Chapter 155 Ding!

The Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor joins the chat group Thousands of World Chat Groups and Chat Interface: (Group Tip: Group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Hades sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Supergirl Kara sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

Hades @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, today I will provide you with more than nine trillion pounds of beast milk.”

Hades: “Tomorrow should be able to increase by half of today’s amount.”

Emperor Desolate: “Good.”

Supergirl Kara @ Liu Peiqiang: “Today I provided 2.6 billion pounds of beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor~.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan: “Mr. Liu Peiqiang, I have provided four billion jin here.”

Butterfly ninja: “Three hundred-910,000 jin.”

Liu Peiqiang: “I wrote it down.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “What about Akuya?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “This goddess of intellectual retardation is always so out of place, everyone has provided His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor with today’s beast milk… What about the goddess of intellectual retardation?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Goddess of intellectual retardation, are you there?”

At this time.

The world of “Suqing” where Akuya is located is still early in the morning.

As the goddess of water, Akuya, because she has money, participated in a lot of banquets yesterday, drank a few glasses of fairy wine in the evening, and is sleeping to death.


Akuya purred, not noticing that someone in the thousands of world chat groups was @her.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Akuya, this guy, it’s always like this!”

Having said that, I have not changed it repeatedly.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “If I were the god king of her world, I would have to educate her well.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “It’s useless to educate.”

Shaolin Temple Meng baldhead: “Because Akuya is this kind of mental retardation… She may have a problem in her head.

Her priesthood is the goddess of water.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Yes… I think Akuya must have cleansed her brain.

She’s like a bear child.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, my little Meng is very hard!”

I’ve become a martial artist who has become a master of qi training!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “But I am tired of Xiao Meng.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Come on.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’ll go offline to the chat group if it’s okay.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, that group mission?”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “This group task is very troublesome at first glance, and I still have my own affairs to deal with.”

Group mall points rewarded by group tasks, Shi Hao is not lacking.

It’s no good either.

In addition, after waiting for half a day or half a day, Shi Hao would be summoned by the Jade Emperor and Yu Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

At this time, Shi Hao didn’t want to do that group of tasks at all.

Group leader Li Daxian: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, don’t you want to do this group task?”

Group leader Li Xiang was a little panicked.

Because, the group task only needs to fail three times in a row.

Then he Li Xiang is not the leader of the group.

Thousands of world chat groups, after stepping down from the position of Li Xiang’s group leader, will choose a new chat group leader from the heavens and all realms.

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head @ group leader Li Daxian: “Group master, put yourself in a correct position.”

Thunder God Thor: “Group Lord, are you teaching His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor to do things?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I’m sorry, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, it’s me who is anxious.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “But the time limit for this group task is only one day.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “If you don’t do this group task, then the human beings in this world will be destroyed by eighty-one demon gods.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I’m just reminding, well, there is no moral intention to kidnap His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Group leader, you said so.”

Shaolin Temple Meng baldhead: “Group master, is it any good for you to do this group task?”

Lei Movie: “Yes, even I can see it, the group owner seems to want His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor to go down and complete this group task.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “… Well, I’ll be honest.


Group leader Li Daxian: “Group mission, fail three times in a row, I will not be the group leader.

This thousands of world chat groups will randomly select a creature from the heavens and all realms and become the new group leader.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “So.

Group mission accomplished.

I’m not going to get any benefit.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “But if the group mission fails three times in a row, I will not be the group leader, and a new group leader will come in.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Who knows what the new group owner will be like?” I’m pretty good compared to that, right?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “So it is.”

Wild Pikachu: “Oops!

I was sent out of the pet breeding center, sent to a Dr. What.”

…… Wild Pikachu: “I’m so panicked, I won’t be dissected by Dr. Blame, right?”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head @ wild Pikachu: “Power consumer, if there is danger, come to the group for help!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “What is this dissected, it’s completely your guess, right?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “… Pikachu, I know that in your world, there are many doctors who know elves very well.

Maybe it’s not necessarily a bad thing that you’re sent to this kind of doctor.”

Wild Pikachu: “Oh.”

Wild Pikachu: “I see!

I’ll take a look!

If there is danger, I will come to the group and ask for help.”

Wild Pikachu: “Someone should save me, right?”

Thor: “I will.”

Thor, Thor: “Pikachu, don’t worry.”

Wild Pikachu @Thor: “Woohoo, Thor, you are such a good god.”

Wild Pikachu: “Then I’ll go down the chat group with confidence and go see the doctor who took me.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’m also offline from the chat group.”

Emperor Desolate: “The matter of the group mission… I’ll do it when I have time.”

Emperor Desolate: “But in my world, there are also many things.

Not necessarily available.”

Group leader Li Xiang, after failing three consecutive group tasks, he will lose the position of the leader of thousands of world chat groups… This is what Shi Hao does not want to see.

Because the group leader Li wants to handle how easy it is!

Moreover, Shi Hao went to Li Xiang’s world three times, and he had long been in Li Xiang’s world, leaving a secret hand.

The leader of the group, Li thought, if he was “a demon”.

Shi Hao is in Li Xiang’s world, leaving behind a secret hand… It is guaranteed to let thousands of world chat groups change the group owner at any time.

Therefore, the group task or something, Shi Hao decided to do it when he had time!

Group leader Li Daxian @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I also know that you are very busy.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “After all, you are a super-world-class Terran Emperor of Eternal Heaven.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “You still want to shelter the human race of your world, I, Xiao Meng, Liu Peiqiang and them, all know.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “So the group leader said it so that the group members know the meaning!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Yes.”

At this time, “Ding!

The Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor joined the chat group.”

A new group member has been added to the Thousands of World chat groups!

It turned out to be the Immortal Emperor!!


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