Nine Realms was all calmed down.”

Hammer Thor: “Thank you!”

·“…. Thor: “No thanks, it’s just a master artifact, you want… Well, then lend it to you for a while.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’ll take the chat group offline for the time being.

Let’s get online again!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Good morning Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Today is really sunny!”

Ray Films: “Good morning, everyone.

I’m going to feed Kamisato Ayaka’s dog.”

The world of “I”.

Meng bald head woke up in the morning and was in an excellent mood!

Because Meng Bald found out yesterday that with the two artifacts given to him by Athena in his hand, even if he was a high-ranking person in the world, he was not his opponent.

According to the group leaders Li Daxian and Liu Peiqiang, in the early stage, he was invincible with a main artifact and a superior artifact to protect him… “My Xiao Meng can’t rely on an artifact alone!”

“My little Meng also has to practice hard.”

“Listening to the group leader Li Daxian said, the martial arts of my world are not simple… Cultivating to the end can make me become the other side of Tianzun.”

“Ahem, start today!

Step up your game!

If something is missing, I will make an excuse and grab it with an artifact.”

Meng bald head had an idea in his heart to be a “reasonable” bandit.

Mountains and Seas Star World.

Shi Hao calculated the amount of animal milk provided to him by the members of the chat group today.

“Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, provided me with 55 billion jin of beast milk, Athena provided 8.2 billion jin of beast milk, Thor in the “Marvel” world provided me with 26 billion jin of beast milk, the group owner 800 million jin, Kara 1.3 billion jin, and Sun Gohan 3.6 billion jin…”

0 “Dagu two billion jin…”

“The animal milk provided by all the members of the group, in total, is about 97.2 billion jin!”

“It also contains a small amount of high-quality divine beast milk and fierce beast milk!”


Shi Hao nodded and then.

He swallowed all the about 97.2 billion pounds of animal milk he got from the chat group today!

(Animal milk system), the animal milk swallowed by Shi Hao is transformed into skill points… The number of skill points Shi Hao looked at on the panel of his system: (Skill points: 3,332,122,720)

“That’s more than three billion skill points!

Enough for me to improve my third-order cultivation!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao did not hesitate at all.

He immediately moved his mind and raised the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Third Order (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Fourth Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Fifth Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method Sixth Stage (Non-Promotionable)) In one thought, add points to improve three times!

“Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” has reached the sixth level!!

The skill points on the system panel have consumed about three billion, and there are more than 300 million skill points left!

And Shi Hao has already become a sixth-order Xuan Immortal!

“Sixth-order Xuan Immortals are more than a thousand times more powerful than third-order Xuan Immortals!”

The laws around Shi Hao’s body surged, and six hundred laws appeared on his body, but they merged to form a Xuanxian Immortal Light!

“The Xuan Immortal Light with six hundred laws in one, in a snap of your fingers, can destroy tens of millions of ordinary universes, right?”

“The laws merge into one… The more laws involved, the greater the power!”

“It’s a doubling boost!

If you can completely comprehend and unite the three thousand laws, you can condense the supreme law and inviolable all laws!

Ignore the laws!

Reach the highest level of the Xuan Immortal realm.”

Shi Hao mobilized the six hundred laws that he had completely controlled, either fusing them into one or dismantling each other.


Shi Hao felt that he was completely familiar with the strength that skyrocketed more than a thousand times, and he withdrew a Xuanxian Immortal Light.

“Wait a while, cheap senior sister Yun Qingsu will come here.”

“I have to arrange a good errand for her.”

“In any case, in the world of “Liaozhai”, if there is no care from Yun Qingsu… I couldn’t have practiced so smoothly all the way to this point!”

Shi Hao knew that Yun Qingsu helped him, so he would do his best to help Yun Qingsu.

Not long after Shi Hao took office as the Shanhai Xingjun, Shi Hao moved his intention to tune Yun Qingsu to do things under him.

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