Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Magnolia walked in quickly, her voice of panic filled with worry, "Master, are you okay, master?"

Ye Liuli yanked the corners of his mouth and said weakly, "Why are you so panicked? This is not the first time."

Magnolia hung her heart and held Ye Liuli's hand. "The Lord will bear it for a while, just for a while."

Ye Liuli laughed. "I said ... Is it true that I have a child or you have a child? Your hands are even colder than me."

Yeah, Magnolia had been scared with cold hands and feet.

When Ye Liuli saw Yuzhu coming in, she said, "Yuzhu, help me ... get up and walk."

Yuzhu was startled, "No master, you need to rest more."

Ye Liuli rolled his eyes, "Too lazy to explain to you ... Chuchu, you come."

"Master, slaves help you." Magnolia hurried.

After a while of pain, Ye Liuli didn't answer for a while, and it took a long while to bite his teeth. "You don't care about Magnolia, you are all pregnant."

"I come."

Suddenly, a man's voice rang from the doorway, and it was an Oriental cymbal.

Magnolia was embarrassed. "Master Changge, you can't come in. It's not good for a man to enter the delivery room."

The pale-faced Ye Liuli pursed her lips, and looked at the Oriental salamander with interest, her eyes full of smiles.

Dong Fang heard the words look cold, "If Shuozhen can be safe and painless without pain, I am willing to touch it," he stepped forward and helped Ye Liuli, to the humanity around, "You all go out, I will accompany It's good to hold her. "

"This ..." Everyone was naturally restless.

Ye Liuli turned his head. "Go out, go out."

The owner of the family gave an order, and everyone did not dare to disobey, but left in fear.

There was no one in the room, and Dong Fang finally couldn't hold his knees. He almost didn't kneel with a soft knee. "Suozhen, are you all right? Is it painful? What should I do? Otherwise, you hit me a few times and bite me ? "

Ye Liuli laughed out loud, "I knew you would do this. You look in the mirror, your face is whiter than me, haha, I laughed so much, I made my stomach hurt ... oh, it hurts ... ... "

Afraid of what came, because the joke of someone was revealed, and an unprecedented pain came, and Ye Liuli couldn't stand anymore.

Have you ever seen Ye Liuli so painful? In Dong Fang's memory, Ye Liuli's most severe injury was when he was in Luzhou that year. He did not use much energy at that time. Later, Ye Liuli was wounded in a dangerous situation, and Dongfang Li has not seen it with his own eyes.

"What to do! What to do?" Dong Fang was completely panicked. Where is the usual appearance of the old god, which is why he pushed Magnolia and others out.

Be face!

After waiting for a while, Ye Liuli endured the pain, and then raised his small face, "Although I hurt, I was not afraid of it at all, and I longed for it."


"Yes, in a little while, I will meet my daughter. I have long wanted to give her what hairstyle, what clothes to wear, and what kind of Langjun I will look for in the future."

"... you think so far away."

"Of course, let me tell you, those women who treat sons and daughters are idiots. What's so good about a son? What's so good even if a son is a genius? Look at Yao Yao ..."

Before Ye Liuli's words landed, he heard the sound of Yuzhu sounding outside the door, "Master Zhu, Lord Changge, His Royal Highness arrived."

"Uh ..." Ye Liuli drew the corners of his mouth and pointed out the door. "You look at Yao Yao, if you are not caring at all, you don't know what it means to be a face or a face? If you don't come early, you don't come. The time comes, my face hurts. "

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