Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

How can Nalanchu and Diao Chan be sticky? Let's not say, Ye Liuli has chicken blood on his side.

One night, Ye Liuli didn't sleep much. He would need equipment to check over and over again. After the pighouse had not yet started, he turned out the drawings and started researching.

If you do n’t do research, this research will find a problem. The water tower was designed and built before. The pipes of the water tower only lead to pig houses and laboratories for a while. But how to destroy the infected experimental pigs? Buried deep?

According to the reason, it should be buried deeply. In modern times, once swine fever or other diseases are found, dead pigs must be buried. However, there are excavators and other machinery in modern times. There is no problem in digging a deep pit. In ancient times, it was artificial and how deep Pit? If the pit is shallow, will it pollute the soil? If the pit is deep, will it pollute the water source? After all, modern waterworks do not say that the treatment is not clean, at least there are several filters, but in ancient times, it was really a digging well to drink water.

Rich people also brewed a cup of tea, but many ordinary people or people in the mansion house drank well water directly.

Thinking of this, Ye Liuli's spine had a layer of cold sweat—fortunately, she couldn't sleep and think about it, otherwise she would be poisoned if she could not cure her, which is too much sin!

Therefore, Ye Liuli temporarily decided to design an incinerator, and it is all right to burn the experimental pigs?

Just do it, and immediately write and draw on paper.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, it is already five days, and the sky is going to be bright.

Shen Ye, who was watching, secretly yawned, and then said quietly, "Master, it's time to sleep late at night."

Ye Liuli rubbed his sore neck. "It's time to sleep. Now this body is really not as good as the day. When I raise my neck, it clicks."

Shen Xuan softly persuaded, "That's because the master is too tired, and a martial arts man is so tired every day, and it will ring."

Ye Liuli nodded, "No more grooming, just sleep."

"Yes, Master."

Shen Xun waited for Ye Liuli to go to bed, and then withdrew. Ye Liuli couldn't sleep when she tossed and turned on the bed.

She kept thinking about a problem--the incinerator was not considered in the design of the piggery and laboratory at the time. After all, the palace was a big mansion. How big can the open space be? What if the incinerator cannot be installed?

Is it necessary to expand the garden? I don't know what people are around.

Regardless of the occupation of the dwellings, it is impossible to expect people to move away immediately, even if they are compensated. What about the experiment during the period of moving? Or else drag it on? Or take dead pigs out for incineration? But wouldn't it be evil if someone sold fake pork for public welfare?

I don't want to be okay, the more I want to sleep, the more I get headaches.

It's almost dawn.

Ye Liuli sat up suddenly, "Come here!"

The vigil's maid came forward, "Emperor, slaves are here."

Originally Magnolia and Yuzhu and others watched the vigil, but since they were pregnant, they changed to other maids.

"It's midsummer? I can't sleep and help me change my clothes," Ye Liuli sat up, rubbing her sore head, "Which team of guards is outside the door to guard? Who is the guard?"

The court woman midsummer reported the name of the guard.

Ye Liuli heard it, and was happy. "I remember that he has good martial arts. Come here, dress the uncle, and then put on a guard to accompany the uncle to the pighouse."

Midsummer was startled. He wanted to persuade him, but he was not a close person. Who would dare to disobey the Holy Spirit when he spoke in the Ninth Five-Year Plan? Hurrying to dress them up and call the guards, the team went to the open space.


There is peace between heaven and earth. Because Wuhuang Town is located south, the climate is warm, and the vegetation has grown a lot, so there are birds and insects.

Several palace ladies led the way in front of the lantern, and the sword guards escorted them around the majestic style.

Ye Liuli joked with the people around with a smile, "Oh, it ’s still the South, do you like the South? Otherwise, you can go back and talk to Changge to move the capital to this place. If Changge doesn't agree, then build a capital A political center, an economic center, what? "

"..." The guardian maids around had nothing to say, and secretly murmured in their hearts-did Beijing say it was to move in? But the country is owned by others, of course, they do what they want.

Ye Liuli's thoughts became more and more justified, "Yes, yes, not only to establish an economic center, but also to establish a special economic zone, oops, I am really a genius."

"..." Everyone, emperor, confidence is a good thing, but keep a low profile? How can you say you are a genius?

Finally, in Ye Liuli's mumble, the group reached an open space.

I saw, in the empty open space, a long figure standing in the center, with long hair blown by the morning wind, slightly fluttering.

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