Disaster Artist

Chapter 7: Modify the script


Ji Xu was so frightened by Lu Qian's sudden thought that she hiccupped. She turned her head and glanced at Lu Qian, but immediately realized that she was driving, looked straight ahead again, and then smiled at Lu Qian again. , apologized again and again.

"Sorry sorry."

"I'm just too surprised."

"I mean, why did you suddenly think of being a director?"

Seeing Ji Xu's flustered expression, Lu Qian laughed instead and said seriously.

"Are you questioning my lack of talent?"

"So, you always thought I was only suitable for making vases?"

"Alas, I accidentally made friends."

Lu Qian's half-truth joke made Ji Xu more and more flustered. He tried to explain, but he didn't know where to start. It was really funny that he was in a hurry, which made Lu Qian more relaxed.

"After leaving the streamer, do you think they will allow me to appear in front of the screen?"

Although it is said that Lu Qian chose to go behind the scenes, this sentence is also true. I am afraid that Liuguang Pictures will ban Lu Qian, at least in a short period of time.

Ji Xu's expression was a little worried, and she wanted to comfort Lu Qian, but Lu Qian didn't need comfort at all, and continued.

"Of course, that's only part of the reason."

"The real reason is that I've always been interested in filming, and I've been thinking about how I would use the camera to present emotions and stories if I were to shoot, but I just never had the right opportunity, and I didn't have the courage to step forward. When I take that step, I always think that young people still have time to waste.”

"until now."

Lu Qian looked at Ji Xu, "Maybe, this is an opportunity to pursue your true self."

These words are not all lies.

In my memory, the original owner did have a strong interest in movies, and had a keen sense of the color and lighting of the lens. In addition to Ji Xu, he also made a lot of friends in the film circle; at the same time, the original owner's viewing volume was also very amazing. The movie information in memory is huge.

But obviously, for young people who have just graduated from college, they are all in a state of confusion, unsure of the future and unsure of themselves, just groping ignorantly, but the things they are investing in are not necessarily the most suitable for them. of. The original owner is also an ordinary person.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Qian dared to recommend himself to Ji Xu directly.

Sure enough!

Lu Qian's words made Ji Xu quiet down and think.

He recalled their previous cooperation in filming short films, their experience in participating in the Lanchuan Film Festival, and the performance of his friends during the preparation of the film project—even their script, Lu Qian also gave many suggestions.

Pieces of fragments are put together, it seems that it is not so shocking.

However, film directing is not a child's play, and it is definitely not a job that anyone can do with rolling up their sleeves and working hard.

Ji Xu, hesitant.

Lu Qian also understood this.

"Student Ji, it's better than this."

"First, let me adapt a script, and you can judge it with the professional perspective of the producer to see if it is worth adopting, and then let's discuss how the script should be transformed into a picture?"

Ji Xu's eyes widened, without concealing her surprise, she quickly turned her head and glanced at Lu Qian who was smiling.

"A Qian, are you serious?"

Lu Qian showed a confident smile, "Look at the script, don't you know?"

To be honest, Ji Xu didn't reject this idea very much. After all, the crew had a limited budget, and they didn't have a lot of choices in terms of directors. Moreover, since they had to audition for the director anyway, it was no problem to give Lu Qian a chance.


"Why do you need to revise the script?"

Ji Xu didn't understand.


Pushing open the door, Lu Qian was still not used to it.

However, the scenery that entered my eyes has gradually become familiar, not as unfamiliar as when I woke up in the morning, and then I strongly suspected that I was abducted by aliens - if it was really abducted by aliens, it would be great, thinking about it There was a little bit of excitement, but soon sober.

"Aqian, so, where are you going to start?"

Ji Xu looked at the cluttered house without even a place to stay, just like a typhoon passing by, vividly interpreting Lu Qian's real life in the past 48 hours.

"I mean, when it comes to cleaning the house."

Ji Xu couldn't hold back and complained.

But Lu Qian didn't care too much and went straight into the house.

Ji Xu looked at the ruins, and every cell in his body was resisting, but after all, he followed, jumping like a hopscotch, trying to find a place to stay, although this is really not a thing. easy thing.

"Why do you need to revise the script?"

"Our current script is already the fourteenth version. Although I dare not say it is perfect, I can confidently say that it is not far from perfect."

"If you revise the script, are you sure it's not thankless?"

"You shouldn't do it on purpose to prove your ability, right? If it is, you don't have to. With our relationship, you really don't need to embarrass yourself like this. We can discuss other things about the director's audition."



Ji Xu's ability to speak to himself is admirable, even if Lu Qian didn't respond, his voice lingered in the whole room.

Lu Qian did not deliberately ignore Ji Xu, but concentrated on thinking deeply.

Although he is very close to Ji Xu, his work must be in a working state. Even if he hopes to start directing, he cannot take risks with Ji Xu's project. He needs to show the real materials.

"Now, our budget is different. In order to successfully complete the shooting, the scene, layout, plot clues, etc. need to be changed."

"Funding, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com This is our biggest problem. How to complete the filming before the existing funds are exhausted and ensure the quality is the top priority."

Unexpected answer!

As a producer, Ji Xu naturally knows the importance of cost control. It is not only about saving money, but more importantly, making full use of funds. Similarly, one of the limitations of finding a director is the cost. In addition, an important part of auditioning a director The condition is that the director can control the cost.

"Aqian, there is something."

"Producers like such directors. They know how to use funds rationally without urging them. It's very good and worth encouraging."

"If all directors are like this, producers should wake up laughing when they sleep."

"But, what are you going to do?"

Lu Qian rummaged through his memory to find his laptop, then turned around and threw another sentence at Ji Xu.

"You said, how about we simply change the entire narrative mode?"

"Abandon camcorders for laptop cameras."

Ji Xu, her eyes widened—

Total overthrow?

So bold?

"Invisible Visitors", this is the feature film that Ji Xu is working on.

The story is about a couple who are dating at home. They discuss using a camcorder to film a shy video of their intimate relationship in their bedroom, but they hear movement from the second floor, so they take the camcorder to the second floor to explore, but there is no such thing. Look for any suspicious figures.

However, the movement still did not disappear, and it seemed that he was still walking around the house, so a mysterious and terrifying night started like this.

There is no doubt that this is a thriller movie, and it is a familiar pseudo-documentary movie.

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