Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Mei Hanchuan was at war with each other, and he was speechless for a long time.

The Prince smiled, "Why don't you speak?"

Mei Hanchuan said, "His Royal Highness, your subordinates think that you will not ... easily succeed."

The prince was also not annoyed, "If you say success, the wise king will not accept the marriage, or Ye Liuli will not go away, or will this palace make Ye Liuli unsure?"

Mei Hanchuan's eyes flickered. "His Royal Highness pardoned his courage and said boldly."

"Say, this palace wants to hear from you."

"My subordinates believe that the chance of the Emperor to accept the marriage is 50%; if the marriage is successful, the probability of Ye Liuli and Li is 80% ... no, it is 90%; as for His Highness, the chance of success of Ye Liuli is only about 10% No. "

The prince froze in surprise, looking at the past in surprise, "The success rate is less than 10%? Are you looking up at Ye Liuli or belittle the palace?"

"His Royal Highness forgive me." Mei Hanchuan was about to kneel.

The prince dragged him, "How many times have I spoke to you, when you are nobody, you and I are close friends. You sit down, and this palace has something to tell you."

Mei Hanchuan sighed silently and sat down again.

The prince drew his eyebrows. "Do n’t you embarrass this palace? Actually, this palace also wanted to say that if the two are gone, this palace will try to help you ask your father and the emperor for marriage Miss Seven has given you a marriage. After all, in his capacity of harmony, your Mei family may not be able to accept it. You can only let the imperial edict overwhelm you. "

Mei Hanchuan stunned and said in panic, "Your Highness ... Your Highness ..."

"Wait first, wait for the palace to finish," the prince shook his hand with a smile. "However, just now you said that the palace can get Ye Liuli less than 10% of the time. So what do you tell the palace to do? If the palace at this time proposed to give Ye Liuli to you, would it look cowardly and timid like a mouse and not dare to accept the challenge? "

Mei Hanchuan immediately explained, "Sorry, Your Highness, my subordinates are guilty, and their subordinates are clumsy! Subordinates ..."

The prince interrupted, "Okay, well, you know what you mean, too, and deliberately teased you. Although you and I have a good relationship, they rarely talk about things other than official business. Your plum family supports this palace first. Not to mention, in fact, the palace is very grateful for everything you have done for this palace, and has always returned to you. Money, you disdain; power, at present the palace does not give you any rights, the palace really does not know what to return. So Regarding Ye Liuli, this palace has decided. "

Mei Hanchuan has red ears and red ears.

He didn't know if he responded. If he did, wouldn't it be a danger to others, and how could he deal with Liuli? But if he doesn't agree, if Ye Liuli is accidentally caught by the prince ... Aside from this reason, there is another reason, but he is secretly longing for it.

The two had returned to the palace while they were speaking.

The Prince did not urge, and Mei Hanchuan did not answer.

At the Kirin Palace, Prince's study, the maid served hot tea.

"Haven't figured out how to answer?" The Prince smirked as he slowly sipped tea.

Mei Hanchuan easily returned to her normal complexion and became red again.

The prince was laughed and laughed out loud, "The palace has forgotten that you haven't had a woman yet. But Hanchuan, you can't consider considering the palace's suggestion, how about finding a woman first, you look like a **** like a chicken, then Afraid of being joked by future lady? "

"..." Mei Hanchuan.

The Prince was almost there, so he did not make fun of his subordinates, and converged with a smile. "How to do it, this palace has been set, Hanchuan you and remember, this palace will make you satisfied."

"..." Mei Hanchuan was tangled for a long time, and finally said, "Then ... I would like to thank His Highness for his good intentions. If His Highness has nothing else, his subordinate will retreat first." He needs to calm down.

The Prince hadn't waited for a reply, but listened to Li Gong justice outside the door, "His Royal Highness, someone sent a letter outside the palace, asking His Royal Highness to personally inform."

Every day, there are many people who want to write to the Prince. The Prince cannot naturally check them one by one. There is a special official who assists the Prince in handling business affairs. In fact, it is another kind of guest.

Now the letter can be delivered to the prince. Either the sender has a special identity, or there is enough silver money.

"Who's the letter?" Asked the prince.

"Miss Sangfu, Ye Zhaoyan."

Mei Hanchuan was shocked. Is it Ye Zhaoyan?

In contrast, the prince was ordinary, without any surprise, "bring it in."

Li Gonggong will be honored, and the prince will start to look at it. After a while, "Where is the messenger?"

"Return to Your Royal Highness, the following person came to report that the sender seemed to be Miss Ye's daughter-in-law. At this time, the person was still outside Ximen." Li Gong answered.

Mei Hanchuan looked at it in puzzlement, and the prince nodded his head with a smile. "Ye Zhaoyan said that he had something important to see in this palace," and then told Li Gong justice, "You go to Ximen in person and bring Ye Zhaoyan alone."

"This ..." Grandpa Li hesitated, because after all, Ye Zhaoyan was a single woman and it was inconvenient to enter the Kirin Palace.

When Grandpa Li departed, Mei Hanchuan immediately asked, "His Royal Highness, why did you invite Ye Zhaoyan in? Is it also aimed at the Emperor?"

The Prince nodded with a smile. "You can rest in peace. This palace promises you that Ye Liuli will leave and leave within 20 days."

"..." Mei Hanchuan was still restless, "His Royal Highness ..."

The Prince frowned. "When did Hanchuan become such a mother-in-law? Manly husband, surely."

Mei Hanchuan was helpless and sighed, "Yes, Your Highness, in this case, his subordinates resigned."

"Go on."

Mei Hanchuan came out of the Kirin Palace and looked up to Nuanyang, just like another generation.

In fact, he was not soft-hearted, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that things would never be so simple, and the King of Kings would not sit still!

However, he couldn't say at this point, wouldn't it be to grow others' ambition and destroy his power?

In the end, Mei Hanchuan could only shut up.

Thinking of Ye Liuli, Mei Hanchuan's uneasy heart gradually calmed down. If the conspiracy of the second prince and the plan of the prince can really succeed ... all right.


Outside the west gate.

Ye Zhaoyan did not report any hope, but when the father-in-law Li Gong's side went out to greet herself, she was very surprised.

Thinking of the tacit cooperation with His Royal Highness at the Prince's Mansion, and the Crown Prince Zhengfei who was always vacant, her delicate cheeks rose slightly pink.

She has the decree of motherhood, and the prince is her good match.

Thinking of Ye Liuli, a mother-in-law fork, and the wise king of Ye Liuli, she vowed to ask the Prince for help.

Alone, Ye Zhaoyan followed Li Gong's head, her head was very low, and her cheeks became increasingly red.

Finally, after hundreds of turns, at the Qilin Palace, Ye Zhaoyan couldn't help shaking.

I heard that it was Ye Zhaoyan, and the people were stunned. They whispered to each other, and some hurriedly sent letters to their family members, the daughters of Kirin Palace.

The prince and the second prince have always kept the position of the concubine, which is well-known in the world, and Ye Zhaoyan does have a rumor of a "mother-in-law", isn't it?

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