Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Xia Yongling laughed, and Rao reasonedly told himself that he could not act lightly, but still couldn't help but ridicule, "The emperor is free and easy, and admired by the ministers. No wonder this country's major events need to be troubled by adults."

Midsummer on the side secretly worried for Xia Yongling, afraid that he would offend the emperor.

Ye Liuli shook his slender fingers. "You don't understand this, it's called the capable person to work harder."

Xia Yongling lowered his eyes and grinned at the corners of his lips. "It turned out that the emperor was not only free and easy, but his beak was three feet long."

Ye Liuli froze, turned to ask Midsummer in a low voice, "Meeting, long, three, ruler? What does Xia mean?"

His face flushed, "Back ... back to the emperor, the slaves don't know."

Ye Liuli sighed, "I miss Magnolia a bit." Yeah, usually this kind of hanging bag is done by Magnolia, "Master Xia, what do you just mean? What will happen?"

Xia Yongling disguised his sarcasm, "Back to the emperor, Wei Chen praised the emperor for his good argument."

Ye Liuli suddenly realized, "Oh, what you said" will "is actually a" beak ", then I understand. I really haven't heard that word before, but Lord Xia, your thinking can be a bit dangerous. Ah. "Said, squinting with a smile.

Xia Yongling's pupils flinched sharply, and then he knelt down, "Wei Chen said badly that the emperor should misunderstand the crime and ask the emperor to punish him."

Ye Liuli was still laughing, heartless and heartless, "Master Xia, get up. Although Wuhuang Town is located south, but the location of our country is too north, it's cold and cold and easy to fall ill. You are still young. , The road is still long, don't sacrifice your life because of others' mistakes. "

Xia Yongling was stunned, always felt that there was something in the emperor's words.

Xia Yongling looked at the woman in front of her, and suddenly a voice told him that it was time to re-examine the woman.

I saw, however, that the woman's golden brocade cape was shining in the rising sun, her facial features were exquisite and exquisite, and her charming and pure eyes seemed to have wisdom.

But I don't know if the morning breeze is too comfortable, or because of the little story that just happened, Ye Liuli, who was still a little sleepy, suddenly woke up.

Now that you are so sober, you have to ... have a good chat?

"Master Xia does not recognize the ability to work harder, and thinks it is some people shirk responsibility or cover up their incompetence. This is not to blame Master Xia, after all, you are not in your position and you have not thought about the problem from that perspective. Yuan, "Ye Liuli tilted her head." Actually, why do society develop from a different angle? Because there is a division of labor, for example, there is a cook cooking for you, a girl to wait for you to live, and someone to clean the laundry for you. That way you can free up more energy to do the work you should do, don't you? Without these people, if you cook, wash and clean your own daily, how can you still work for the country? "

Xia Yongling's mouth was drawn-the emperor said that, how can he treat him as a young child?

"Of course, the children I know are also aware of these things, but you reverse the logic just now-it is because of the division of labor that people are better at something, and it is because they are better at something that they can It ’s because of these people who can maximize their ability to promote the development of an industry, and finally the development of the whole country, is n’t it? Someone is good at farming, let him work in agriculture; Someone is good at medicine, Let him practice medicine; Chang Ge is good at national affairs, and naturally let him take care of the country. "Ye Liuli squeezed his eyes." I said this, I actually want to tell you-I let Chang Ge do that position, not only Just because of his ability, not only because of my trust in him, but also because ... Hey, I'm Mingjun! Well, Mingjun, don't care about your small power and vanity! You need to have a big pattern, big vision, and heart Is it for the people and contributes to the development of the motherland, isn't it? "

Xia Yongling's mouth twitched-after such a large circle, she was actually praising herself?

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