Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Diao Chan came to explore the road before, and he drove the carriage quickly along the main road towards the suburbs.

Ye Liuli, who was watching the scenery, couldn't help but ask again, "Did you buy a yard on the outskirts of the city? I have heard that you royals are willing to buy palaces everywhere, and I tell you that if you spend money in vain, I'll spare Can't you! "

"..." Dongfang is very guilty, his eyes flickered. "It's not ... buy a yard, you'll know when you get there." Then muttered, "But it cost money."

After another fragrant time, the car entered a city within a city.

But I saw a large lake on the outskirts of Songling City. There is an island in the middle of the lake. The island is surrounded by water on three sides, and there is only one way to the shore.

There are many buildings on the island.

"Wow, what island is that? The houses on the island look so good." Ye Liuli couldn't help it.

Dong Fang looked and explained in a soft voice, "The island is called Songling Island. It is the residence of all the people who participated in the martial arts conference. In order to give the rest its strengths without being disturbed by outsiders, apart from players and tourists, No idlers are allowed in. "

While talking, the carriage stopped, Diao Chan said outside the carriage, "Master, Madam, here."

Ye Liuli pushed open the hollowed-out compartment door with a frown, "What is your name, who is your wife? Call me Miss!"

"..." Diao Chan froze, and looked at Dong Fang in puzzlement.

Dongfang Yuan was also surprised, "Liu Li, what do you mean?"

Ye Liuli raised her eyebrows. "Literally, I don't want to be regarded as a married woman when I go out. My sister is still young and I'm almost seventeen. I just became a young woman. I am unwilling."

"..." Dongfang Chen, "Liu Li is not willful, there are not a few women who marry at the age of 17, and young women are not shameful."

Ye Liuli's eyes flashed, "I don't care, I don't want to be seen as a young woman, remember, I'm your cousin, my name is Yunyue, if you shout wrong, don't blame me for being polite to you!" Get out of the carriage.

Ye Liuli, who jumped off the carriage, turned her back to Dongfang Yan, and secretly rubbed her heart—so many young and handsome young men, although she had never thought of red apricots coming out of the wall, she couldn't stand people's eyes from looking at her. How much **** did she walk through to such a peerless beauty, even if she doesn't open the harem, at least it is enough to gain some envy and secret love?

It's okay to say she's vanity, not to be reconciled, she doesn't want to face the world as a young woman.

Diao Chan couldn't help when Dongfang Li got out of the car, "Master, this ..."

Dongfang Ling looked at her back, her brows moved slightly, and her eyes flashed with savvy calculations. "Anyway, she can do whatever she wants."

"Yes." Diao Chan sighed.

When Ye Liuli saw Dongfang Li get out of the car and waited for him to come to her, he asked curiously, "We continued the topic just now, and you just said that in order to allow the players to better exert their strengths without being interfered by outsiders, so the participants in the martial arts conference People settle on the island, so why still accept tourists? "

Dong Fang nodded his head, "Don't worry about Liuli, listen to me continue to tell you." Then looked at the building on the island, "There are three types of people participating in the martial arts conference, the first is the hero issued by the martial arts conference. Posts, sent to some famous big martial arts, or small martial arts that have come to participate in the past; the second is to participate for the first time or personally, this kind of people do not need hero posts, but need to pass the level established by Shiratori Gate Eligible for registration; the third type is tourists, or VIPs, who can watch the Wulin Conference up close, and live and eat with the Wulin people. During the Wulin Conference, you can live in Songling Island, but only pay some fees. "

Ye Liuli had a bad feeling in his heart, "How much does it cost?"

The oriental salamander, who had just returned to the cloud, was slightly guilty, and slowly stretched out her white and slender hand, "... this number."

Ye Liuli was startled. "Five thousand and two silver? Are you crazy?"

"Not fifty thousand two thousand."

Ye Liuli breathed a sigh of relief. "Five thousand and two? Five thousand and two is OK. No problem, we pay."

Oriental Cheong's pure cheeks were slightly awkward, "Yes ... 500,000."

Ye Liuli was startled, then looked up, "What are you talking about? 500,000? Are you a prodigal beating? Are you a prodigal boy reincarnated, how can you prosper? How much money do you have in the palace? You do n’t know? Use 500,000 to participate in the martial arts conference? "

Originally, Dongfang Li and Ye Liuli stood together as a pair of dudes, attracting a lot of attention. After all, they were a beautiful young boy in white and a young girl in pink. Looking at them was pleasing to the eye. Come more eyes.

Dongfang embarrassed and lowered his voice. "You can make a little noise, Liuliu, you can earn it. You believe me, every two or two pieces of silver I release have purpose and reward."

However, Ye Liuli couldn't bear it, "500,000 yuan, just to live in that broken place? 500,000 yuan, can we pack a whole inn in the city?"

Dongfang 洌 was patiently comforting, "The meaning is different. Let ’s not talk about the crowded distance from the city to Huantai during the martial arts conference. Just say that it is possible to sleep in a carriage, and then let ’s talk about it. We have to give outsiders the mysterious image of an extravagant person. Which one is searching?

Ye Liuli stared at him. "You mean I'm searching?"

"Dare, dare not." Dongfang Yi quickly waved his hand.

Yang Yuhuan drew Diao Chan in a small voice. "Do you think that our princess is like a **** beast?"

"What **** beast?" Asked Diao Chan.

"Well! Only in and out!"

Diao Chan nodded, "It's really similar to the princess's plucking of geese on others, but she can't bear to spend money, and she will live."

"Mink, are other women doing the same?"

"I guess ... yes."

"Shit, why don't I look forward to love at all?"


On the other side, Dongfang Li said that Ye Liuli convinced Ye Liuli to hand over the silver to the island, but another problem arose.

When I was about to pay money, I got a message-500,000 ren live and eat for free. Needless to say, but according to room calculation, each room can accommodate up to two people, a room 500,000 liang, Ye Liuli staring at four people is 100 Anyway.

Ye Liuli suddenly became angry again.

Yang Yuhuan was a bit scared. He grabbed the sleeves of Diao Chan and rubbed secretly, "Brother Diao, would you say that the princess queen will force us to go through the barriers? I heard that the level of Shiratori Gate is terrible. If you accidentally die, Hurt, what am I afraid of? "

As long as Yang Yuhuan and Diao Chan entered as entrants, there was no need to pay for them.

Diao Chan also sighed, "According to the princess's personality, it is very possible. If so ... we can only participate in the martial arts convention, but let's not participate in it for nothing. Maybe we accidentally get a martial arts leader?"

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