Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

"What's wrong?" Ye Liuli was curious.

"The emperor of the Sands Kingdom is afraid of being speculative. When he grows up, he may look down upon us, and when he is younger ... will he have any thoughts about his mother-in-law?"

"Well!" Ye Liuli laughed out loud. "I said Yao Yao, did you learn too much from Tai Fu's conspiracy theory? If you say Gao Changguo and Soka, even Nan Zhaoguo told us Hu Guo I also acknowledged the Tiger Vision, that the Sands Kingdom was ten thousand miles away from us, even if it was Tiger Vision? Also, do you think your mother-in-law is a flower of an eighteen-year-old girl? Come on, you gave birth to two baby Okay? You can call them aunts in tacky places. Do you think that the emperors in the world are as sad as your father and only one woman? Every other emperor is a bunch of concubines in the third house and the sixth house. What is it like to be fat and thin? Xiao wants to do what my aunt with two babies did? Besides, everyone knows them so well, isn't it embarrassing? "

Yao Yan frowned slightly, "but ..." he stopped talking.

"But what?" Ye Liuli dug a mouthful of durian durian and stuffed his mouth. "Don't you think about it, little idiot, how old are you? What do you know? Eat durian."

"Yes, my dear." Yao Yao began to lower her head to eat durian.

The mother and son chatted without saying a word.

"How's your homework?"

"Return to my mother, okay."

"It goes without saying that there is no need to be polite here."

"Yes, my dear."

"Is there anything I can't do with my homework?"

"Can you ask my mother for my homework?" Xingxing Yan.

"No, ask your father."


"Does Durian eat?"

"Habitually eaten, come here for the finest, soft and sweet."

"Still smelly?"

"No smell."

"Will you have another one?"

"it is good."

"But then again, why did you suddenly have that weird idea? Any root cause?"

"Man's intuition."

"..." Ye Liuli twitched. "Man? You?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"... No ... nothing is wrong." Ye Liuli was ashamed in her heart—it was indeed her genius son, only a few years old, and her tone was so old-fashioned.

Unconsciously, the mother and child ate a durian.

Ye Liuli touched his stomach. "I ate too much today and it was delicious."

Yao Yao nodded earnestly, "Mother-in-law really is right. Durian fruit is the king of fruit. She is accustomed to the richness of durian fruit, but she has much less interest in other fruits."

"Do you really like it?" Ye Liuli was surprised.

"Like!" Yao Ming answered seriously.

"Okay, the emperor Jinsha brought a lot of fruits. When you come back, we mother and son will eat together," Ye Liuli was gleeful. "Baby, you know, exclusive food is a pleasure, but like-minded comrades together Tasting food is more enjoyable. "

Yao Yan's thick eyelashes fanned out, "Mother, how many durian fruits did Jin Shaguo send last time?"

"Six." Ye Liuli said, "I'll tell you that the rotten emperor of Jinsha Kingdom is very bad. He didn't come to honor his mother, but he waited for his mother to show ugliness. Others gave gifts for their wishes. They gave them. When durian, the envoy waited for Baba to watch me react. "

Yao Yao nodded, "What about this time?"


"That is to say, if the last time was for the sake of watching his mother, this time it was to please his mother," Yao Ming said, narrowing his eyes. "Why doesn't he give his father an adult?"

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