Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

What did Ye Liuli think of?

Pagoda sugar.

Young people don't know what pagoda sugar is, but older people still remember it.

Pagoda sugar sounds like candy, but it is actually an insect repellent. It is named after a small pagoda squeezed out of cream. The candy comes in yellow and red, with cute colors and delicious flavors, but the raw materials are legendary.

The raw material of Pagoda Sugar is Artemisia annua. This cold-tolerant wild native plant is also called "Annual Artemisia annua" in botanicals. It is a unique medicinal plant in the Arctic Circle.

Raw materials for the production of "Pagoda Sugar" have also been imported from the former Soviet Union.

In 1952, the government obtained 20 grams of precious seeds from the former Soviet Union, and then planted them in Northeast, North China, Northwest, and Xinjiang. Artemisia annua was extensively cultivated, and pagoda sugar was subsequently made. Pagoda sugar has the effect of paralyzing tapeworms, preventing tapeworms from attaching to the intestinal wall of the host.

Although there are many types of parasites, the maggots are the ones that have formed a large scale and are most likely to be widely transmitted.

Unfortunately, with the change of the times and the development of science and technology, pagoda sugar was replaced by new medicines, and then after a catastrophe, Artemisia annua disappeared, pagoda sugar became a legend.

So why is Pagoda Sugar regarded by Ye Liuli as an old-fashioned insect repellent, not because ... is its raw material simple?

In other words, if you have Artemisia annua, and after a series of experiments, the pagoda sugar can be made like a cat. Even if the efficacy is not comparable to the real pagoda sugar, it is more effective than those herbs.

Ye Liuli listened to Nalan Chu's case about the deworming in ancient medical books, and knew that the deworming medicine in ancient times was not reliable.

When Nalan Chu saw Ye Liuli in deep thought, his eyes were immediately bright—the master was really the **** in her heart! goddess! It seems that there is no one who can hold the Lord down.

Nalanchu wanted to ask, but he was afraid to interrupt the thinking of the master, because every time the master said something novel, it seemed to be in his memory. And ... the master's complexion was happy and sad for a while, and she couldn't guess what the master thought, and when should she interject.

So what is Ye Liuli thinking about?

She was thinking about Artemisia annua.

If she remembers it correctly, Artemisia annua is a perennial herb. The main root is thin, the rhizome is short, and the branches are gray-brown. Several or more stems, brown in the lower part, shiny, gray-green in the upper part; branching in the middle or lower part, thin branches, oblique upward.

The leaves are alternate, small, ovate or long-ovate, with 3-4 lobes on each side, small lobes narrowly lanceolate, short pointed ...

Ye Liuli thought while writing, and the characteristics of the wormwood in memory and the appearance of the figure were drawn.

I was so busy for a long time, and repeatedly sketched a few pages of paper, in the end, it was considered to be finished.

"Chuchu, look, can you understand?"

Nalanchu took the drawing and opened his eyes to observe, "Return to the master, the subordinate can understand, but ... does such a thing exist? Subordinates have never seen such a plant before, and also, subordinate Where should I start looking? "

Ye Liuli squinted his eyes. "Seriously, I don't know if there is Artemisia annua here, it can be considered a dead horse as a living horse doctor. As for the direction ..." He paused, "North! The colder the better, go Look hard. For the time being, we plan to look for three years. If we find it within three years, we will earn it. If we can't find it, we will laugh. "As long as we can find this thing, we can do very well." The powerful insect repellent will be handed over to our pharmaceutical factory, and the medicine will be widely distributed. "

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