Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 108 Opening the Road to Advancement

Xu Nian was shocked and excitedly said, "Is this the old slate in your mouth?"


Fu Xingzhiying glanced at Xu Nian, who looked stunned, and chuckled: "To be precise, this stone tablet is just an entrance. I don't know the specific principle. I only know that the results of research in the courtyard show that this thing It can transport people’s consciousness to a mysterious space.”

"Previously, after the courtyard sent people into that space, they saw the ninth old stone slab, and the figure that appeared on it was you."


Xu Nian didn't react for a while.

"There were only three sequencers in the courtyard before, including me, so they could only have the authority to preserve and research three old stone tablets. But even so, the research on the old stone tablets in the courtyard far surpassed yours. imagination.”

"For the institute, sequencers are very important. This is related to some competition with the main institute."

"Let's put it this way, with your appearance, this old stone slab finally reacted, and the courtyard also obtained the fourth stone slab, becoming the first branch within the entire city wall to have four sequencers."

Fu Xingzhiying's face was hidden under the black turban. Xu Nian couldn't see his expression, but judging from his tone, he was in a good mood when he spoke.

After thinking about it, he frowned and said, "So, what should I do?"

"It's very simple. Enter that mysterious space through the stone tablet and start the path of advancement of your old stone tablet."

The voice of Fuxing Zhiying was inexplicably trembling.

Xu Nian was startled. This was the second time he heard the word advancement. After thinking about it, he asked, "Is advancement the path to becoming a god as mentioned by Yu Man?"

"Is that what she told you?"

"Isn't it?"

Xu Nian frowned.

"It can be understood this way." Fu Xingzhiying shook his head, "In short, you can understand it when you come into contact with the old stone tablets."


The shadow of Fuxing pointed at the stone tablet on the lotus platform.

Xu Nian hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and felt that there was no need for Fuxing Zhiying to lie to him, so he gritted his teeth and walked over.

The stone tablet showed no reaction.

Xu Nian looked back at Fu Xing's shadow.

The shadow of Fu Xing made a touching gesture.

Xu Nian was stunned, took a deep breath, and slowly placed his hand on the stone tablet.

In an instant, the densely packed words on the stone tablet burst into dazzling black light. Then, a black light flashed through, and Xu Nian's whole body fell down softly.

Fu Xingzhiying seemed to have known that this scene would happen, so he caught Xu Nian's fallen body in advance, and then slowly put it down.

Then he took out his satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Miss, he has already gone in."

"Well, although you are not satisfied with his consciousness, I really can't wait any longer. You know the character of the four sequencers in the courtyard. If she is willing to contribute, this operation will not be delayed until now. And the executioner needs to be in charge of the action team, so I have to let the fourth sequencer grow up quickly.”

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

After hanging up the phone, Fu Xingzhiying looked at the stone tablet shining with black light and said: "Xu Nian, Xu Nian, please don't let me down!"

The world was spinning for a while.

Xu Nian appeared on a somewhat dim land, with a huge and unimaginable human silhouette in the sky above his head.

The human silhouette is covered with a shimmering veil, and its feet are not standing on some kind of foundation. Instead, it seems to be gliding or floating in an indistinct gray cloud.

Its outline is not fixed, but sometimes changes into different appearances, either resembling a human's appearance, or resembling some kind of strange creature.

Like an ever-changing multiple images, its entire body was also thickly covered by some kind of light gray fabric.

Xu Nian stared blankly at this strange giant human silhouette that covered the sky and the sun, and was shocked and speechless for a moment.

"The ancient times. The ancient times are eternal and eternal."

Suddenly, intermittent sounds came from the earth.

Xu Nian perked up, followed the sound, and saw a dark altar standing on the ground not far away.

There is a rectangular stone slab floating on the altar. The stone slab emits a faint light, and a faint shadow can be vaguely seen on it.

"Old slate?"

Xu Nian's heart moved, and he looked up again at the majestic giant human silhouette, and then walked towards the altar with a solemn expression.

He walked very slowly, but since the distance was not far, he reached the stone slab in less than a while.

He also completely saw the figure on the stone slab.

Although it was just an outline, he could still tell at a glance that the figure on the stone slab was himself.


When Xu Nianzheng was shocked, the stone slab suddenly trembled.

Then, in the distant sky, the eyes of the huge human silhouette suddenly released a huge golden beam of light, which penetrated the stone slab and enveloped Xu Nian's body.

Xu Nian looked horrified, but as huge messages and pictures appeared in his mind, his eyes were gradually filled with shock.

A mouth can't help but grow bigger.

The golden light beam illuminated the land brightly. Xu Nian seemed to be bathed in divine light, and his whole aura was strangely filled with a hint of holiness.

Suddenly, Xu Nian's body trembled, and a huge octopus vaguely appeared behind him. The octopus's face had the faint outline of a human face, and its eight tentacles were flying wildly. Although the figure was not as huge as the human silhouette in the sky, , but it is also hundreds of meters high.

After it appeared, it looked up to the sky and roared, then looked at the huge human silhouette in the sky with a ferocious expression.

Slowly, a deep fear and resentment appeared in its eyes. It lowered its head and glanced at the tiny Xu Nian in the golden light beam. It roared angrily and rushed towards Xu Nian at top speed.

Only a loud sound was heard.

The black light and the golden light pillar collided violently like a comet hitting the earth.

The whole earth shook violently.

The golden light pillar vibrated sharply, and gradually, the octopus figure slowly disappeared, and the black light slowly merged into the golden light pillar. The gold was no longer gold, but turned into a strange and mysterious black gold.

At this time, a tiny angel mark gradually appeared between Xu Nian's eyebrows. The mark was half golden and half black, and it looked very strange.

The black and gold light pillar slowly disappeared, and the surrounding land became dim again, but in the dark, a voice that seemed to come from the ancient era slowly sounded across the land:

"Gods fallen to darkness, truth and order reborn, the broken throne will burn in blood and fire."

"The lucky one chosen by the throne fragment, follow the will of the Old King, and I will start your path to advancement."

"Awaken, fallen angel whose wings are broken in the dark abyss."

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