Chapter 151: Taiyi Immortal Jun!

Destroy the world at the snap of your fingers!!

Immortal light shines on the worlds!

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“Taiyi Immortal Light, can shine on the worlds!”

“Taiyi Immortal Body!

Compared to the Xuan Immortal body, it is also more than a hundred times stronger!”

“The universe in the body has also increased its mass by hundreds of times.”

“Plus this Hongmeng Golden Avenue and the supreme law of the unity of the three thousand laws.”

Shi Hao snapped his fingers, and a power that could collapse a thousand worlds appeared on his fingertips.

Like the world of mountains and seas, Shi Hao can be broken with a snap of his fingers.

Taiyi Immortal Jun has the strength to destroy the realm at the snap of his fingers.

Merely…… Shi Hao has not yet become the Taiyi Immortal Monarch of the Great Perfection Realm.

Shi Hao can only shatter the Middle Thousand World with a snap of his fingers for the time being, and he wants to restore it, but he doesn’t have that ability.

Let a thousand worlds in one side be destroyed in a snap of your fingers.

This can only be done by the Taiyi Immortal Monarch of the Great Perfection Realm.


Shi Hao can destroy the strength of the Middle Thousand World with a snap of his fingers, and this strength is replaced by the destruction of the ordinary 100 billion “610” light-year universe.

“I can destroy the ordinary universe of trillions of dollars with a snap of my fingers…”

“Ordinary universe, too weak and too weak.”

Shi Hao carried his hands behind his back.


It’s good to be Taiyi Immortal-kun, it’s great, it’s strong!

“In addition… I also recalled the incident that I actively forgot about wanting to kill the Heart Moon Fox.”

“Heart Moon Fox is also Taiyi Immortal Jun, so am I.”

“It’s all one level, the same realm and the same person, as long as I don’t kill her.”

“Then there is a thought to kill her, and she will not know.”

Shi Hao groaned.

Xinyue Fox finally killed Li Fang… Shi Hao still owes Li Fang a few favors.


The Golden Immortal Nezha of the Heavenly Court fought for Li Fang’s death by the Xinyue Fox, and directly smashed the Xinyue Fox’s Xinyue Palace, causing the Xinyue Fox to suffer heavy losses and lose face.

“But, isn’t the Xinyue Fox still alive and well?”

“But if you want to kill the Heart Moon Fox, you must at least become a golden immortal to plan.

It’s too early to go.”

Shi Hao put this thought down.

The Heart Moon Fox is at least a high-level Taiyi Immortal Monarch.

Shi Hao can’t afford to provoke for the time being.

They are all Taiyi Immortal Jun, but the gap between Taiyi Immortal Jun and Taiyi Immortal Jun is also very different!

Taiyi Immortal Jun has a total of twenty-four levels, and each level needs to comprehend a Hongmeng Avenue to the entry level.

Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm, every time you increase your first-order cultivation, your strength will increase by at least twelve times!!

This kind of twelve-fold improvement, with a difference of seven or eight order cultivation, is a difference of more than 100 million times in strength…”

“In addition, after becoming a Taiyi Immortal Monarch, I can go to the Heavenly Court to receive a fourth-rank immortal position, and I can be regarded as a great immortal.”

“At that time, about twenty days later, I can also go to the peach party held by the Queen Mother.”

Shi Hao thought in his heart.

The matter of improving the immortal position still needs to be improved.

The higher the rank of immortals, the higher the status in the Heavenly Court.

The less likely you are to get into trouble.

And become a four-rank immortal official, you can get more Fenglu.

Shi Hao wanted to go to the Heavenly Court Office… Just became a Taiyi Immortal Monarch, you can promote the immortal rank, then this matter should not be delayed!


At this time, the prompt of thousands of world chat groups sounded: “Ding!

One group member has died.”

It is normal for a group member to die.

Because half a day ago, a group of members of the motherland came in the group.

The motherland man is the supervillain of the world of “Black Robe”, with abilities similar to Superman Clark Kent, which can be called a pirated superman, and he is still very arrogant in the group, and he does not believe in the authenticity of thousands of world chat groups, and he did not even try.

“Maybe who killed the people of the motherland!”

Shi Hao wanted to go into the thousands of world chat groups to have a look.

But at this time, another prompt from thousands of world chat groups sounded: “Ding!

Chef Liu Zhuixing joined the chat group.”

New group members have joined the group.

Shi Hao instantly recalled who Liu Zhuixing was… Liu Zhuixing, is a chef.

The meals made were delicious.

Among mortals, he is called a god of cooking.


That’s gone.

Just a chef among mortals.

To know.

Shi Hao’s high-end flood world, but there is a real “god of food”, the avenue of refined food.

Even Shi Hao has thoroughly mastered the “Law of Food” among the three thousand rules, which can turn anything into the ultimate deliciousness.

“Liu Zhuixing plus the group is useless!”

“Let’s see who the dead group members are.”

Shi Hao’s consciousness sank into thousands of world chat groups.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: “Ding!

The members of the group have died.”

Supergirl Kara: “After half a day of the war, I finally killed the people of the motherland!”

Supergirl Kara: “This motherland is not weak, his body is enough to resist a nuclear explosion….”

Supergirl Kara: “I also had a lot of effort to kill the people of my country.

It’s good that this motherland people do not have the biological force field of our Kryptonians.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Hard work!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I didn’t expect that it would take you so long to solve the motherland, Kara…”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “There are only a few people in the group who can solve the problem of the motherland.

Kara went to solve it just right.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “It seems that the strength of the motherland is also quite good.

It’s a pity that the brain is not very good.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “The people of the motherland are a giant baby.

Can’t control their emotions.

What kind of intelligence can a brainless villain like him have!”


Chef Liu Zhuixing joined the chat group.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “There are new group members joining the group!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Welcome to the god of cooking, Liu Zhuixing!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “In the future, everyone in the chat group, you can talk to the chef god to shine the food to eat!”

Desolate Heaven Emperor @ Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Little Meng, how have you been in the water group for so long?” When will you become stronger like this?”

Emperor Desolate Heaven: “Xiao Meng, go and practice more.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Your Majesty the Desolate Heaven Emperor, Xiao Meng, I practice for several hours a day.

Not short.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “And my side is ancient, I don’t know what to do except water groups and martial arts.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “I have worked very hard, I will not disappoint Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Chef God Liu Zhuixing: “Thousands of world chat groups?”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Chef God Liu Zhuixing: “Look at the above chat 1.5 days record information, after reading, you will know what this thousands of world chat group is.”

Chef God Liu Zhuixing: “… Okay.”

Shi Hao, on the other hand, instantly read all the chat record information he hadn’t read… Shi Hao figured out how this guy from the motherland was killed by Supergirl Carla.

Most of a day ago.

The people of the motherland entered the group, did not believe that the thousands of world chat groups were real, thinking that it was a spiritual or psychic superpower, which invaded his brain.


The motherland, the supervillain of the “Black Robe” world, directly agreed when faced with the application of superwoman Kara to cross into his world!

This is the conceit of the people of the Motherland, the self-confidence of the people of the Motherland!

The people of the motherland firmly believe that he is invincible, and he did not read the chat records of thousands of world chat groups at all… Thereupon.

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