Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Xia Yongling was shocked. "Wang ... Mr. Wang ..."

"Please also ask the son to think twice." As he said, Wang Qian was in a robe and knelt down, solemnly.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter with you today? She is a faint junior, and an enemy of our Xia family. I have tried hard to control myself without killing her now, and you still want me to be ... a man's pet?" Xia Yongling was pale and stunned.

If he was not a visitor to his father and was loyal to Xia's family, Xia Yongling would have taken a photo.

Wang Qian knelt down, with a firm expression.

"Mr. Wang, don't call her an enemy, or an ordinary woman ..." Xia Yongling gritted her teeth. "Did I, Xia Yongling, fall to be a man's pet for women? If so, I would rather die!"

"Death is certainly easy, but what about the hundreds of people in the Xia family?" Wang Qian slowly said.

"..." Xia Yongling shook his head. "No ... no, absolutely not."

"Please ask your son to think twice!" Wang Qian began to scratch his head, and said aloud, as if using a forehead to smash the floor, a few times, there was a blood mark on the ground.

Xia Yongling hurried to kneel and dragged Wang Qian, "Mr. Wang, don't force me, I ... how can I do that kind of thing?"

Wang Qian raised his eyes, and his savvy triangle eyes burst out fiercely. "My son has always been a dragon and a phoenix in his mind, but the dragon is helpless. If there are other ways, how can his subordinates be able to bear the honor of such a noble man But please calm down and think for a long time, why do n’t we kill the emperor directly? Because our purpose is not only revenge, but also to save the Xia family. We originally planned to hand the emperor to the Soka State in exchange for change Come to the Xia family, but in exchange? Even if the Xia family has hundreds of mouths in Soka, what can the emperor of Soka give us? Can they give us status and honor? No, they will not only give, but they will be prepared. "

"Status and honor? But as long as they are not safe?" Xia Yongling lost his voice.

Wang Qian narrowed his eyes. "My son was born in the government, even though he was still prosperous when he fled. He didn't experience the hardships at all. How can I live with hundreds of mouths? How about life? Besides, between life and death, we certainly Choose life; but why not choose the latter between innocence and prosperity? "


"The so-called gentleman can bend and stretch, and men from other countries are despised by others, but our Hu country is not. There is no example of long songs. There is no justice in this world. With power, there is justice," Wang Qian said slowly and deeply. So far, don't you understand?


"Master, take a step back and think, if you take the emperor and replace the long song, let's not say that the Xia family returns to prosperity, your name is recorded in the Xia family history ancestral hall, and just say ... one day you will have the royal power over. Isn't it a matter of time for Hu to change his family name? "

Wang Qian's voice was getting smaller and smaller, but it was getting louder and louder in Xia Yongling's ears, as if a sledgehammer bombarded his brain.

"My subordinates have always known that my son is doing big things! Ask my son to forgive him, and his subordinates say the last word."

"..." Xia Yongling was stiff, and it took him a while to respond. "... You ..."

"Does the boy still remember the legend?" Wang Qian made the killer hesitate, "Why does the adult treat the boy so much, even tolerate it? Just because when the boy was born, a rainbow bloomed in the delivery room, and the warlock was cloud, and the boy was Xiang Rui People, maybe ... life is very expensive. "

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