Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Xia Yongling's house was in a panic.

The door was open, and black smoke continued to flow.

Not far from the doorway, there were some guards stunned by smoke. After the first wave of guards were stunned by the black smoke, the second wave had experience. While opening the door to ventilate, wetting the guards with water and holding them Fill with air leather bag.

It took nine cattle and two tigers to finally pull out the three corpses in the dark room.

When the Oriental magpie arrived, the three bodies had just been towed out.

The head guard suddenly panicked when he saw this situation, and rushed to the front without asking, "What happened? Come! The emperor!"

The surrounding guards and dark guards support each other.

Dong Fang quickly stepped forward, looked down at the faces of the three corpses, and then rushed into the smoky room.

The captain was frightened, "Stop Master Changge! Hurry!" He rushed to stop people.

A dark guard was agile and quickly stopped in front of Lord Changge. But he was surprised to find that the long and elegant Lord Changge, who had always been elegant and calm, had a look of embarrassment, and his perfect features were almost distorted.

"Let's go!" Dongfang yelled.

The voice didn't fall, and the dark guard was shot away with one palm.

The dark guard was unsuspecting and spewed blood.

Dong Fang continued to move forward, and the guard rushed over, not to mention Dong Fang's waist hugged tightly from the back, "Master Changge, please calm down! I just asked the officials about the situation, there are only three corpses in the room and the secret passage Nothing else, although the emperor is missing but has no worries about life, if there is any accident in Lord Changge, the Xiaguan cannot tell the emperor! "

Everyone sweated for the head guard, because they could see that the head guard was wounded and just bandaged, because the action was too fierce, some bandages began to leak.

If Lord Changge shoots like the Dark Guard, the Guard Chief will surely die.

Dongfang Li wants to slay this noisy man with one palm, and even wants to kill everyone in the scene, but think of Ye Liuli, he still bears it out.

Dongfang Ling shook the head of the guard with internal force, turned out of the door, and looked down at the three corpses on the ground. "What are these three?"

The captain covered his wound and came out. "The body on the far left is Xia Yongling, and the two on the right ... I don't know."

Another guard stepped forward, Zhou Hei was dark, and he could see that he had just come out of the secret road.

Dongfang Chen said in a deep voice, "What's in the secret passage?"

The dark guard responded, "Return to Lord Changge, entering the secret passage from Xia Yongling's room is about ten feet. There is a secret room, which is the size of a room. These three bodies were found in the secret room, but from all signs, the fire broke out. At that time, the three should be fighting, and the fire was deliberately released, using kerosene to support the fire, and the arsonist escaped from the secret passage on the other side. "

"The secret road on the other side?" Dongfang Yan could not help but yelled, "Where does the secret road on the other side lead to? Are you guarded?"

"Return to Lord Changge, the other side has a long and dense road leading to a mountain forest from the border, and now we have two people there."

Dong Fang closed his eyes, took a deep breath of air to suppress his anger, and tried to calm himself as much as possible, "** Kun."

"Yes, Lord." ** Jun stepped forward.

"The decree continues. First, block the news of the emperor's disappearance and imprison all the people in the main hospital for strict interrogation. Second, send someone to stay at the exit of the secret road and find the direction of departure no matter what. The pigeon biography told Diao Chan and Xi Shi to come over. "

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