Chapter 140: The strength of the Desolate Heaven Emperor soared 100 million times!!

“It’s okay!”

“Good thing I didn’t sleep straight until the next day!

That would be bad!

It’s not too late.”

Akuya is very calm.

Because she had already contacted many gods yesterday, she paid a deposit, and at this time she went directly to get the animal milk ~ and paid the final payment.

Thousands of worlds chat – group, chat interface: (group tips: group member wisdom goddess Akuya sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Emperor Desolate Sky has received a red envelope sent by Akuya, the goddess of wisdom.)

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hahahaha!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wisdom is like me, but today I provided His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor with more than 600 billion pounds of beast milk!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “The specific 600 billion pounds of beast milk are not seriously calculated!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “But there will be more tomorrow!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “You guys still keep calling me mentally retarded and calling me stupid.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I alone provide more beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor than you all combined.”

Akuya is very screaming.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Who gave you the money for animal milk?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Ah… Ahaha?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “This, that, I suddenly remembered that I still have something, I went offline to chat groups.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, don’t worry!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I contacted more gods today!”

Many gods heard that ordinary animal milk can be sold for money from me, and they all took the initiative to find me!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Tomorrow!

Animal milk I can provide you!

It will be several times what it is today!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “It can be a few trillion catties!”

This is one or two thousand gods who supply me with animal milk.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “But it costs a lot to buy animal milk…”

Thor, the god of thunder, @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “There is not enough money, find me.

I can give you some artifacts.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Enough for the time being!”

Can handle it for a while!”

The goddess of intellectual retardation, Akuya, still has a lot of money now, and she is too lazy to buy an artifact when she has money.

But when she spends all this money lavishly, she will have to ask for it in the chat group… Hades: “Tomorrow I will also unlock the seal and return to the position of ruler of the universe, and at that time, His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor will provide His Majesty the beast milk of all civilizations in the universe.”

Supergirl Kara @ Hades: “Ruler of the Universe… How did you rule the universe? Can you directly rule the universe by unlocking the seal?”

Hades: “My men are waiting for me.”

Hades: “Countless reincarnations have passed.

It’s still the same.

As long as I appear, I will become the ruler of the universe in a parallel universe.

And then, because of something, I’m going to be sealed again.

And then unblocked.”

Hades: “Tired of this senseless reincarnation.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Hades, your world seems a little strange.”

The philosopher Hades said this.

Just let the group leader Li Xiang feel that something is wrong.

Recall that the philosopher Hades used to say so.

“This philosopher of the “Super Beast” world, Hades, can’t it be in the orthodox “Super Beast” world?”

Li Xiang guessed in his heart.

Emperor of the Desolate Sky: “I’m temporarily offline from the chat group.

Xiao Meng appeared, tell me something.”

Meng bald-headed the goods, disappeared for a while.

When Meng bald disappeared, he spoke in the chat group, “Huh? Oops”, and then there was no more silence.

Mountains and Seas Star World.

Shi Hao took out the beast milk that Akuya gave him.” More than 600 billion pounds of animal milk.”

“Specifically, 626.4 billion pounds of animal milk.”

Shi Hao calculated it.


Shi Hao directly swallowed these 626.4 billion pounds of beast milk into his stomach.

(Animal milk system), the animal milk that Shi Hao swallowed into his stomach was instantly transformed into skill points.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on the system panel: (skill points: 8,572,987,213)

“More than 8,572 million skill points.”

“Enough to improve my eighth-order cultivation!”

Shi Hao felt that Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, was not bad, although she was stupid, but the animal milk provided for him was really much.

And tomorrow, there will be more than Akuya!

There will also be a Hades who unseals and rules a parallel universe to provide Shi Hao with beast milk.

The world where Hades is located, but the world where science and technology are very developed…

And it’s not like the Ultraman universe, the Ultraman universe except for the modern earth, the rest of the civilizations, there are not many pastures to breed animals…”

Shi Hao didn’t think much about tomorrow, he moved his mind, and immediately promoted the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Twenty-first Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method 22nd Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method 23rd Order (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method Twenty-fourth Order (can be promoted))… Until (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Twenty-ninth Stage (Cannot Be Promoted)) Shi Hao’s thoughts, add a point to upgrade the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” to the twenty-ninth level!

0 his strength!

It has skyrocketed nearly 100 million times!

The growth of 100 million times in strength, how exaggerated? The gap between humans and ants is more than 320 million times!!

The growth of 100 million times strength gave Shi Hao the strength to easily pinch himself to death…”

“It’s all Xuan Immortal.

The twenty-first order Xuan Immortals are hundreds of millions of times weaker than the twenty-ninth order Xuan Immortals!”

“But… It’s normal again.”

“Law fusion, that’s it!

The more laws are fused, the power of the law is one!

The more it grows!”

“I, who have thoroughly comprehended the 2,900 laws and unified them, am compared to when I was a twenty-first order Xuan Immortal before… Indeed, it’s more than 100 million times stronger.”

The strength of Xuan Immortal is not only the fusion of the three thousand laws.

Shi Hao’s Xuan Immortal Body and the universe in his body will progress as his cultivation progresses!

“Enhanced a hundred million times… Achieved the twenty-ninth order Xuan Immortal!”

“I’m only one step away from becoming a Xuan Immortal in the Great Perfection Realm!”

Shi Hao muttered to himself in his heart.

No surprises!


He will be a Xuan Immortal of the Great Perfection Realm, and he can look forward to the realm of Taiyi Immortal Monarch!

The Heart Moon Fox of the Heart Moon Palace is only Taiyi Immortal Jun!!

Taiyi Immortal Jun, in the Heavenly Court, is a real great immortal!

It’s not a big immortal family with “water” like Xuanxian Xingjun.

Taiyi Immortal Jun is a real Heavenly Court Immortal, and can participate in the Peach Party held by the Queen Mother Niangniang.

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