Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

When Yao Ming came to Yonghua Palace, she noticed that the people's eyes were strange.

Don't look at Yao Yao's young age, but he is cautious.

He asked, "Aunt Yuzhu, can you tell me why my mother suddenly rushed me to Yonghua Palace?"

"Back to His Royal Highness, the slave has just told His Royal Highness that the durian fruit was delivered by Jinsha Kingdom, and the Master invited His Highness to share them." Yuzhu said.

Yao Yan frowned slightly. "Apart from durian fruit? Anything else?"

Yuzhu thought about it carefully, "Back to Your Highness, it's gone."

Yao Yao thought about how to quickly get the words out of Yuzhu's mouth, but in the end he was still a few years old and couldn't think of a way. After all, he could only ask straight away, "Aunt Yuzhu, for some reason, people in the palace are so scared?"

"Oh, this is what His Royal Highness asked," Yuzhu was also nervous. If she replaced it with Magnolia, she would have guessed His Highness' mind and explained it calmly. Yuzhu leaned down and whispered to the crown prince's ear. "Slave didn't dare to lie to His Royal Highness. The problem lies in this durian fruit. This fruit ... somewhat smelly ... oh, it's smelly!"

Yao Yao said, "Smelly? Isn't that fruit to eat?"

"Yeah, it was ... but it still smells ..."

"How do you eat something smelly?"

For a while, Yuzhu couldn't explain, "The durian fruit is only eaten by the master, and no one dares to eat it, or else ... otherwise the master said that he didn't find the master?"

Yao Ying's big eyes were suddenly full of gratitude, but she still said firmly, "Thank Aunt Yuzhu, but my mother ’s taste will be boring. I will go with my mother." .

Everyone was shocked.

Yuzhu also felt deeply, "His Royal Highness is so intimate? Isn't the child so intimate?"

Someone said, "That's the rumor."

"I want to have such a caring child."

"Aunt Yuzhu and Master Shih have been married for a while, and you just need one?"

Yuzhu firmly believed, "Okay, I'll have one!"

How firm Yuzhu was, the next day Xixu's soft buttress was walking on the wall. Needless to say, when Yao Yao entered the main hall, he smelled a faint odor.

Something like ... shit.

Yao Yao wanted to run, but when she thought of her mother, she still gritted her teeth and headed towards the restaurant.

If you can smell "smell" at the door, it is like a pit when you reach the restaurant.

Yao Ming almost fainted. "Children have seen their mother."

Seeing that there was no one in the restaurant, even Magnolia and Xiaoyu, who were usually waiting by their side, escaped, only Ye Liuli himself.

Ye Liuli happily opened the durian and took out a large piece of durian meat to slap it. "Yaohao came just right, come here and taste the delicious durian. My mother tells you that although durian smells bad, but It tastes fragrant and is mainly nutritious. Did you know that durian is known as the king of fruits? Its sexual heat can promote blood circulation and dispel cold, improve cold and cold symptoms, and promote temperature rise. Regular consumption can strengthen the body and strengthen the spleen and qi. , Tonify the kidneys and strengthen the sun, to warm the body. "When I looked up, I saw Yao Yan's face carved with pink powder and jade, and smiled.

Yao Yan bit her little baby teeth. "No, my son and daughter accompany their mother and daughter to share their hardships."

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