Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Because of the words of King Xian, the dark complexion of Luo Chongshan changed, but he still gritted his teeth. "Return to Wang Ye, there is no problem with conventional weapons used in the army. The most difficult thing is not to build but how to keep it secret. Although the ore is different There are some differences in the pros and cons of the weapons produced. However, these differences can be ignored when the two armies are at war. This difference will only increase if we use weapons made of iron-clad craft and are not available. "

Ye Liuli sighed and murmured, "Yeah, but how can there be an airtight wall in this world?"

The wise king looked down for a moment, and then came, "For the time being, you are tired these days, the iron saint is tired, rest well, as for the next step, wait for the king to weigh it again." Then, his eyes flashed.

"Yes, lord." Tie Sheng saw the reaction of the wise king, only to feel strange in his heart. Did he have other plans?

Just as Ye Liuli was about to leave with King Yin, Tiesheng replied, "God and princess, please stay away."

The two turned around, and Tie Sheng deeply worshiped Ye Liuli, "the other day has been devoted to casting, today I must thank the princess."

Ye Liuli was puzzled. "Thank you?"

"Thank the princess for winning many orders for our Luo family, and also let the eldest son of the villain Luo Qixin enter the Printing Bureau. The villain swears that our Luo family will be loyal to the Prince and the Princess for generations to come." Luo Chongshan vowed.

Ye Liuli made an OK gesture, "No problem, you just have to remember today's words, remember it well, and then follow the Emperor Xian to eat meat!"

"..." Dongfang Yu.

Even Luo Chongshan was a bit stunned, and I always felt that the style of the painting was ... not quite right, it took three seconds to wake up and realize, "Yes, the princess."

Ye Liuli expressed satisfaction.

Dongfang Ling sighed helplessly, "Luo Lao also rest early, let's take a step forward." Then, dragging Ye Liuli out of the back door of Luo's shop.

The carriage galloped towards the palace, and in the carriage, Dongfang sighed helplessly.

Ye Liuli blinked, "You should be happy if your weapon is successful. Why sigh?"

Martyr Dongfang, "Just ... er ... Liuli doesn't feel a little ... er ..."

"I think I'm speaking too directly, don't you?" Ye Liuli's voice was crisp and innocent.

"... Uh, it's not, it's just ... a little direct." Dongfang Zheng tried his best to express his meaning without hurting his sweetheart.

Ye Liuli raised an eyebrow. "I do say that kind of fake 惺惺, but I think it should be performed in public, that is, there are many other people besides you and me. Today only we are Three people, who do I show it to? It's like the two of us are together, obviously you don't think I'm doing something right, don't be embarrassed, do you think I will be grateful to you? "


Dongfang sighed, and then laughed, "Liu Li, I really envy you, when I am happy, I am happy, when I am angry, I am angry. Compared with you, my life has failed."

Ye Liuli smiled, pulled his arm, and leaned against his shoulder. "You are wrong."


"It's because of your restraint that I can be happy," Ye Liuli blinked slyly. "Although I'm a bad personality, I'm not a fool. Without your strong backing, what would I say? I'm past the age of unrestricted mouth. Now, I use unbridled words to describe it better. Do you know why you want to be unbridled? "

Dongfang rubs his lips, he naturally knows the reason, "Why?"

Ye Liuli raised his head and touched his lips with a bit of water. "Ask me knowingly! Didn't I just say, do you have a backing?"

Dong Fang bowed her head and kissed her. It took a long time to let go, and said softly, "I want to be your patron forever. To this end, I will work harder."

Ye Liuli shook his head. "Enough is enough. You can't work harder!"

"Why?" Dong Fang was puzzled again, only to find that the little head of the woman in front of me was really elusive.

"You think about enough all day long. Some people say that it's easy to get tired and have less white hair. I don't want you to have white hair. That's too ugly." Ye Liuli was serious.

Dongfang frowned, "Isn't it ugly anymore?"

Ye Liuli rolled his eyes. "The ugliness is because of wearing a mask, it is fake ugly. If you have gray hair, I am afraid it is really ugly."

Dong Fang no longer teases her, but just puts her in her arms, and her eyes are not clear what she is thinking.

Ye Liuli was distressed when she saw the thoughtfulness of Dongfang.

She sighed sighily, although she was distressed by her own dog, she could not help.

Who keeps her from having "the strongest brain in the South Zhao Kingdom"?


The Palace of the King of Kings, Liuli Palace.

When the two returned, it was almost dawn.

After grooming, the two lay down in bed.

With my eyes closed, my breathing was long, as if I had fallen asleep. After a while, Ye Liuli opened his eyes, "You haven't slept yet?"

Dongfang Yan slowly opened his eyes. "Yeah, I came back a little earlier today and I'm not tired."

Ye Liuli turned over and lay on the bed, with two slender arms supporting his chin. "Me too, what are you going to do next? I haven't thought about how to keep it secret for a long time, or ... we also have a group of death row Keep it up? "

Dong Fang squinted, among the thick eyelashes, dark eyes flashed sharply, "Actually, I'm reflecting on a problem."

"What's the problem?" Ye Liuli asked puzzledly.

Dongfang Yan slowly said, "In the past, my plan was to build weapons based on Yanzhou minerals and try to use the foundry industry and the weapon industry to support the economy of Luzhou. But now Luzhou has become a distribution center for the printing industry. Even without weapons, there is an economy Income and people can also have enough food. Under this premise, do I still have to develop my own weapon industry? "

Ye Liuli was surprised and sat up suddenly, "You want to give up making weapons? That's okay! Let me just say, what mining and making weapons are really too dangerous. If the emperor finds out, take back the mine and the manufacturing plant. Still small, if you think you are going to rebel, it ’s terrible! The king ’s heart is unpredictable. Your father Huang pitted you once, maybe he pitted a second time. "

For the first time, of course, it was the sudden marriage of Ye Zhaoyan to the wise king.

"That being said," Dongfang sighed. "Now Shengzhou is flourishing, but it is just an illusion. To put it into perspective, the biggest economic pillar of Shengzhou is still the expenditure of Wangfu! In the past six months, Wangfu Yinzi has used a lot What if the palace is out of money? Is it possible to continue to sell royal gifts? Before that time, the father and the emperor were already displeased and cannot be used for two purposes. If we sell it like this, let us not say whether the emperor will fall. Those who sin against us only say that they will not be rewarded in the future, and we will sit back and eat. "

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