Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

But according to the information at this time-the emperor did not sleep overnight, but the drawings were changed, either by the craftsmen or by the emperor himself.

If the craftsman revises, he will be accompanied by the emperor at this time. However, the emperor alone carries the palace person, which can only explain that the drawing is really the emperor's modification.

Thinking, Xia Yongling's hazy eyes flashed with surprise, and then looked intently at the drawings.

I found that there was a tower-like thing that was originally beside the pigsty and the laboratory. What is this novel object?

Until now, Xia Yongling didn't completely believe in what Artemisia annua or what pagoda sugar, how could there be a candy to expel the insects in the body after eating?

Is this woman whimsical or does she have the ability?

Xia Yongling was thinking wildly, Ye Liuli said, "Master Xia, I have a question to ask you, what kind of wind does Wuhuang Town generally like to blow in spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

"……"What is the problem?

Xia Yongling, who was interested in geography, was also questioned. "Please forgive the emperor, Wei Chen is not academically sophisticated, and he never pays attention to the wind direction here." The voice paused, "but as far as Wei Chen's daily knowledge is concerned, it should probably be It's almost the same as the capital city, that is to say, the north wind is mostly in winter and the south wind is mostly in summer. "

"Oh, so it is," Ye Liuli knew, why did she ask so? Who knows if this world is the earth, is there an equator and a north-south tropic, is this continent in the southern hemisphere or the northern hemisphere? If you look at the north wind in winter and the south wind in summer, it should be similar to modern countries.

"Look at it." Ye Liuli led away towards the open space, and everyone followed.

Standing on the open ground, Ye Liuli held the drawing in his left hand, and his right hand gestured as if measuring something.

After a while, Ye Liuli asked, "Master Xia, what is the westernmost position of this pig house after it is built?"

"Return to the emperor, about four feet to one foot away from this place." Xia Yongling said.

"How far is the four feet again?" Ye Liuli frowned, and suddenly had a clever move. "So, Master Xia, huh ... cough, huh, the trouble of coming and going, I do n’t have a respectable name without an outsider here. I do n’t care about distance The unit is not very sensitive. Otherwise, Mr. Xia took a few guards to the place and planned to arrange one person at each corner of the pig house, so that I could easily evaluate it, okay? "

Before Xia Yongling had spoken, the guard said, "The emperor is absolutely indispensable. The guards of the palace are not enough. The guards they carry today are only a few people. If the guards are scattered, how to protect the emperor?"

Ye Liuli smiled, "I know I'm dangerous. When the emperor hates people, everyone wins it, but you can't be a tortoise because of this? You must take a group of people wherever you go to the toilet They must be protected personally. Which one of me is the emperor, clearly a mouse crossing the street. Life is precious and love is more expensive. If it is free, both can be thrown away. Understand? "

"Back to the emperor, the subordinates don't understand." Chief guard.

"That means, I'm not afraid of death." Ye Liuli glanced blankly. "Hurry up and let people stand by. Let's get back to bed soon after we finish the work?"

"The emperor thinks twice!"

"Good, 1,2,3, think about it," Ye Liuli tilted her head and looked innocent, "Master Dear Guard, I think twice, can you go this time?"

"..." the guard.

"..." the guard.

Xia Yongling's mouth could not help twitching, this emperor ... was not quite the same as he imagined.

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