Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Nalanchu was startled, "No ... no! What can I do? Lord, you, emperor, how can you pretend to be a subordinate?

Yuzhu and Shen Zheng looked at the past with a pitying look—dumb, where did this go, and the master hadn't exerted his skills yet.

Ye Liuli automatically ignored Nalanchu's questions and protests. "Come here, look for clothes, find clothes quickly."

Shen Yan immediately ran to find clothes.

"Master, never!" Nalanchu still gave up.

Ye Liuli rolled his eyes. "Am I the master or are you the master?"

"……you are."

"Then you obediently."


Soon, Shen Zheng brought the palace lady's clothes, and everyone began to dress up Ye Liuli.

After a while, the gorgeous and gorgeous woman just turned into a hibiscus-like girl, and even Shen Yun couldn't help praising, "The master is really young, and I can't see that there are two princes. Some say the master is only fifteen years old, and some believe it. "

Ye Liuli blinked and turned to look at the mirror.

I have to say that this skin is really good, it is not really old.

Of course, he wasn't old in his early twenties.

Ye Liuli got up and said, "Okay, it's not too late, let's go and see."

When Nalan Chu saw that his small arms could not twist his thighs, he could only give up in the end. Everyone came out of "Bao Zhi Lin" and left to the open space to the west.

Walking on the road, Ye Liuli said, "Chuchu, what expression do you have to cry? Hey, let me explain to you Ha: First of all, I don't like others kneeling on me, kneeling on one piece, seeing me upset; secondly, Do the artisans have to continue working after kneeling? You talk, I stand next to them, can they work with peace of mind? If I walk away at a glance, I ’m not happy, right? Finally, look at the sky, The black light was blind, and I silently looked at it without a word. No one could find me. Don't talk about the ninety-five respects, even the ninety-ninth respects. "

"..." Nalanchu was speechless.

Yuzhu snickered and whispered, "Chuchu, you have just waited for the master and you do n’t know how to do it. You will know later. Do n’t rebel against the master. If the master ’s decision is right, even if the master ’s decision is wrong ... of."

Nalanchu nodded.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but interject. "Girl Chuchu, girl Yuzhu doesn't mean that we are loyal to the master. Of course, loyalty is necessary, but even if you don't agree, you can use the master's clever mouth to make the wrong pair. of."

Nalanchu thought for a while, and it seemed to be the same, the master could say too much.

So Nalanchu confessed his fate and went to the open space on the west side.

Along the way, the palace ladies are holding lanterns and floor lamps, but how do these ancient lights and candles compare with modern lights? At best I could barely see my feet, the others were grey.

Near the open space, suddenly suddenly open, because under construction, a lot of torches were burning around.

As the craftsmen worked, the guards whispered, "Stop quietly, don't disturb the emperor."

Ye Liuli saw that he was almost there, and hurriedly fled, hiding behind Nalan Chu.

Before everyone could react, Ye Liuli said, "From now on, you are the boss of our crowd, don't betray me."

"..." Nalanchu.

The group continued to move forward. Suddenly, a man was tall and slender in the crowd.

He did not pretend to be a blessing or point, and stood alone, quietly supervising the work of the artisans.

When the crowd was spotted, the man looked at the situation.

Under the firelight, his cheeks were thin and smooth, his eyes were deep and his nose was deep.

When he saw Naranchu as the head, his calm eyes narrowed, and he crossed the edge.

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