Chapter 131 Becoming a Thirteenth Order Xuan Immortal!

The strength has increased a thousand times!!

But Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Marvel”, is not afraid at all, what Ragnarok? With the protection of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, even if he is the king of the gods, he is absolutely no match for the random decree of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Good morning Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

Is it morning over there?”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “I provided you with 9.8 billion jin of beast milk, almost 10 billion jin.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Really, it was too late yesterday, you gave me the decree, after killing the Evil Heavenly Dao, I will spend one night to collect beast milk, I tried my best!”

Running everywhere, running all the mortal countries in my world, I finally managed to get 9.8 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, don’t worry, tomorrow I will definitely be able to scrape together more than 20 billion pounds of beast milk!”

Emperor Desolate: “Got it.”

Dagu: “My side still provides two billion pounds of animal milk.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “What is provided to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today is 2.9 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Supergirl Kara: “It’s 2.1 billion pounds on my side.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I have 8.35 billion pounds here.”

Ray Movie: “I can only provide more than ten million jin today.”

Emperor Desolate: “Thank you for your beast milk.

I’m temporarily taken off the chat group.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wait, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, this guy hasn’t provided you with today’s beast milk!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Akuya, didn’t you say that in your world, it is easy to get a lot of animal milk?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “What about the beast milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?” His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor just helped you yesterday with “200”.

I gave you such a powerful Heavenly Emperor Decree.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “This, beast milk!”

Wait a minute!

This has to wait!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “You think I’m like you, providing beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor in the morning, and drinking too much beast milk in the morning is not good for your health.”

Ray movie: “Akuya, you are pushing off when you see it.”

Ray movie: “Akuya, your intelligence, don’t make excuses.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Akuya, didn’t you prepare beast milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor needs beast milk to practice treasures, and it is not for drinking, next time, Akuya, you can find an excuse to find a decent one!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Nonsense!

How could there be no preparation!

Wait, I’ll have to wait another half a day to get the animal milk.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I alone prepare more animal milk than you combined!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Then I’ll wait.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Okay… After half a day, I will hand over the beast milk to Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Don’t be unable to take out the beast milk then!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Humph!

How is it possible!”

“Suqing” world.

Akuya got up from her chair a little dizzy.

She drank some fairy wine again last night and experienced the wonderful taste of fairy wine.

Animal milk? Want to provide beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor? Akuya, the goddess of intellectual retardation, completely forgot about it, until she was @ by Athena of the world of “Olympian Mythology” and entered the thousands of world chat groups… Akuya just remembered this.

But Akuya is in no hurry.

“Isn’t it animal milk?”

“I’ll go find those gods and let them provide me with some animal milk in their respective worlds.”

“It’s easy, you can get hundreds of billions of catties.”

Akuya was not in a hurry, thinking, she took another sip of fairy wine.

And then… Half in the bag.

Shi Hao received the animal milk provided to him by today’s and thousands of group members in the world chat group, and then went offline from the chat group.

“Calculate it, Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world today, provided me with 51 billion pounds of animal milk.

Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world, provided me with 30 billion pounds of animal milk.”

“Athena provided 8.35 billion jin of beast milk, the guy from the Undefeated Demon Emperor provided 9.8 billion jin of beast milk, and Dagu is still 2 billion jin…”

“Adding up to the group owner and other group members, well, the animal milk provided to me by the group members in today’s chat group is as much as 107.8 billion jin.”

“Not bad!”

“Then Akuya hasn’t provided me with animal milk yet… Not sure how much she can offer? Or 400 billion catties?”

Shi Hao groaned.

Shi Hao had great expectations for the amount of beast milk that Akuya could provide him!

But Akuya said, you have to wait another half a day.” So, drink these animal milk first.”

Shi Hao swallowed all the 107.8 billion pounds of animal milk provided to him by the members of today’s chat group.

(Animal milk system), instantly converted this 107.8 billion pounds of animal milk into skill points.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on the (animal milk system) system panel: (skill points: 2,376,914,522) Previously.

After Shi Hao upgraded the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” to the tenth level, there were about 900 million skill points left on his system panel.

“Drink the 107.8 billion animal milk provided to me by the members of today’s chat group… Combined with the remaining skill points from before, it’s almost this number.”

Shi Hao was satisfied.

You know, Akuya hasn’t provided him with animal milk yet… Also, the world of mountains and seas and stars controlled by Shi Hao can also provide him with more than 100 billion pounds of animal milk every day.

It’s just that it hasn’t been delivered at this time.

“More than 2.37 billion skill points, enough for me to improve my cultivation by two ranks.”

Shi Hao wanted to improve the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, but at this time.

Shi Hao’s subordinate True Immortal Huang Weng came and brought him today’s beast milk.

Huang Weng prayed: “Lord Xingjun, today I have collected a total of 149.6 billion pounds of animal milk from the Mountains, Seas and Stars World, please check it.”

Shi Hao said: “Give me the beast milk, you can retreat.”

Huang Weng said respectfully, “Yes.”

Huang Weng handed the storage immortal vessel containing the beast milk to Shi Hao, and then retreated.

Shi Hao looked down.

“That’s right, it’s about 149.6 billion pounds of animal milk.”

Shi Hao also has no meaning of ink.

Directly swallow all the beast milk collected in today’s Mountain, Sea and Star World!

About 149.6 billion animal milk was instantly transformed into skill points by the (animal milk system).

Shi Hao looked at the number of skill points on his system panel again: (Skill points: 4,156,601,3,106) Chapter 131 Become a thirteenth-order Xuan Immortal!

The strength has increased a thousand times!


“More than 4.15 billion skill points can probably improve my third- and fourth-order cultivation in this Xuan Immortal Realm.”

The Xuan Immortal realm is to upgrade about one billion skill points to the first order of cultivation.

About a billion skill points, not to say, only a billion skill points.

Xuan Immortal realm, to improve the first-order cultivation is required, it may exceed a billion skill points… There are more than 4.15 billion skill points, but Shi Hao immediately improved the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Tenth Order (can be improved))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Eleventh Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Twelfth Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Thirteenth Order (Cannot Be Promoted)) Shi Hao raised the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” three times with a single thought!

So far.

“Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method”, to the thirteenth order!

Shi Hao’s strength skyrocketed a thousand times!

became the thirteenth order… Xuan Xian!” I have understood 1,300 laws.”

Thirteen hundred laws appeared around Shi Hao, and then merged to form the Xuanxian Immortal Light.

“Now with my strength, I can destroy a trillion ordinary hundreds of billions of light years of the universe in a snap of my fingers!”

“The cultivation exercises of the Immortal Dao Realm of this high-end flood desolate world are too terrifying, and the improvement between small realms is also a tenfold increase!”

Shi Hao was familiar with a thousand-fold soaring strength, and sighed in his heart.


When Shi Hao controlled his strength skyrocketed a thousand times, he looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: one billion 12,653,104)

“There are more than one billion and ten million skill points left.”

“But you can’t add a little more to it.”

“There should be one or twenty million skill points away from upgrading the Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method to the fourteenth level.

It’s not much.”

Shi Hao felt a little regretful.

But that’s okay.

A certain water goddess Akuya said that in half a day, she would provide a “huge” amount of animal milk to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao had expectations for this.

“Suqing” world.

What Shi Hao didn’t know was… Akuya’s goods, after promising to provide him with a “huge” amount of animal milk after half a day, he couldn’t help but take a sip of fairy wine… Then, I fell asleep again.

I am addicted to the taste and dreams of fairy wine.

In a short time, it seems that it will not wake up at all.

Shi Hao was drinking fairy tea, very leisurely.

“I don’t know Li Fang, his affairs… How did it end up?”

Shi Hao thought about this again.

Li Fang owes more than 18 billion immortal crystals to the Xinyue Palace.

Shi Hao took 20 billion immortal crystals to Li Fang at that time, and he didn’t know that Li Fang hadn’t paid back the money.

In Shi Hao’s opinion, Li Fang didn’t want to pay back…”Forget it.

Li Fang this matter, I directly gave him so much money.”

“This matter has nothing to do with me.”

“In the future, I will repay Li Fang a few times, and I will repay this favor!”

Shi Hao groaned, and at this time, a “ding” sounded!” Bite!

Hades joins the chat group.”

A new group member has joined the group.

However, there are too many strong people who call them “Hades”.

There is Renly, the Hades of the “One Piece” world, Hades, the Hades of the “Olympus Mythology” world, and the philosopher of the “Super Beast” world, the ruler of the universe Hades…”I don’t know which Hades joined the group?”

Shi Hao’s consciousness sank into thousands of world chat groups.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: “Ding!

Hades joins the chat group.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Hades? Are you…”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ group leader Li Daxian: “Group master, who is this Hades?” It won’t be the Hades in my world, sealed by His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, right?”

Athena’s own uncle is Hades.

Hades and Zeus are brothers.

And Athena is the daughter of Zeus.

But now Athena’s relationship with the world of “Olympian Mythology” and the gods who are not her line is not good.

It can even be said that it is a mortal enemy.

Because in order to help Athena become the king of the gods, Shi Hao once understated and sealed all the gods of the world of “Olympian Mythology” except for Athena.

Group leader Li Daxian: “It shouldn’t be, right?”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Hades: “Which Hades are you?”

The group leader Li Xiang checked the group member information of “Hades”, but after reading the group member information of Hades.

The leader of the group, Li Xiang, still can’t determine who this Hades really is.

Hades: “Thousands of world chat groups?”

Hades: “I never thought that there would be such a magical thing in this world… It’s a chat group that communicates the heavens and the worlds!”

Hades: “I read the chat history.”

Hades: “Hello friends.

I am Hades.

Once the ruler of the fifth parallel universe universe.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Philosopher?”

2.2 Hades: “What philosopher?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Only by experiencing sevenfold loneliness can you become a real strongman!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I didn’t say that this world is terrible, it’s just that it is real, and the real will never be beautiful.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “The law of the universe is that the strong rule the weak!”

Li Daxian, the leader of the group: “What has been done will be done again, and what has been done will be done again!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Heaven and hell, there is no right for me to choose, only my chosen destiny.”

Hades: “Wonderful!”

Hades @ Group Master Li Daxian: “I didn’t expect that you are just a mortal, Group Lord, but you can say such words.”

Hades: “These words are deeply in my heart, and they can be described as my confidant!”

Ray Movie: “Yes!

I didn’t expect the leader of the group to be able to say such words.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “This seems to be the perception of a strong man, right?”…… Group leader, you are a mortal… Where do you get all these insights?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Ahem, cough.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “These words are not what I said, they are all said by this philosopher Hades.”

Hades: “Did I say these things?” Wait a minute…… If you think about it, it seems to have really been talked about.”

Hades: “I’ve been sealed for too long, I don’t know how many years I’ve been sealed.”

Hades: “Time makes people forget everything, sometimes, I even forget my own existence.”

Hades: “But only by experiencing sevenfold loneliness can you become a truly strong person.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing for me to be sealed.”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Hades: “Hello Hades.”


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