Chapter 164: The Nine Immortal Emperors Died in Battle!

Desolate Sky Emperor Town Kill the King of the Innate Demon God!!

A big war.

It lasted for half a day!

Shi Hao finally killed the King of the Innate Demon God above the heavenly firmament, and shattered the firmament!

The king of the innate demon gods, finally died after burning everything in himself, his strength fell sharply, and he was completely blown up by Shi Hao’s fist!


On the battlefield below, the nine Terran Immortal Emperors joined forces to besiege twenty-six Innate Demon Gods.

At this time, the breath of the immortal emperors of the nine human races also declined rapidly, and they were all in an extremely sublimated state, burning everything they had, and it also lasted for half a day!

Shi Hao rushed to help!

Compared with the King of the Innate Demon Gods, who was a strong man in the same realm as Shi Hao, the Innate Demon Gods who were only comparable to Xuan Immortals were just minor troubles.

When Shi Hao raised his hand, he killed all twenty-six innate demon gods who were besieged by the Nine Immortal Emperors!

But the nine immortal emperors of the final realm have also reached their limit.

They fall one by one, because they are extremely sublimated, burning everything in their state, which cannot be stopped… Use it to die!

Shi Hao also didn’t have a good way, he hadn’t comprehended the “Hongmeng Avenue of Life”.

If he comprehended the Hongmeng Avenue of Life, Shi Hao would be able to save the Nine Immortal Emperors who burned everything he had with a snap of his fingers.

Hongmeng Avenue handed down by the ancestors of Hongjun Dao, even if it is just an entry… That is also more powerful than the 873 realizations of the Innate Demon God King.


If Shi Hao wanted to comprehend the Hongmeng Avenue of Life, he had to become a middle-level Taiyi Immortal Monarch.

Because of the “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Practice Law”, the arrangement is clear, step by step, according to the smooth, to comprehend the avenue, is the best.


Even if the next level of cultivation can comprehend the Hongmeng Avenue of Life, then Shi Hao has no skill points!

Shi Hao snapped his fingers and killed most of the descendants of those Innate Demon Gods in the End-End Realm, and he said, “Wangu Immortal Emperor, I can’t save you.”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor had not yet fallen, but he was only one step away from death, and he said: “Thank you, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, for your help!”

It doesn’t matter if I die or not!

But from now on, we Terrans can really stand up in this world!!

No longer anyone’s slave, this is the first big thing!”

Shi Hao said: “Don’t worry, I have killed most of the strong people on the side of the Innate Demon God, and the strong people of the human race are enough to cover and suppress them.”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor said: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, there is a reluctant request below!”

Please remove the Immortal Emperors of other races as well!

In our world, not only the human race is enslaved, but also the demon race, the giant race, and the water tribe.

There are immortal emperors in their clan!

However…… But he is simply willing to be the dog of the innate demon god.”

Shi Hao said: “Are you worried that after you die, those immortal emperors of other races will have no immortal emperors for the time being… And then, enslave the Terrans?”

Wangu Immortal Emperor said, “The race struggle is like this.

Our human race does not have an immortal emperor, other races have an immortal emperor… Why don’t they dare to enslave us.

I know very well the nature of the demon tribe, the water tribe, and the giant tribe.

They will definitely be after the death of our Terran Immortal Emperor… Oppression of the Terrans.

Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you will not be stationed in this realm, then I can only ask you to kill the Immortal Emperor of their race.”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor continued: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, we are already grateful that you killed eighty Innate Demon Gods and that Innate Demon God King… Next, let the few of us who still have our last breath left to try how many immortal emperors of other races can be dragged into extinction!”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor was really dedicated to the sake of the human race.

The Han Immortal Emperor said, “Wangu, then make a move!”

I could only hold out for less than a quarter of an hour.”

Shi Hao said: “No need, Wangu Immortal Emperor, your request, I agree!”

I also support Terran dominance.”

The Terrans are weak and must be oppressed by the rest of the races!

Since the Terrans can dominate… So why not do it? Before Shi Hao came to this world, he didn’t feel much.

Shi Hao didn’t want to help if he was in trouble with humans… This thousands of world chat groups are sent every few days to send a group mission to save mankind and destroy something.

Too often!

Shi Hao goes to save every day… That’s being kidnapped by morality.


After coming to the end of the world.

At least the humans of the Apocalypse!

Shi Hao is willing to save!

Willing to make their lives better!

There is also the…..”As a human being, you must always think from the perspective of a human being!”

And sympathize with other races, when humanity is slaughtered by other races, those races are comfortable.”


Shi Hao snapped his fingers and used the “Law of Cause and Effect” and the “Law of Fate”!

The law of cause and effect and the law of fate are one, which is the ability to control the birth and destruction of the fate!

Shi Hao snapped his fingers, and the final realm, cultivating to be higher than the level of the rest of the races that could destroy the universe, were destroyed one after another.

Even those immortal emperors of the rest of the races are no exception.

Because the gap is too big and too big!

In this end-end realm, the immortal emperors of the rest of the races comprehended at most three or four hundred laws… It is comparable to a third- and fourth-order Xuan Immortal.

But Shi Hao has already become a third-order Taiyi Immortal Monarch, which is more than a trillion times stronger than a third- and fourth-order Xuan Immortal!

Shi Hao said: “After that, the strong people of the human race in this realm can rule this realm.

The other strong races that are too strong will be killed by me.”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor smiled and bowed to Shi Hao, “Thank you, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, for your help!”

I represent the human beings of our world… Thank you very much!”

The Eternal Immortal Emperor is destroyed!

The Han Immortal Emperor said, “I also thank Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.

Thank you for your shot.

I heard that you are the Terran Heavenly Emperor of other great worlds…”

The Han Immortal Emperor could not finish his words, and then fell silent.

The reason why he has supported until now is entirely by relying on the will against the sky.

The wish of the Terrans in this world to become the protagonists of heaven and earth has been fulfilled.

The Han Immortal Emperor died.

Return to silence.

The rest of the immortal emperors either died out before, or they died at this time.


In the final realm, the nine immortal emperors of the human race have been destroyed.

“I don’t know….. After countless thousands of years, will the human beings in this world have such a strange brain residue, blaming the ancestors of the human race for being too cruel, and exterminating so many other race creatures…”

Shi Hao saw the fall of the Nine Immortal Emperors, but this idea suddenly came to him.

Because this “race” really seems to have.

Shi Hao sensed that in this End-of-Life Realm, some human beings, who broke their mouths and cursed, actually blamed Shi Hao for destroying several strong people of the other races, because the strong people of those other races were their friends or confidants.


Shi Hao doesn’t want to stay in this end-time realm, although the vast majority of human beings are rational and love their own race, but there are also a few brain-dead, really disgusting people.

Shi Hao resurrected some of the strong people of the race who died in the final realm.

The immortal emperor of the nine human races, Shi Hao cannot be resurrected, the “immortal emperor” in this world is comparable to Xuan Immortal, his personality is too high, and he has mastered the law, unless Shi Hao can comprehend the Hongmeng Avenue of Life, otherwise there is really nothing he can do.

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