Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Xia Yongling found that the emperor can say that black can be said to be white, and dead can be said to be alive.

But the emperor can say that he can say, but he can't really do that, right? "The emperor, you are the king of a country and the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. If you spread it, you might ..."

"What's going on?" Ye Liuli rolled his eyes, "I'm too lazy to listen to you grin and talk, I will ask you, if the people heard that the king of a country entered the pighouse for the sick people, people will How do people respond? Are n’t they going to say—Oh, well, the emperor really ran off the pigsty, and we do n’t want this kind of emperor. Misery, only such a noble emperor deserves a dragon chair, right? "

"..." Xia Yongling.

"If I were a common people, I heard that the supreme emperor ran pigsty houses to conduct experiments to benefit the people regardless of their worth. I would think he was a good emperor, what do you say?"

Everyone heard it-the emperor won, and it won.

Xia Yongling convinced orally, "Yes, I was just a dull and narrow man, please the emperor to punish him."

"The punishment will be waived. Put on a mask and go in with me." Ye Liuli put the mask off again.

Xia Yongling's face changed slightly, even though he knew the truth, but in the end was the richest son of Shuxiangmen, when did he go to the pighouse?

Smell the smell slightly, Xia Yongling had a feeling of nausea.

Ye Liuli blinked, "Why, you want to refuse?"

"I ..." Because of too much entanglement, Xia Yongling even forgot to say.

"If you are a big-bellied woman or husband of a big-bellied woman, you are spared." Ye Liuli threw a smile.

Xia Yongling had no choice but to bring a mask and brought it up.

"Where are the others, are there any self-reports?" Ye Liuli exclaimed.

Later, several court maids signed up. After all, they could show their faces in front of the emperor, but that is a big thing. How many people may not show their faces in front of the emperor after giving up their lives.

After a while, everyone was ready and a small group of people entered the pighouse.

Outside the pigsty.

Shen Min reached up to Yuzhu, "I said, girl Yuzhu, do you have a feeling ... the master is revenge?"

"Isn't it vengeance?" Yuzhu smiled sarcastically. "Now that Xia Yongling is a good temper for the main son, feel free to slap her. Of course, our master has a good temper, but the revenge is still revenge, and the master revenge It's not something ordinary people can afford. "

Shen Zheng nodded, "Yeah, did you see that? Xia Yongling's face is really ugly."

"I'm so happy to see it. It's been a long time since I saw him."

"Me too. Me too."

"Shh! Don't be heard by Chu Chu, Chu Chu also thinks Xia Yongling is a good person."

"Okay, let's keep quiet."

On the other side, Nalanchu kept staring at the pigsty, full of worry.

Diao Chan looked coldly, "Worried about Xia Yongling?"

Nalanchu shook his head and shook his head. "Naturally, Xia Gongzi is in good health and has martial arts. I worry about what he does? I worry about the master."

Inside the pigsty.

At the front are two guards, followed closely by the palace maids, then Ye Liuli and Xia Yongling. Xia Yongling is behind other palace men.

I saw that Xia Yongling's face became increasingly ugly. In fact, Ye Liuli was also strong.

"The emperor forgive his sins, the slave daring to speak boldly, the hog house conditions are difficult, and the emperor asked the emperor to leave quickly after inspection. After all, the health of the emperor's dragon body is the blessing of the people." Midsummer whispered, his eyes were timid.

Ye Liuli smiled, "I really didn't find out, your little girl has a sweet mouth. Is there a match? Is there a type you like? I will tell you that the emperor is good at being a matchmaker, hello Do, look back and arrange for you to arrange beautiful men, the eight-pack abs. "

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