Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Huang Zhitong's teachers and brothers haven't seen anything yet, but the looks of a pair of cousins ​​and sisters across the stunning table are really handsome men and women, especially the woman, with a deep profile and delicate features, which is completely different from the usual woman, the smart light brown Eyes like crystal glass, unforgettable.

Ye Liuli glanced out from Huang Yitong's expression at first glance. Isn't this the so-called fan girl of modern times?

It's time to show ownership.

Thinking, Ye Liuli spit out a touch of tenderness, and stretched his hand around Dong Fang's arm. "Cousin, are you ready to eat?"

Dong Fang's eyes flashed proudly, and Hou Lip just smiled before talking, but Huang Zhitong said, "Girl Yunyue, it seems that your cousin has not started to eat yet."

Ye Liuli stunned, looked down, but saw that the bowl and chopsticks in front of Dongfang Li did not move, and she stared fiercely-why didn't you eat?

Dongfang's face is innocent-hasn't had time to look at you?

The two were not very old, and the Oriental babies had a teenage baby face, and the two of them stared at each other with a sense of innocence.

A bearded man on the side laughed and laughed, "The two little babies are really interesting. Are you here to attend the martial arts conference?"

Dongfang Ling sighed helplessly, got up and gestured to the man with his hands and fists, "This uncle, we are here to watch the martial arts convention, not the players."

There is a big-looking man on the side saying, "Fortunately, you are not players, otherwise you two little cute dolls, I really can't let go."

"..." Dongfang Yu.

Ye Liuli gave a white look, and said in his heart that such big talk was cannon fodder, and the real masters usually pretended to be worldly masters and easily didn't speak.

However, she felt that this uncle was cute, at least enthusiastic and straightforward.

The bearded man really likes these two little things, and said to Ye Liuli, "I said the little girl, the old man relied on the old man to sell the old one. Your cousin is so good to you, don't make your cousin difficult. Men have patience Is limited. "

Ye Liuli's nose was crooked, and his patience was limited? Hehe, you are too underestimated.

However, she also knows that at this time, even suffocation has to converge. It is really impossible to spit out such things as tantrums. Sometimes the tantrums are cute, sometimes they are hateful. Especially the little girl who lacks the mind will not grasp this degree, and finally she will be pinched by green tea and white lotus.

Just like this white lotus in front of you!

Seeing Dongfang Li's expression of innocent concern, Ye Liuli knew that she had not spoken yet, and the two had already been fixed by everyone—a soft-hearted and innocent cousin, and a willful and coquettish cousin.

Ye Liuli took a deep breath and laughed, "Cousin, I'm not joking with you, let's eat."

Everyone saw Ye Liuli so, and slightly changed-the girl also seemed sensible.

"Okay." Dongfang Li sat down and began to eat.

Since you can't avoid it, you show off.

Ye Liuli looked at the gods in front of him and everyone around him, and began to pick him up. "Cousin, you usually don't like to eat meat. This is not good. Although vegetables are rich in nutrition, but protein is not as good as meat. You are still growing and want to eat more meat."

Dong Fang raised her eyebrows slightly, then ignored the eyes of the people around her, and responded very tenderly, "Well, my cousin eats more."

Ye Liuli really wanted to tear up this fake white lotus face, but he gave him a sweet smile, "Okay, cousin."

In a split second, how many people sighed and found the feeling of first love, the throbbing of the childhood sweetheart?

Huang Tongtong said, "I really envy Xiaoyao and Yunyue. I only have one brother, but I always don't talk to me coldly."

Ye Liuli smiled and said, "Of course this is not the same. Although my cousin and I have not yet worshiped, we have a marriage contract. They say they are cousins ​​and sisters, but they are actually a family who hasn't visited the house. If Miss Huang and your brother are so affectionate , Inappropriate. "The voice became more meaningful.

There are also three or eight people from the rivers and lakes. The two people, Dongfang and Ye Liuli, have already attracted the attention of many people, but now Huang Zhitong is here. All of them do n’t even eat.

Who is Huang Yitong? He is the only daughter of Huang Yitian, the leader of the Wulin Alliance, and his elder brother is Huang Luofeng, who is the first master today.

Although Huang Yitian is the leader of the martial arts alliance, in fact it was Huang Luofeng who won the martial arts conference five years ago, and it is not important whether Huang Luofeng is the world's first master. It is important that he is the first master to participate in the martial arts conference.

So, why didn't everyone pay attention to Huang Yitong? It is necessary to understand the situation of the strongest opponent from Huang Yitong.

Huang Yitong was surprised when he heard Ye Liuli's words, but he resigned in a moment.

However, everyone knows that Huang Yitong will not easily retreat. He is twenty years old this year, not to mention in the people's home, it is also an old woman in the martial arts. His noble birth and dignified appearance, and the chasing her young hero like a river carp, More people came to propose to the door, but Huang Yitong refused one by one, saying that she had not found what she liked.

The group heroes are all here. As soon as Huang Yantong's eyes stick to Xiaoyao, he knows that his spring heart is moving.

I don't know how things will develop.

At this moment, Xiao Er delivered the food, breaking the embarrassment.

Huang Zhitong's fingertips trembled slightly, but he still held a smile. "Come to eat. The preliminary round of tomorrow's conference will begin. I don't know what problems the 100 bird gates will give us this year."

Ye Liuli turned his head and whispered to Dongfang Chen, "Before, you said that the Bailinmen was organizing the Wulin Conference. Is the competition item also set? Baidianmen's power is so great."

Dong Fang frowned. He was thinking about how to answer. In fact, he didn't get much information. After all, the court and the rivers and lakes never got involved. The news they could inquire were all inferior people in martial arts. Real heroes. I heard that the other party was from a government official and was unwilling to associate with each other, for fear of hurting his reputation.

Huang Yitong laughed, "Girl Yunyue, let me tell you. Bainiaomen is the school that supervised the order of the martial arts conventions in the past. Just like the patron saint, no one has the right to question the hundred bird gates. Many, even the masters can't stand the wheel battles, so there are some levels before the finals, and some will be filtered down. The levels are different every year in case someone gets into the camp, so no one knows today what the first level of Baibird Gate will be tomorrow. "

Everyone listened, and even Huang Yitong did not know what tomorrow was, and was very disappointed.

Although Ye Liuli did not want to talk to Huang Yitong, she also knew intellectually that Huang Yitong was helpful to their plans.

Although she hated the other party, she still had to do something. It was better for her to communicate with Huang Dongtong than with Huang Dongtong.

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