Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

"Don't tell me about deep sleep and light sleep, and, I said, my dream is not Yonghua Palace!"

A sudden roar of Dongfang Ling stunned Ye Liuli, "But ... the dreams I have may not be scenes in reality ..."

Dong Fang found that she was out of control and suddenly felt guilty. "Sorry ..."

"No need to apologize to me, in fact I like you so much," Ye Liuli smiled. "Do you know, sometimes I bully you to death and live, and I also want to rush you into anger and vent me, since we two When you are together, you always tolerate unconditionally. I'm afraid you are too tired. "

Ye Liuli's words made the East feel guilty, "I didn't mean to tolerate you, I ..."

"Why not? When we first met, how fierce and fierce you are, pulling your face like Changbai Mountain every day shows that you are temperamental in yourself. Later, such a good temperament means that you deliberately tolerate, so you today Yelling at me, I'm not only angry but happy. "

"..." Everyone.

To say that the master is really weird. The gentleness and tenderness of other people's wives are the most afraid of the master's anger. The master of their family usually hopes that Lord Changge will be angry.

Ye Liuli's words made Dongfang feel helpless. "Actually everything you do is for me, I understand."

"Don't say these hypocritical terms between you and me," Ye Liuli took Dongfang Chen's arm, "continue to tell me about your dreams, such things as dreams, would not be allowed to speak."

"Okay," Dongfang Yan lowered his eyes, still a little worried, "we said as we walked."

Accompanied by the quiet of the people, the two slowly walked towards the medicine garden of Tai Hospital.

"That is to say, in your dream, I was imprisoned in a magnificent palace, and I was scared and anxious. I couldn't help trying to escape, right?" Ye Liuli asked.

"Yes." Dongfang Yuan shuddered in his heart.

Ye Liuli smiled, "It means you care about me, I'm happy."

Dongfang Yu wanted to laugh, but she couldn't laugh. The fear in her heart still held his heart tightly, and she raised her eyes, "The medicine garden is here."

But I saw a garden a dozen steps away, surrounded by snow-white walls, with an arched round door in the middle, on which a quaint plaque read the word "medicine garden".

It is also used for planting, but it is completely different from the enchanting luxury of the Royal Garden, with a kind of solemnity and seriousness.

The palace man and the medicine officer who were serving the herbs heard the emperor and the long-song master startled, and everyone threw down their work and rushed out in a hurry, asking the Lord to kneel down.

As the leaders, the two cordially sympathized with the people in the front line of labor, and then ran out to watch in the yard.

In spring, the outdoor herbs have just sprung, and it is the time when the grass color looks close but no time.

Ye Liuli stared at the buds on the ground, and asked Dongfang Li, "Can you recognize these herbs?"

Dongfang Ling leaned down and looked quietly, "Huang Huangzi."

Ye Liuli was shocked. "Really?"

Dong Fang stood up, "Not sure."

Ye Liuli called the medicine officer who followed, and the answer he obtained was indeed Huang Zongzi.

"Long song you are too powerful, you all understand? What else in this world you won't?" Ye Liuli couldn't help but be surprised.

Dong Fang smiled slightly. "I didn't understand it. Later, because you have been worried about Artemisia annua, I also took time to look at the pharmacopoeia, so I remembered a few flavors of herbs at will."

"You still have time, where do you get your time?"

"I sometimes get up and roll over after you fall asleep."



"More and more, I've been petted."

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