Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Because of Magnolia's words, Yuzhu rejoiced, "Great, great, Ms. Magnolia, what should we do?"

Magnolia sighed, "... wait."

When Yuzhu saw this, her joy disappeared a lot.


What did Ye Liuli go to Chen Fu?

Take charge of sins!

Chen Xiao and Shen Shi including Shen Mu's remarks, should say or not, the three really helped her a lot, but what about her? She deceived Shen Mu to the palace, and then, together with her own father, severely abused the dog and made him feel bad. Even if she stood on the moral high ground, it was not understandable in terms of friendship.

Ye Liuli really was in a dilemma, so she depended on the three to help her. If she wasn't a husband's woman, she would still be able to make up, but now she can't, she has a dog.

Chen Fu, a quiet and comfortable.

I heard that Ye Liuli came, and the pale-faced Shen family greeted them personally with the care of the girls. "Ruri, are you here?"

As soon as Ye Liuli got out of the car, when he looked up and saw Shen's, he rushed to the past. "Sister Shen, just wait for me in the room. You are so pleased, why are you here to pick me up?" When he spoke, he looked carefully. Shen's eyes, to understand his mood.

Shen smiled softly, "It's even more uncomfortable in the room. Taking advantage of today's day, we can take a walk outside and breathe the fragrance of grass and flowers, which is much more comfortable."

Ye Liuli hurriedly said, "Yes, it's better to breathe more fresh air. May I walk with you?"

"Come." Shen extended her hand with a smile and held Ye Liuli's hand. "Well, why is your sister's hand so cold? Is it less worn?"

Ye Liuli said in her heart that she was so embarrassed now that it didn't matter how much she wore.

However, Shen still urged the maidservant behind him, "Go and get my off-white butterfly wearing a flower cloud satin cloak."

"Yes, ma'am." Auntie left quickly.

The more Shen's concern for gentleness, the more anxious Ye Yeli felt. She was always soft and hard, and she was afraid of Shen's whispering. If she was a vixen, she would not be afraid.

"Did my sister eat in the morning?"

"have eaten."

"What did you eat?"


"Are you full?"


"Do you want any fruit?"

"I don't want to."

The two asked along the way and headed for the garden.

Although there are stone benches and stone tables in the garden, in order for the master to visit the scene at any time, soft cushions are tied to the stone benches.

When the two were seated, Ye Liuli's eyes flashed, and to Magnolia and Yuzhu, "You stand outside the gazebo for a while."

Shen smiled meaningfully, and sent herself out next to her.

At this time, the girl who took the cloak came back, and Shen's personally put on Ye Liuli, and the two re-entered.

Seeing Ye Liuli twitching, Shen finally chuckled and said, "My younger sister is here today to mourn."

Ye Liuli looked up timidly, then nodded gently, "Sister Shen, do you want to scold me?"

"What do you scold you for? Thank you," said Shen. "This Luzhou is a barren land. Unlike those rich villages, let ’s not say that the bottom line is far worse than the mainland of Beijing. Just say folk customs ... hey ... "Shen said extremely euphemistically." But in any case, the etiquette and religion are still there, and the folk customs must be correct. This is really wrong, and I also want to thank the mother and grandpa for their tolerance. "

Ye Liuli can also understand the meaning between the lines in the Shen's words, and straighten the words around the circle, which means-can't be dragged in ambiguous, the impact is not good.

In fact, Shen had called a step to his brother, Ye Liuli could hear it.

Ye Liuli smiled, "As long as Sister Shen is not angry, in fact Shen Gongzi did not make a big deal, just joking and overdoing it. The folk customs in Quzhou are open and informal, and in addition, Shen Gongzi has never been in love The gimmick is green, joking is not proportionate, and he will understand when he looks back on a sweetheart. Although I am young, but anyway, he is here too, and it is necessary to be tolerant. "The tone of a boss.

Therefore, this matter is considered to be grounded.

The two talked a few more words, and finally Ye Liuli left and told Shen to rest more.

After leaving Ye Liuli and his party, Shen returned to the room with the careful attention of the people.

Shen was resting quietly on the bed, squinting, and his confidant beside him.

The room was quiet, and suddenly Shen sighed softly.

Zhao Yan asked, "Mrs., why are you sighing?"

Shen slowly opened her eyes, and her magnificent eyes flowed savvyly. "I was sighing for Mu Ci. Although Mu Qi did not do this properly, he didn't care about women too much. It's a pity ... unfortunately."

Zhao Yan thought for a while, and then sighed, "How good is it if the mother is not married?"

"Yeah," Shen said with regret, "I have been waiting for Liuli to ask about his resignation, even if only asking, it also shows that she is intent on Mu reciting. Unfortunately, she didn't even ask. Can explain ... "

In the end, Shen didn't say anything.


the other side.

The carriage of the king's house ran unhappily on a street with few pedestrians.

Ye Liuli brought Magnolia and Yuzhu into the carriage.

Magnolia frowned, and said, "Mother, why don't you ask Mr. Shen today? Yesterday, Mr. Shen's complexion is not very good."

Ye Liuli supported his chin and admired the scenery outside the car window. "Emotion is something you can do when you're not sure, but once you've set your mind, you have to cut it quickly. Although Shen Gongzi is good, Shen Gongzi treats me very OK, but I will not show any stubbornness. This is not only responsible to me, to Ye Wang, but also to Shen Gongzi. "

Yuzhu was pleasantly surprised, "The queen concubine finally accepted the prince?"

Ye Liuli's face flashed a little embarrassment, embarrassed.

While Ye Liuli was ambivalent about how to reveal her mind naturally, she heard the coach's accompanying guard shouting, "Who?"

"In the broad daylight, do you dare to intercept the carriage in the palace?"

Immediately afterwards, I heard passers-by screaming and running away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the horseman yelled "driving" and then whipped two whip on the horse's buttocks, and then the horse ran wildly. The driver tried to shake off the assassin like this.

The three people in the carriage realized the assassination, but did not expect that someone would dare to assassinate openly in the city of Luzhou. They were shocked for a while.

Ye Liuli whispered, "Don't make a noise, find something and catch it, and adapt to it."

Magnolia and Yuzhu were also frightened, but Yuzhu reacted fastest and smiled excitedly. "Mother-in-law, rest assured, watch me protect you and Magnolia."

Ye Liuli laughed without feeling, quickly closed the window, and then clutched the handrails in the compartment. As a modern person, she knew the consequences of the vehicle's sudden braking.

However, the most fearful thing still came. Someone jumped into the carriage, cut off the driver who tried to resist, and then kicked the driver and took over the carriage.

The incomparable crisis came at a rare moment.

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