Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

As he opened his mind, Ye Liuli's mind kept coming up with various ideas. "For example, boiled water must be provided in major universities, as well as your medical department, landlords, factory owners, including restaurant owners, casino owners. Wait for all kinds of bosses to provide boiled water to employees and guests! If you do not provide boiled water, as long as you receive a report, you will be fined! "

Because of a period of running-in, Nalanchu had an understanding of the master, and knew that the master felt a sense of inspiration. This kind of inspiration expired. I do n’t write it down now.

So Nalanchu had already taken the paper and pen and started recording.

"Of course, these only refer to public places and employers, but the most common are ordinary people who take the family as a unit. At this time, they can follow some slogans." Ye Liuli pinched his small chin and squinted his eyes. Sneaked.

"Slogan?" Nalanchu looked up in surprise.

"Yes, that is to write inscriptions on the walls and houses of homes directly in ink or lacquer. For example, something like-'Dolls have more births, the government ... Oh no, the court will help you raise them!' Encourage everyone to have more children, after all Population is the only basis for national strength. Then there is-to get rich, have more children and more trees! Don't want to get sick and drink boiled water! Want to have a boy and drink boiled water! I want to hold a boil for two years and drink boiled water! boiling water!"

Nalanchu was stunned, his voice trembling, "Master ... Master, drink boiled water and have a connection with a baby boy ..."

"Well, I say Chuchu, you health care workers do n’t even know this? The chances of having a boy and a girl are irrelevant to what you eat, what you drink, what **** you worship, and what house you live in," Ye Liuli rolled her eyes, "I said to drink boiled water for a baby boy, isn't this the flicker of ordinary people, let them drink boiled water vigorously? Let ’s go back and let the public, village head, and the director of the Women's Federation propagate-if you want to have a baby, you and your husband will not drink water. The person must also drink, otherwise the "born" breath over the body, good boys and girls also become daughters. In this way, if someone drinks raw water, do not need others to remind, he is ready to ask for a baby "

Throwing down his pen, Nalanchu gave a thumbs up uncontrollably, "Master, high! Master is really high!"

Ye Liuli blushed, "Why don't you say Chuchu that you have a high EQ? I'm so mean, I'm so embarrassed that you're embarrassed."

"Oh!" Nalan Chu, who is a lady of everybody, couldn't help but laugh at it. "You are embarrassed by the master, the subordinates are not convinced."

Ye Liuli leaned on the cushion on the side, "Okay, stop joking, let's continue." Immediately, I remembered a lot of slogans I had heard, thought about many more, and finally copied it into Letter, send someone to send back to Beijing quickly.

"Master, when will our experiment be carried out? How many sick pigs will we wait to breed?" Nalanchu asked.

Ye Liuli shook his head. "No, haven't we brought a lot of sick pigs? Pick one with the weakest body and start the experiment of filling medicine, can't wait any longer!" Then, lowering his head, muttering, "I am crazy enough I want to go home. "

Nalanchu thought that the relationship between Master and Lord Changge was so good, but they were so separated, and his heart was sour, "We will succeed."

"Yes, it will succeed." Ye Liuli was also confident.

the other side.


Dongfang Li heard of Ye Liuli's letter and was so happy that he could not take care of his lunch. He rushed to open the letter to read it.

After looking at ten lines at a glance, the corners of his mouth twitched-"Want to have a boy to drink boiled water? It really has her style."

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