Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

How could Ye Liuli know that the crow's mouth has always been a good and a bad spirit?

When the second prince was born smoothly, the entire palace and even Hu Guo were immersed in the ocean of joy, and only Ye Liuli was silent.

When everything was packed up, the Dongfang rushed in.

Mrs. Wen came forward with her second emperor, "Master Changge, please ..."

"Let's go." Dongfang Yan went straight to the bed without looking, "Suozhen, what's wrong with you?"

When seeing Ye Liuli's face sinking like water, Dongfang's expression of joy stunned.

After a long while, Ye Liuli said "Oh", "Nothing."

Dongfang 底 's heart was even more hairy, "Are you unwell?"

"Very comfortable," Ye Liuli sighed, and then raised his head, his eyes narrowed fiercely. "When will we have another child?"

"..." Dong Fang stunned completely. "Don't you promise me that we only need these two children?"

Ye Liuli suddenly burst into tears and cried, "Mom, I'm just cheap, and it's okay to say that any son is fine? My good daughter is gone, why is he a son? I am not willing! I want me to be intimate Xiaomian, return my daughter! "

Everyone was stunned-there were many women who were mad because they had not given birth to a son, and for the first time they saw that their daughter was angry because they had not given birth.

Dongfang Zheng comforted distressedly, "Suozhen, calm down. Didn't you still say that the son is also very good and the son is very caring?"

"I don't care, I don't care, I just want a daughter, you return my daughter, return me!"

Yulan hurriedly sent the crowd out, before turning out, she turned her head and took a deep look at Lord Changge, lamenting in her heart that Lord Changge has a long way to go.


Meanwhile, another place.

Soka State.

Soka is located in the south of Hu Guozheng. It has a hot climate, abundant rain, strong national strength, and rich people. The only weakness is its combativeness.

There are more than 20 nationalities in the country, of which more than ten are combative. The long-term civil war has consumed many national powers. To shift the focus of the country, the King of Soka turned civil war into foreign wars, frequently provoking surrounding countries and tribes.

The small countries sandwiched between several large nations were miserable. Some were solicited and merged into the Soka State, and some simply attached to the Nan Zhao State. The Soka State pointed their finger at Hu.

Due to various reasons such as geographical location and history, Hu Guo has always had a small population and weak national strength. Therefore, a series of humiliation incidents such as land reparation and compensation, sending Prince Edward to Nan Zhao State for protons more than a decade ago occurred.

Things took a turn after returning from Proton.

It is not only resourceful but also ruthless and horrifying. It cuts off all the competitors of the royal family and cuts off the guilt of some stubborn resistance. For a time, Hu Guo seems to be a **** world of purgatory.

The subsequent ascent to the throne was Emperor, and with his desperate efforts, he managed the deadly Hu country in an orderly and vigorous manner.

In the eyes of outsiders, when Hu Guozi returned to China, he seemed to have opened a golden finger, and internal talents knew that the emperor Hu Guo was physically disabled.

Fortunately, there is still a little sense of reason in Wuluo Lanyu. He did not use the strength of the country to attack the nations of Soka and Nanzhao. He gave Hu Guo a chance to rest and rest, and also gave Hu Guo a welcome to Dongfang and later The possibility of effective resistance to Soka attacks under the command.

Kingdom of Soka, Taiping Palace, Study.

Today the palace welcomed a mysterious guest, a young man.

At his age of twenty-four, he sculpted his figure in a pure black brocade long run. His looks were beautiful, but his eyes were full of shadows. He was laughing, but cold.

After a short while, King Taiping, who was slightly fat and with gray hair, was late in the company of his butler and his confidant. "Su Wenxia's big name, when I saw it today, it really deserved its reputation."

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