Along the way, Xu Nian was not idle. He kept making insinuations, trying to get some information from Zuo Qiuyue.

But it was a pity that Zuo Qiuyue didn't know anything. He didn't even know where he was going. He only knew a satellite positioning coordinate.

Zuo Qiuyue was also curious about why Xu Nian suddenly appeared in the forbidden crystal tunnel outside Crystal City, but Xu Nian was confused about it.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, it's actually that Song Fangqin's matter is too difficult to describe, and he doesn't want more people to know about it.

On the contrary, he confirmed the matter of the red sword hilt from Zuo Qiuyue. The so-called first solution meant to unlock the first spiritual lock.

For example, the red mole on the left Qiu Yue between the eyebrows is in an unsolved state. Once resolved, it will become

"What has it become?"

Seeing that Zuo Qiuyue was silent while talking, Xu Nian asked.

Zuo Qiuyue rolled her eyes while following the navigation guide: "Anyway, you just need to know that I am just an ordinary pioneer who has just solved the first problem. As for the form of the first solution, I...I have no obligation to tell you."

Xu Nian seemed to understand something and said a little strangely: "It seems that your solution, Qiu Yue, is extraordinary!"


Zuo Qiuyue responded with a cold snort.

Xu Nian laughed, suddenly thought of something, and asked strangely: "Then why can you freely solve the problem and unsolved it, but I can't return to the unsolved state?"

Zuo Qiuyue rolled her eyes again: "I asked you to study with Sister Tang more, but you still don't want to. Now you don't know anything, right? Idiot, if you want to be free and liberated, you have to think about it first!"


The next moment, Xu Nian seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the red sword hilt in his hand, and the image of a rattle appeared in his mind.

The black light on the red sword hilt flashed and turned into a rattle again.

"So simple?"

Xu Nian looked surprised.

"What else do you think?"

Zuo Qiuyue said angrily: "But if you want to solve it again, you have to use your mental power, and it consumes a lot of money. It is best not to release your mental power until the time of battle."

Xu Nian nodded, thinking of what Yu Man had said before about advancement and the so-called soul ruler, and asked casually: "Qiu Yue, in addition to unlocking the spiritual lock, we pioneers have other ways to improve our abilities. Like advanced or something?”

"Advanced? What is that?"

Zuo Qiuyue looked back at Xu Nian in confusion.

Xu Nian was startled, then smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just asked out of curiosity."

"Tch, I think you just read too many novels. How can you advance? Just unlocking the spiritual lock is enough to make a pioneer unable to reach it in his lifetime."

"That's true."

Xu Nian seemed to understand something. He stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

Zuo Qiuyue saw Xu Nian's tired look on his face. Although he didn't know what happened, it wasn't simple after thinking about it, so he stopped disturbing Xu Nian's rest and started driving seriously.

It wasn't until dusk was approaching that she followed the navigation system to the foot of a mountain and then woke Xu Nian up from her sleep in confusion.

"Xu Nian, we're here."

Xu Nian slowly opened his eyes and stretched. He looked out through the window a few times and asked in surprise: "What kind of mountain is this?"

"I don't know. I only know that there is a small city called Huangcheng nearby. Although its economic development is relatively backward, it is not close to the city wall like our Rongcheng, so it is quite comfortable."

"That's it!"

Xu Nian thought for a while and got out of the car. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Zuo Qiuyue waving her hands to him from the driver's seat, and then immediately drove out of sight.

Xu Nian opened his mouth, but finally shook his head helplessly and walked towards the mountain road alone.

Lonely Brave Man, Lonely Brave Man, now it seems that he really lives up to his name!

Since he didn't know where the Fu Xing Shadow was waiting for him, he didn't care. He chose to go up the mountain alone with the attitude of browsing the scenery.

The mountain at this time was not as lively as the scenic viewing area before the disaster. Although there was no erosion of mysterious energy within the city wall, before the city wall was built, everything here had undergone unimaginable changes, so in the past this kind of The crowds of people were completely absent. Xu Nian didn't notice even a single person as he walked all the way.

He was relaxed and walked up the steps to the top of the mountain alone.

Suddenly, he paused and squinted at the monkey standing on a step. For a moment, he even forgot to take out the rattle in his pocket.

The monkey in front of him was not the naughty mountain monkey before the disaster. At this moment, what appeared in front of Xu Nian's eyes was an upright monkey that was as tall as an adult, standing upright and holding a wooden stick.

The most terrifying thing was the intelligent look in the eyes of this upright monkey, which made Xu Nian shocked and speechless.

Is this an alienated creature?

Xu Nian didn't act rashly, but his right hand moved slightly closer to the pocket where the rattle was placed.

The upright monkey also did not move. I don't know if it was observing Xu Nian or something. In short, after staring at Xu Nian for a while, it suddenly looked up to the sky and howled a few times.

The leaves in the mountain forest rustled, and then, one after another, upright monkeys came out of the forest holding various weapons.

These upright monkeys are about the same height as the one just now. Some hold sticks, some hold knives, and some even hold guns.

That's right, it's a rifle used by the army in the past, not a cold weapon's long gun.

Xu Nian was simply amazed. He counted them roughly and found that there were at least 20 to 30 monkeys, and each of them seemed to have wisdom. After surrounding him, they did not attack immediately, but waited silently.

Xu Nian seemed to understand something. He looked outside the encirclement and saw a tall monkey at least twice as big as the surrounding upright monkeys carrying a big axe and walking down the mountain with a tiger skin.

That's right!

He walked down!

It was no different from humans.

The upright monkeys around saw this and respectfully made way for the tall monkey like soldiers welcoming a marshal.

Xu Nian took a breath and looked at the monkey. He immediately felt a strong mental pressure.

His body shook, and he quickly moved the mental power in his body to his eyes, and then he resisted this power and looked over again with a blank face.

He had already seen that this tall monkey with an axe in his hand was probably the king of this group of monkeys.

The tall monkey walked slowly to Xu Nian, looked at Xu Nian for a while, and said in a muffled voice: "Human, why do you want to enter my territory?"

"Can you speak?"

The tall monkey's eyes flashed, and continued: "Human, no matter what your purpose is here, I give you two choices, either leave here or die!"

Xu Nian took a breath and grinned: "What if I don't choose either?"

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