Chapter 161 This is the Eternal Desolate Heavenly Emperor who came from the cross-border Terran Monopoly!!

“God King!”

Seeing Shi Hao’s victory, the king of the innate demon god was trampled under his feet!

The remaining eighty innate demon gods who respected the king of the innate demon gods as the “god king” were all shocked!

Because, the King of the Innate Demon God, how powerful!

They know!

It can be said that the King of the Innate Demon Gods already has the ability to crush these Innate Demon Gods of the Great Thousand Worlds!

How could it be…”How could it lose!”

There were innate demon gods who did not believe in evil, and let out a loud roar, and with just a roar, they shook time and space and shattered billions of light-years of space!

He actually took the initiative to kill Shi Hao!

On the side, this innate demon god also yelled: “Everyone!

Save the God King!

The God King does not die!

We didn’t lose!

If the God Kings are all suppressed, then our Innate Demon Gods will be completely history!”


This innate demon god who was still yelling was slapped to death by Shi Hao in the next instant!

Hongmeng Avenue has the power to destroy the world!

Shi Hao, who mastered Hongmeng Avenue, even if he only mastered the entry-level Hongmeng Golden Avenue and Hongmeng Wood Avenue, he could easily kill Xuanxian level powerhouses!

This roar of this innate demon god also caused the remaining seventy or so innate demon gods, like dreams to wake up, and they all came towards Shi Hao to kill!

I want to rescue the Innate Demon God King who was trampled on by Shi Hao!

An instant!

There were hundreds of millions of attacks, covering Shi Hao’s Taiyi Immortal Body!

Innate demon gods, all Xuan Immortals, in one instant, desperately enough, enough to shoot hundreds of millions of times!

And it’s all attacking with all your might!

But this Innate Demon God of the End-World Realm, except for the King of the Innate Demon God who has mastered the Avenue of Life, the rest cannot pose any threat to Shi Hao at all!

The Jade Qing Taiyi Immortal Light on Shi Hao’s body is composed of the supreme law of the unity of three thousand laws!

Direct Immunity Law Attack!

And this final realm innate demon god, except for the king of innate demon gods, the rest of the innate demon gods, are all using the innate laws of innate demon gods!

Shi Hao can directly ignore the laws!

“Law” is already of no use to immortals of the Xuan Immortal Great Perfection realm and above!

“Get out!”

Shi Hao gulped, most of his own strength suppressed the Innate Demon God King who was trampled on the soles of his feet.


Just using a small part of his own strength, Shi Hao was also like killing chickens and dogs, with one hand, he killed more than seventy innate demon gods one by one on the spot!


But there is no king of innate demon gods, using the avenue of life to resurrect these innate demon gods… The King of the Innate Demon God was still suppressed by Shi Hao!

As the innate demon gods were killed one by one under Shi Hao’s hands like chickens and dogs.

When there were only twenty or thirty Innate Demon Gods left, they hurriedly fled for their lives!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a terrifying supreme powerhouse like Shi Hao who crossed over to help the human race in this world!

The era of the innate demon gods in this world… It’s already in the past!

From this moment on, the era of the Innate Demon God ruling over the ten thousand races of the Ultimate Realm is about to turn into history!

Shi Hao didn’t bother to hunt down and kill the twenty or thirty Innate Demon Gods who fled!

Compared with those innate demon gods who were only comparable to the Xuanxian Xingjun point system, the king of the innate demon gods who had the strength of the Taiyi Immortal Monarch level was Shi Hao’s big trouble!

Shi Hao is using most of his own strength to rule the Supreme Law, the Avenue of Hongmeng Wood, and the Avenue of Hongmeng Gold, and wants to kill the King of the Innate Demon God!

But the effect is weak.

Shi Hao can constantly hit the King of the Innate Demon God, but this King of the Innate Demon God, comprehending the Avenue of Life, can recover his injuries again and again.


Without hundreds of years, I am afraid that I will not be able to kill Him!”

Shi Hao was in a bad mood.

This Innate Demon God King has comprehended the avenue of life, and his strength has also reached the level of Taiyi Immortal Monarch.

Shi Hao was only about twelve times stronger than him, and this gap looked very large, but it was only twelve times the difference in strength, and it was difficult to kill at all.

Even…… If it weren’t for the Innate Demon God King who had been fighting with Shi Hao.

If it is the king of the innate demon god, in the previous battle with Shi Hao, he will escape!

That Shi Hao couldn’t stop it!

Shi Hao is trying to kill the King of the Innate Demon God!

In the final realm, the nine immortal emperors of the human race are not idle!

One by one, they shot and killed the heirs of the Innate Demon God!

Relieve the pressure of the rest of the Terran powerhouses in this world!

Afterward…. I also saw twenty or thirty innate demon gods, lucky enough to survive from Shi Hao’s men, and wanted to escape!

The nine immortal emperors of the Terran race in this terminal realm hurriedly rushed forward, sparing no matter at all costs, blocking the twenty or thirty innate demon gods of this realm who wanted to escape.

“There is the Desolate Sky Emperor!

Wait for the innate demon gods, but the ants!

Even the king of the demon gods among the others is like a chicken dog, suppressed by His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

The Human Race Wangu Immortal Emperor said coldly: “Don’t think about escaping, we will stop you, wait for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor to clean up your Demon God King, free his hand, and kill you like exterminating ants!”

The Cold Immortal Emperor of this realm was already powerful, he used the Burning Skill before, and at this moment, his strength was so strong that he could easily stop a full eight Innate Demon Gods, and he still had spare strength, and asked: “Wangu Immortal Emperor… Where did you invite His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?”

The Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor said: “I joined a chat group that communicates the heavens and the worlds, and His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor is a member of that chat group, and he is the Heavenly Emperor of the Great World of the Terran Race.

Seeing that our Terran race is in danger of extinction in this world, he came to our aid.”

Emperor Lin Xian said, “Fortunately, this battle has the help of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor who came across the border!”

Otherwise, our Terran realm will lose!”

Wangu Immortal Emperor said, “Yes… No one expected that among the eighty-one innate demon gods, one of them was the king of innate demon gods whose strength was beyond the norm… With the strength of that Innate Demon God King, it would be easy to destroy our 3.2 Terrans!”

The Weak Narcissus Emperor said: “Everyone, don’t let down your vigilance, let’s join hands and suppress these twenty-six innate demon gods in a short time!”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor said, “The nine of us use the Great Thousand Star Elephant Formation!”

The twenty-six Innate Demon Gods who were stopped and fled all looked panicked and panicked one by one.

The end realm, at the beginning of the opening of the heavens and the earth, gave birth to eighty-one innate demon gods.

These eighty-one innate demon gods, they have always been rulers, ruling this end-time realm.

They are always high above and looking down on all beings.

Regard all races as ants, and regard the strong of all races as servants.

Ever…… Ever been in such a situation? So embarrassed, panic and fleeing for his life, like a dog that lost his home!

The point is!

Can’t escape yet!



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